Monday, December 17, 2012

The Laws Of Xynar----- Written by Dee Gerrish---- Copyright protected 12-17-2012---- An original Fantasy Story for the like-minded

"Fantasy images" ----  The struggle between good and evil

Original content and written by Dee Bircheat on 4-10-1990, now known as Dee Gerrish.  This content is copyright protected and is being publicy posted for the first time on this date, 12-17-2012.

Return of the King

And then there was light shining through the darkness.  Behold,  the divine light of love stepped forth out of such a bright light that it blinded those whom looked upon it.  Misty clouds formed and surrounded this beautiful entity as it stepped forward with outstretched arms.  The divine white light of love enveloped the land before it.

Everyone whom had become awakened in spirit and whom had become believers in the divine white light of love knew that this day was coming.  As the brightest of light blinded those whom looked,  tears were streaming down their cheeks.  Their hearts were bursting with joy.   With bowed heads, everyone fell to their knees and gave praises because of the fact they had continued all of these years walking on the path of  the light.  They were one with the light. Everyone whom looked toward this bright light knew that this day would come to pass.

And then the entity spoke before the believers,  "Do not be afraid of this bright light. Know that ye were told this day would come to pass.  Know that I am the divine white light of love.  Know that I am ye savior.  Know that so long as ye follow the path of the divine white light of love, ye shall have eternal life.  Know that I am the light in which keepeth covenant and mercy with those whom believe in the light through generations upon generations."

The great temptations which those eyes saw before them,  amazed them.  For years, those same eyes had seen the signs in the skies as well as the wonders.  For years,  those eyes knew the divine white light of love had kept a mighty watch over them with an outstretched hand even though they could not see that outstretched hand. Even though the divine white light of love said to them,  "Whereby I bring you people outside of your homes so that you may see with your own eyes,  do not be afraid of this white light of love.  Know that for all of eternity that so long as ye shall walk upon this path of light, ye shall have eternal life.  But if ye stray towards Uriel and walk upon the path of darkness,  ye shall not".

"Fantasy image" ---- image of divine white light of love

The divine white of love was a long awaited, beautiful sight for those whom looked in the direction of this bright light.  For those whom had awaited the return of the divine white light of love,  the amazement was like no other.  Again the entity spoke to the believers of the land as those believers looked up and gave their praises.  "Ye believers of the divine white light of love are a spiritual people unto the cosmic universe.  I have chosen all of you to be a special people above all whom have remained one with the light.  Know that you are an awakened people whom can hear my voice while others have been in denial about the truth.  The people whom have been in denial walk in darkness and will walk with Uriel.  As the divine white light of love,  I did not set my love upon you, nor choose you because you were more in number.  As the divine white light of love,  I set my love upon you because you were fewest of all people and you heard my voice.  As the fewest of all people, you believed in my voice and you trusted in my love."

The believers nodded and shouted,  "Salah" !! 

The entity came out of the misty clouds and walked out of the bright light of love.  The fewest of believers lowered their heads because they were still blinded by the bright light that enveloped this being.  There was a very large rock near where the entity stood for a moment, but then the entity sat down upon this rock.   Out of the believers came a small framed woman with dark hair.  She was a warrior type of woman.  Her name was "Orissis".  In her hand,  she carried a silver cup.  Orissis was a spiritual woman whom spoke always to the divine white light of love and she had spoke to as many people in the land about this entity so they too, would become believers.  Many walked with the fourth arch angel, Uriel, whom resided in the matrix of chaos.  But many did listen to Orissis talk about this entity,  the divine white light of love.

"fantasy image"

Before Orissis handed this silver cup to the entity, which was filled with a red wine and would quench the entity's thirst,  she kissed and blessed this goblet.  Orissis then knelt beside the divine white light of love for she was not afraid.  Orissis was joyful to finally meet this beautiful entity.  Orissis was delighted that this day had finally come to pass so that she could meet the entity whom had been talking to her from the spiritual realm.   The divine white light of love spoke as the entity drank and closed its eyes,  "The graven images of your people's gods shall burn with fire.  None of ye shall desire gold or silver that is upon ye.  Do not take it upon ye lest ye be tempted to be snared by Uriel within the matrix of chaos!  To desire silver, gold and become ensnared with possessions is an abomination to the divine white light of love!  For the believers whom walk within the matrix of chaos, owned by Uriel the fourth arch angel,  ye shall utterly detest it!  To become ensnared by silver, gold and personal possessions is to become cursed!"  

