Thursday, September 6, 2012

Connecting With Your Spiritual Guide For An Awakened Relationship

Many years ago,  my children as well as  some friends of mine had climbed a very tall mountain in California.  I don't recall how tall this mountain was, nor did I ask.  I never thought about how scary it might be to sleep upon this mountain during the night.  I never visualized the critters in which lived atop the mountain or whether or not we might meet any of them as we made our way up the trail that we decided to hike.

The thought of climbing this mountain was very  exciting!  We had all discussed hiking the trail weeks in advance.  One of my friends had brought along her son.  Another friend brought along a gun,  just in case.  We didn't know he had brought a weapon for protection until later.   All of us had packed backpacks filled with food and drinks.  We didn't even have a cell phone because back then,  we couldn't afford one, nor did they exist like they do now,  anyway.

The view of the mountain was breath-taking! There were a few spots as we drove  toward the mountain where we could look out the window of the car and visualize where we might be camping for the night!

As the children were chattering away,  we adults were having our own discussions about what we thought we might encounter.  Aliens ?  Bears ?  Snakes ?  We didn't know.  We adults had hoped for Aliens!  That is,  after all, why were making the trip toward the mountain!  We wanted to reach this mountain long before evening so as  to make camp.   None of us adults had digital cameras.  Back in those days,  digital cameras didn't exist either!  We had the old type!

The type that we had were plastic. Regular film.   We had to take our "film"  to a store and have the store send the  film  out to a laboratory for processing.  If we wanted our photos of our mountain excursion reviewed, that was the only way it was going to be done! Wow,  were those the days!  Now I feel outdated!   As we all chattered away,  we finally made it to the lower portion of the mountain.  The car was parked;  we all got out and grabbed all of our gear.   Off we went to search for this trail!

 We proceeded to make our way through the woods and found the trail that we were looking for.  The kids had run ahead of us and god only knows what they were talking about. Bugs ? Spiders ? Whom knows!  We adults were talking about the weird looking "trees"  that were not really "trees" as well as possibly spotting  aliens once we reached the higher portion of the mountain.  We also talked about  the fact that it was quite possible  the "government" was watching us hike up the trail. 

In fact,  we knew many of the trees were staged.  The specific mountain we were hiking upwards upon, was in fact, off limits for a reason. It was government property. We really didn't care.  We were pretty much "spying" on the government and we also wanted to know what was going on regarding the rumors about the Aliens being seen near the top of this mountain.  We had heard all the rumors but we wanted to see these things for ourselves.  We had kids with us.  Would the government shoot us if we had kids ?  Of course, we were taking a chance....but whom knew!  Brave souls, we were!

On the other side of this specific mountain,  the government does NOT want individuals taking photos....hiking up trails...or knowing what it is they are doing.  We wanted to know why "secret" activity was being conducted upon this mountain.  Yes,  we were willing to hike up a specific trail to try and find out.   The experience we had,  however,  scared the daylights out of all of us.  I will admit I was scared to the point,  I don't recall falling asleep.  I am sure that I eventually did!  However,  I will never forget the experience,  nor will my younger son!

Several times,  we had crossed over small streams  where "trees"  had seemingly been bent over on  purpose.  You could tell the "trees"  were not real and that they had been staged so that you could climb across the stream easily.  My friend made note of that to us.  We continued to notice the obvious cameras attached to the "trees" .  Once you spot the first fake "tree" as well as notice the tiny cameras,  then they become more and more obvious!   As we continued up the trail,  more and more things about the logs.....the building that should not have been there and the "trees"....became more obvious that they were not real.

We climbed those "trees"  and then crossed the few streams to get to the other side.  We would continue up the side of the mountain so that we could finally reach the top of where we wanted to make camp before it got dark.   The children had fun  and of course,  we allowed them to frolic in the stream.   There were multiple open views,  even if those open views were brief.  Many open views were in between the "trees".

We could tell some of these "trees"  had what appeared to be cameras in which to watch our every move.  We were not sure whom was watching us...if they were watching us...why they were watching us, if they were.  We really didn't care and we acted as if we were just a family on a hiking excursion and didn't know any better.   Of course we knew why we were hiking up the mountain,  but we wanted to also be safe.  We continued to make our way up the trail,  toward the mountain.   What you don't know is that weeks prior,  we adults had been to a different area near this mountain. 


On that particular day, while far from the vehicle,  we saw a government vehicle drive straight up to the car.  Had the men heard us talking about Aliens and how long had they been  watching us ?  Why did they drive straight up to the car and get out to check out the car ?  Why did they feel we were a  threat ?  They looked at us and we looked at them.  We were curious as to why they were watching us when all we were doing was just walking around looking at the ground at shell casings all over the ground while  talking about "Aliens". 
 The entire incident was very strange,  we thought.  How did they even know we were  there, out in the open area ? We were not doing anything wrong.  It was then that we noticed what appeared to be distance  "trees".  Or should I say,  what appeared to be distant "trees".  My friend then stated,  "aha!  Look!  Cameras!"  Was there a way for them to also hear our conversation ?    We looked closer.   Tiny cameras were hidden within the fake trees!

CHECK THIS OUT!!!  The government has been doing THIS to us for many, many years!!! I found
the following below on youtube!  My friends and I discovered multiple  fake trees along the trail that we had been hiking many years  prior to youtube even existing over the internet!!! (TOWERS faked TREES!!!)

• Main ‪
• Daily ‪
• Alternate (FAKE TREES which are actual cell phone towers! FLAG poles! Water towers!!!  The US Government is watching YOU without YOU realizing !! Wake up people! Remove YOUR rose colored glasses!!! )  (Conspiracy!  Hear the whole story!)

My friends and I didn't  have any such internet connection at that time.  We didn't even own  a cell phone!  Fake trees did,  however exist and the government was monitoring our movement during that time frame!  We just didn't realize it until that moment!

So on this particular day,  we continued hiking along the trail and along this particular mountain.  Our eyes would view a scenery no camera would be able to  capture.  Gorgeous colors of  leafs from real tress.  The  sounds that came from real  streams.  The smell of  fresh air that we breathed in through our nostrils. While we did view many fake things that had been created by the United States government to monitor our well as probably our conversations.... we were able to view multiple real things.  Beautiful things!   We were able to inhale fresh, clean air into our real lungs!  Our real eyes allowed us to capture energy beings things such as insects, snakes, vines, berries and  critters that resided on this real mountain.  The kids were getting tired, the backpacks were beginning to feel heavy and to be honest,  we adults were tired of hiking!

Still,  the idea of capturing an image of an Alien caused all of us to continue upward along the trail toward the mountain top.  Darkness would soon not be our friend, so we needed to make camp quickly!   There were real threats we needed to worry about.  Falling over rocks or real limbs, vines or broken trees!  We needed to set up camp before the sun went down.  

This was a  personal journey on  this particular mountain.  I was reminded that it was  important to climb this mountain trail because I was making a  spiritual connection with my personal guide.  I had considered this experience a  necessity for myself.   This was a  personal experience as well as a spiritual experience for myself,  even if I was seeking to come face to face with an Alien.  Since the age of two,  I've considered myself a work in progress regarding other realms and the spiritual world.

Contacting your spiritual guide takes alot of work.  There are techniques involved in which many individuals use when they desire to make contact with their spiritual guide.  There are many methods in which all energy beings use when trying to connect with their spiritual guide.   It requires skill, practice and alot of time.  Sometimes many years may go by before an energy being will know their spiritual guide's name!  Personally speaking,  an energy being should not know their spiritual guide's name unless they are on their third strike.  Energy beings can make contact with their spiritual guides but many do not know their guide's by name.   Many energy beings are not able to make contact at all.  Some never desire to make contact.  Each individual will experience something different when they journey up a mountain.  Some energy beings are just seeking to hike  up a mountain simply to hike up a mountain.  Many hike up a mountain to experience an "Alien" experience.  Some are seeking contact with their spiritual guide.  Some are seeking a personal journey to make a connection with their "God".

During my life,  I've met many "godly"  men and women....or should I say...many whom claim to be "godly" men and women.   Some claim to be "godly" when in fact they are not.   Many pray to false gods.  None of us actually have met "God".