Orissis nodded and agreed, "Salah".

Again the entity of the divine white light of love spoke again and said, "The believers shalt not serve the dark force, Uriel,  nor shalt they call upon his name in their time of need.  For there are some believers of this land whom say they follow the divine white light of love, but they serve also the dark force, Uriel.  Those people whom call upon Uriel and claim that they walk with the divine white light of love shalt be destroyed.  The divine white light of love is kind, forgiving as well as peaceful.  But the divine light of love it not tolerant of the believers also serving the dark force, Uriel while claiming to be a true believer of the light.  These people will be destroyed immediately by the Cherubim Locators.  The bright light of love will be kindled against you."

Orissis nodded and agreed, "Salah".

The divine white light of love, an entity with aqua eyes and a face of pure radiant beauty looked at Orissis as it took her left hand.  The entity spoke to her and said,  "I bestow upon you, Cherubim Locator, dear Orissis.  There are few among you whom are permitted to straddle the fence between good and evil.  As a Cherubim Locator ye will have the ability to break bread with those whom claim they are believers, yet they are not.  As a Cherubim Locator, ye shall deal with them as quickly as possible.  Ye shall break down their images and cut down their groves, one by one.  As a Cherubim Locator, ye shall burn their graven images with fire and have no mercy upon their soul.  Twenty times fold.  So moat it be. "

Orissis nodded and accepted her bestowed name and said,  "Salah".

"Fantasy image" ......  riding on a horse toward a mountain

The princess of Xynar smiled at the entity whom had come out of the brightest of light....the divine white light of love.  She accepted her bestowed duty and mission upon the land.  The entity in which came from the divine white light of love stood before the believers.  All were the children of Xynar.  All of the believers had made such a long journey within the cosmic universe called Moseika.   It was Moseika where the brother of Orissis had died.   It was also Moseika where the brother of Orissis had been buried.  Many years prior to the death of Orissis' brother,  she had a vision.  She saw her brother laying on a bed calling out to her with his arms outstretched.  Tattered curtains were blowing with rain coming into the windows.  His arms were reaching for her but she could not take his hands.  For some reason there was distance between them.  For some reason,  she could not take his hands,  even though he was calling out to her.  She heard his voice in her dream and saw him laying in a bed with outstretched arms and the tattered curtains blowing inward as rain was coming into the room.  Orissis would know many years later that the rain blowing into the room was tears falling because her brother was laying in the bed dying.  He was trying to call out her name but he could not do this.  The curtains were blowing inward as though wind were inside of a room.  Orissis had seen this vision many years prior to her own brother's death.  Orissis had told her brother about this vision and her brother knew about this vision.  The reason her brother could not reach Orissis was because they had been separated by the evil gatekeeper.  Orissis and her brother had also been separated by space and time.  The vision had come true some years later which is why Orissis had such a heavy heart.  She was grieving by the fact she knew in advance what was coming for her own brother.  Her brother had asked her what she saw for him in his future and she told him the truth.  Now with a heavy heart,  she mourned his death and wished badly she had not told him this truth.  How she wished she had not spoken anything about his future and the visions in which she saw.  The double edged sword broke her heart into a million pieces.  How she wished the predictions had not come to pass and had not been bestowed upon her.  Why had she been chosen for such a task ?  No answers did she have.   Her tears would not stop flowing upon her brother's death.  Her heart was heavy, but she knew she had to trust in what the entity from the divine white light of love told her.  She had to trust in the cosmic universe and its mysterious ways.