 I, for one,  do not believe in "God" per se.  I am a spiritually enlightened energy being whom believes in the cosmic universe.  I walk on the path with the divine white light of love.  I have a spiritual guide whom tells me all.  I consider myself to be a "messenger" as well as a spiritual counselor/healer.   A spiritual counselor to those whom desire to know the truth or whom are seeking the truth from the cosmic universe.   Each energy being appears to be on a journey seeking a "God" ....or a journey.... of some sort.  Whether it be with the divine white light of love or with the dark force.  Every energy being is seeking some sort of connection with whom they feel is their "God".

Many energy beings are called upon to follow one side or the other.  The cosmic universe ask all energy beings to chose a path.  All energy beings feel their faith very strongly regardless of which faith it is that they believe in.  Their faith is felt strongly within their heart, mind, body and soul regardless of which faith they believe in.   If the energy being doesn't feel anything whatsoever, then the energy being walks within the matrix of chaos in what is considered  a "void". 

Every energy being is challenged daily by the dark force whether they chose the white light of love or the dark force, itself.  That is a given fact.  Those whom are strong in their faith with the white light of love are more challenged by the dark force,  than ever.  That is also a fact.  The dark force is a force to be reckoned with even though it is no stronger than the divine white light of love.

As a spiritual counselor, healer and a messenger,  I tell all energy beings to never waiver from your faith with the divine white light of love!   Always recognized the dark force when that force tries to challenge you!  Face the dark force when  you are confronted!  An energy being does NOT have to obey the dark force!  Does NOT have to follow the dark force! However,  the energy being DOES have to respect the fact that the dark force exists.

The dark force IS going to always be there to challenge the energy being!  The energy being must never show fear when the dark force presents itself.  Merely say to the dark force, HELLO.  How are you ? Thank you for showing up.   Tell the dark force that you  respect its  force and that you do not  obey its force.  Tell its force that you do not follow it.  Tell the force that you know the force is there and that you do not fear that force because you rest upon the shoulders with the divine white light of love!  Tell the dark force that you are ONE with the divine light of love and you will NEVER waiver from your path with the  divine light of love.

If the dark force is presenting itself as a human and they are directing negativity toward you or another in your surroundings,  walk right up to that human individual...hug them and tell them that they are loved and that the cosmic universe wants them to change the direction in which they going!  Tell them you love them hope and that all goes well for them. You hope positive things happen for their life.  Wish them well.  Usually that individual will respond well to that positive message.  I will usually even buy that person a drink or even a meal.  Many times,  I will offer them a couple of dollars if I feel that they are in need of  it.  I will speak to them first and find out if  something terrible has happened causing great distress to them.  Most of the time,  something has happened.

When speaking with particular individuals,  I sometimes will get a response like,   "you don't know whom I am or ,  "you don't know what it is I've done".    I then say,  The cosmic universe knows whom you are and what it is you've done".   "The cosmic universe is asking for you to change the direction in which you are heading so that your life can lead to a more positive life.  Do you want to continue on this path to spread negativity ?  Do you desire to side with the dark force or do you desire to side with the divine white light of love ?   I ask them if they love themselves enough to choose a better path than the one they are on ?

I will have their hands by then and hold on to their hands very  tightly.  If they tell me I am hurting them because I am squeezing their hands too hard,  I will then say,  would your "father" not be in pain to try and save your life ?   Didn't your  "father" hurt as he was dying  trying to save your life ?  Do you not feel your life is worth saving ?  This pain your feeling is brief.  How long was the pain of your "father" do  you suppose....  as he was dying.... trying to save your life ? Isn't it worth trying to make some sort of effort to change the direction in which you are now headed ? 

 The cosmic universe is calling out to you,  mr...or misses...for a reason!  That is why I have located you....why I have your hands in mine....right now...squeezing them.  The cosmic universe wants you to feel just a little bit of pain so that you understand the reason there is a need for you to change the direction and the poor choices you've been making!   

The cosmic universe has been actually asking that you wake up before you meet your maker.  See the reality and hear the truth! The energy being will have tears in their eyes by now. I will release their hands slowly because the energy is strongly flowing from between us.  They know what I've said is the ultimate truth.  Those words didn't come from came from the cosmic universe.  They saw the truth inside of their mind's eye.  They know what it was that they did.  Whom they did it to.  When and where.  We will stand and embrace.  The individual will know what happened was very powerful because what happened was the absolute truth.  I have been asked..."how did you do that" ?  I will tell them... I did not do anything.  "That" came from the cosmic universe.  YOU have the truth within you as always.  I did not do anything.  All I do is bring forth the message because I was called upon to locate you as a means of allowing you to see the truth and the reality,  for what it is.