After the brother of Orissis had died,  she and her small group of followers gathered their belongings and continued with their journey within the cosmic universe.  Because of what had been going on,  they had been searching for the evil gatekeeper and her minion son.  Prior to leaving Moseika after her brother had died,  she stayed in that land for forty days and forty nights.  She was grieving the loss of her only brother.  Orissis was heavy in heart and she was very tired.   One night,  the divine white light of love woke her with a vision.  The entity called upon her to journey into a new land.  The entity said to her,  "Arise, Orissis!  I want ye as well as your followers to  journey and possess a new land.  I want ye and your followers in which I swore unto thee and which  I have spoken to all.  I want thee and thy followers to unto the planet Earth so that others will hear your words.  Others will follow thee upon this new land."

"Fantasy image" ----- individual sitting upon a near a lake

Within this vision that the entity of the divine white light of love came through to speak with Orissis,  she saw herself standing before a great river of  Gwendolah.  With a heavy heart, she heard the entity from the white light of love.  Within this vision,  Orissis spoke with the entity.  "And now, what does my guide require of me, other than to fear you and to walk in your ways, upon the path of the light ?   Do you want me to love  you;  to serve you with all of my heart; to keep all of the commandments that you have bestowed upon me as a Cherubim Locator;  to follow all of the statutes  knowing how difficult that it is, which I command thee this day for good ?"

The entity of the divine white light of love which came to Orissis as a vision nodded in agreement as it looked at her.   The entity understood the nature of Orissis and understood that she was grieving the death of her dear brother.  However,  the entity of the divine white light of love also knew that Orissis was just as strong of nature as she was a warrior.  The entity stood by her side and looked out upon the calm water.  The water was a calm as if you were looking at a piece of smooth glass.  Then the entity from the divine white light of love turned toward Orissis and smiled before her.  The entity spoke and said,  "Behold dear Orissis.  The cosmic universe belongs to the divine white light of love as well as the earth and all that there is, within.   Uriel rules the dark force and the matrix of chaos.  Only the arch angels of light and those whom elect to follow the path of the divine white light of love and the seed given unto them, are protected by this light of love.  Those whom elect to follow the dark force shalt never know anything but darkness; unhappiness and shalt bare seeds of more darkness.  The divine white light of love choose the few seed of special people, even you, above all, as it is this day."

Then the entity of the divine white light of love embraced Orissis, the princess of Xynar.  The entity of the divine white light of love said to Orissis,  "Circumcise your grieving heart for your dear brother and know that he is one with the light.  Ye father came from within the bright light and spoke of the truth, unto ye.  Know this as thy truth, with all of ye heart and be glad of knowing this truth.  Be no more saddened, for ye brother has eternal life within this light of love for generations and generations.  The divine white light of love is above all within the cosmic universe.  Ye were shown this vision many a year ago.  Trust in this truth and know this truth.  All of the chosen shall have eternal life so long as they walk upon the path of the light."  The entity of the divine white light of love with the aqua eyes gazed into the green eyes of Orissis and she knew these words were indeed the truth. 

The entity then whispered as it neared her right ear,  "Know that this bright white light of love is a mighty love. However,  this love at the same time is a terrible love if ye forsake it and disregard it.  The divine white light of love regardeth persons, animals, plants and the cosmic universe.  As a bestowed Cherubim Locator, ye are one in which will hear the ripples within.  Ye shall not partake in rewards from within without giving from without.  Salah ?"

Orissis looked into the beautiful, watery eyes of the entity from the divine white light of love and responded,  "Salah".   The entity from the divine white light of love said to Orissis,  "Know that as a bestowed Cherubim Locator's,  it is  your duty to tag those for either side when called upon, regardless of whom they are upon the land. Your personal feelings must not take part in your bestowed mission.

Upon these words from the entity from the divine white light of love,  Orissis and the entity did walk toward the hut in which Orissis was staying.  Before the entity and Orissis parted ways within this vision,  again the entity spoke.  "The divine white light of love does execute judgement, Orissis of great fairness.  This judgement is executed to the fatherless; to widows; to mothers; sons as well as daughters. Judgement, Orissis is executed upon all in fairness as the cosmic universe sees fit.  Go to other lands even though you have a heavy heart.  There you will find new followers.  Love thy strangers.  Give them food and all that they ask for ye too are a stranger upon this earth as well as upon this land.   Do not fear the divine white light of love.  Embrace the light as you walk upon the path.  Do not stray from this path, lest you be lost to Uriel,  the dark lord.  Swear by the divine light of love for all of eternity and thou shalt have eternal life for generations and generations.  Swear by the light and know your guide's name.  Ye are a bestowed Cherubim Locator.  Wear proudly this bestowed name upon ye  flesh and know ye name well.  Do not fear those whom are non believers upon the land.  The believers are few in number but ye are a special people of whom are the chosen ones.  The knowledge that ye have is great.  Ye are feared because of this knowledge that has been bestowed upon ye.  Know this but do not fear this.  The acts of the divine white light of love and the miracles of the cosmic universe are great!  What has been bestowed upon ye and the other chosen special peoples upon this land and the land,  can't be explained.  Trust in knowing that the divine white light of love has embraced ye as well as enveloped ye with only truth.  Walk in this truth and know that ye shalt keep the commandments;  Keep thy covenents as well as thy statutes that has been bestowed upon ye so that ye may stay strong.  Go and possess many lands upon thy planet earth. Go and possess it so that ye may return back to the comic universe a rich and powerful being just as I am this entity of the divine white light of love."

Orissis understood this entity and the words that were spoken to her within this vision.  Soon after this vision,  she fell back asleep as she lay on her bed within her hut.  The following morning,  Orissis agreed to journey to earth.  She did not know anything about this strange planet or the few people whom resided upon it.  However,  she did agree to visit and break bread with those whom lived upon this planet after she arrived there. 

Fantasy image---- an icy planet

The following morning Orissis and her fellow believers built a fire and had breakfast.  They were excited but concerned about this journey to the planet called Earth.  Orissis said to her fellow believers,  "This land, whither we go to possess it,  is a land of hills, valleys and streams.  We do not know what we shall encounter once we possess this land.  We do not know what sort of people reside within the matrix of chaos, for Uriel owns this land.  Fellow believers,  we must be careful as we journey this land.  As we drinketh from the streams,  Uriel may poison our souls and may try to possess our minds.  We can only trust the waters in which come from the cosmic universe and none other".

One of the fellow believers told Orissis that the planet earth was cared for by the entity which came from the divine white light of love and that the mountains in which was sitting upon this planet were visible by the eyes of the entity, always and forever.  Said one of the believers,  "Go ye to sleep and think no more of it for tomorrow we have a long journey to this planet.  We will speak no more of it."

This believer  within the group of followers had red hair and aqua eyes.  He resembled a lion with aqua eyes.  Orissis called him "Aqua Shakra" and knew that sometimes he spoke words of wisdom.  However,  sometimes this lion man was not thinking straight and did not have the same cosmic mastery as her own.  Orissis simply looked at this lion man and knew in her heart that this planet earth was a planet in which was the matrix of chaos.  Uriel was a dark force in which was a force to be reckoned with.  Orissis and her followers still needed to be on guard for the evil gatekeeper and her minion son.  She and her son were the most prized possession of all of all due to what both had done to the peoples of the land as well as to what both had done to her brother and family.  Orissis and her small following of believers were seeking the evil gatekeeper and her minion son for beheading.  Both needed to be tagged so both could reside with Uriel for all of eternity.  After all had breakfast,  the group gathered the necessary tools they would need for their journey.  All grew tired and returned early to their huts.  Orissis was tired and still had a heavy heart over the death of her only brother.  She fell fast asleep as the moon shined bright through out the cosmic universe.  Orissis dreamed that she saw her spiritual guide kneeling near at the edge of the waters and offering a prayer for their safe journey to planet Earth before she too, retired for the night. 

Before Orissis knew it,  morning arrived.  All were roasting rabbit around a hot fire and were breaking bread.  They spoke of their journey as well as the entity of the divine white light of love.   Orissis desired to obey the light of love for she was a true follower and warrior.  Orissis talked to her followers and believers,  "Children of Xynar, as we journey to this planet Earth,  I ask you what would you do if the divine white light of love wanted ye to go and possess the lands; the valleys; the streams and ask the peoples whom reside there to become a special peoples like we are ?"

One of the followers was the son of Orissis.  He stepped forward.  He said unto his mother,  "I know that it shalt come to pass, mother, if ye shalt be diligent to thy divine white light of love and continue to hear thy entity's words.  I believe, mother, more believers will follow ye.   More believers will become one with thy divine light of love so that they may walk upon the path of thy light.  Thy entity of the divine white light of love has commanded unto ye thy commandments; thy statutes as well as trusts in ye that ye shalt do as it asks.  Thy entity of the divine white light of love asked that we trust in the light and believe in thy light with all of our heart and soul.  I believe in the divine white light of love.  I believe that the divine white light of love will provide to us rain upon this planet,  so that we will be able to drinketh, in due season.  I believe that the divine white light of love will provide to us food so that we shalt not go hungry and so that we shalt be full.  If I were ye, dear mother,  I would fulfill the promises of thy entity of the divine white light of love and do as it wishes and desires of ye."

Orissis looked at her son and smiled at him.  Her son always made her proud with his wisdom and his earnest ways.  Said Orissis to her son,  "You are indeed correct in what you say, dear son.  You are a minister unto thyself.  Salah!  We shalt do as the entity has asked and fulfill the promises.  We shalt journey unto this planet earth as this entity sees fit.   I hear the entity within mine ears and within my heart.  I believe all of us hear the words of the entity which comes from the divine white light of love.  Salah! Yes.  We must obey the commandments.   However, we must take heed, children of Xynar, that our hearts are not deceived as we journey within this matrix of chaos.  We must always remember that the land does belong to Uriel...the fourth arch angel of mankind.  We are not of man, but of the light.  We are of the cosmic universe;  a special people whom are few and are of a special chosen people.  If any of ye special people turn aside and decide to walk with Uriel, the wrath cast down upon ye will be twenty times fold so moat it be, by the divine white light of love.  There will be no mercy shown to any of ye.  If ye follow Uriel, ye will be shut out of thy light and shalt only know darkness.  Ye shalt perish quickly and no generations shalt ye ever have for all of eternity!  Ye shalt not have anything good in which the divine light of love has promised us.  So moat it be! Twenty times fold."

Orissis looked at each and every follower and pointed her finger at each and every one.  One by one.  Her beautiful red robe flowed from the gentle wind which was flowing that morning.  She continued to speak to each and every follower.  "I beg each and every one of ye that ye hear thy words in ye heart and in thy soul.  Bind thy words as a sign with thy hand and let thy words stick in the middle of  thy forehead so that thy not forget!  If ye go into this planet earth and have children, always teach those children the same covenants; statutes and commandments that we know here within the cosmic universe.  Do not forget thy teachings of the entity of the divine white light of love.  While ye are sitting within the house that thy has built, ensure that thy are speaking of the teachings of the cosmic universe and all that we have learned while walking on the path of the white light.  When thy risest up with the sun and lay down with the moon,  ensure that ye sing praises to the entity of the divine white light of love.  Ensure that each of you write your words upon thy gates so that thy days are multiplied.  If we obey the entity of the divine white light of love and we obey the statutes; the covenants as well as the commandments,  then we shalt always know the truth.  The believers of the divine white light of love shalt always have eternal life for generations to generations.  The believers of the white light of love and the awakened of the divine white light of love shalt drive out the non believers, whom reside within the matrix of chaos.   The believers of the divine white light of love shalt possess a mightier knowledge much greater than the non believers, over time.  The believers of the divine white light of love  will eventually become a mightier nation and will anger Uriel whom owns the matrix of Chaos."

The followers of Orissis nodded and said,  "Salah".

Everyone finished their breakfast and gathered near.  This journey to earth was a preparation none could waste for all whom followed Orissis and was a believer in the divine white light of love as well as a child of Xynar knew they could not anger or disobey the entity.  To disobey the entity,  the divine white light of love could mean death and total darkness.  Not even Orissis wanted to think about joining Uriel....the dark force.

"Fantasy image"----- Skeleton stealing a soul


This original fantasy story was written by Dee Bircheat/Gerrish and is part one of a series of several.  This original fantasy story is copyright protected by Dee Bircheat/Gerrish on 12-17/2012 and was originally written on 4-10-1990.  This original story may not be copied, republished, redistributed, manipulated, expressed or used without the written permission by its original author Diane/Dee Bircheat/Gerrish.

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