The Cosmic Universe is what it is. Every awakened being will be asked to go upon a "spiritual" journey so that they can understand why they are being challenged by the dark force.  Why they must continue to build upon their faith.  Why they must continue to walk toward the divine white light of love!  Every energy being is loved by the divine white light of love!   The dark force will take the energy being on the wrong path each and every time!  Those whom have sided with the dark force will also assist the dark force to turn other energy beings away from the divine white light of love!  I've seen it time and time again! Over and over!   Know that and accept that as the absolute truth!  Do not go down the path with the dark force  unless you always want negativity to rule your life.

If you have loved ones; friends or know anyone whom is siding with the dark force.....then they are in immediate assistance!  Be persistent! Love them and help them understand the importance that the dark force will destroy their lives as well as anyone whom is connected with this force!

Those whom have awakened,  are fighters for the truth and for what is right!  They are called to fight for what is right and for the truth.  The divine white light of love asks you...the energy being stay close to your spiritual guide so that you may grow and mature daily.  Our spiritual guide is capable of sending us messages during our dreams as we sleep.  Our spiritual guide is capable of helping us make connections with other like-minded energy beings.  Our spiritual guide is capable of helping us show up at the right place,  at the right time and at the right moment!  NEVER take anything for granted!

Always remember that events  happen for a reason!  Your spiritual guide will help bring forth clarity!

Encourage other beings to connect with their spiritual guide because your guide will help you  spread love, harmony, joy and happiness to other energy beings.  The cosmic universe is crying out for healing!  Our world is in trouble and is in serious need of healing by all energy beings!

If someone wants to spread negativity or hatred or desires to attack you in a negative manner, simply smile at them.  Hug them.    Say hello to them and offer to do something kind for them.  Do something nice for them like opening a door, or offering to buy them a drink or a meal!   Ignore their hatred or negative comments if they are attacking you with hateful words.  Do not continue spreading their negativity.  Put on your dark sunglasses if you feel you are under a psychic attack.   No matter how overwhelming the circumstances may be in your life,  please know that your spiritual guide is always looking out for you,  the energy being whom is following the divine white light of love!  Try to remain positive and try to always live your life in a positive manner.  Think positive thoughts and try to restore your karma in a positive manner.

The cosmic universe already knows what your circumstances are.....  what your fate is going to ultimately be.  If the energy being has chosen the dark force to side with,  that is sad for them.   Things can change for the energy being if their fate is not fixed,  through thought.  Energy beings can literally change their circumstances by thinking positive thoughts, so long as their fate isn't fixed.  Our positive thoughts can help change our circumstances while walking around here in the matrix of chaos.

My friends and the children finally made our way near the  top of this specific mountain before dark.  We set up the tent and made camp.   Our male friend had built a fire.  We roasted marshmellows ans well as cooked hotdogs!   Little did we know that we had set up our tent and made camp near a helicopter landing.   As night fell and darkness grew,   the children had fallen asleep.  We  adults began talking about the Aliens.  Suddenly, we heard a big BOOM!!  The entire ground shook!  The trees nearby shook!  Our tent shook!   The BOOM was so loud and scary... the children woke up and began screaming!   Rocks from somewhere  atop the mountain top began falling and sliding downward!

It was so dark that we couldn't tell where all of these rocks were falling from exactly.   We just knew they were sliding down at a rapid pace.   We took our little flashlights and tried very hard to see what was going on,   but it was just too dark.  Rocks were sliding at a rapid pace.  BOOM!!!!
Over and over again this BOOM sound happened.   I imagined a huge Alien ship landing somewhere on top of this mountain!  We then heard what sounded like huge footsteps coming toward us and then  more rocks sliding.  Of course nothing was coming toward us...but it just sounded like huge footsteps.

Large boulders were coming down at a rapid pace as well.  The sounds were deafening!  Everything near the top of this mountain was so loud!  My younger son was so frightened,  he began vomiting. The other child was screaming.  We adults were extremely frightened but we didn't know what to do!  I was paralyzed with fear! We quickly grabbed our things,  but realized we could not go down the mountain trail in the dark.  The trail was too steep.   We would trip over the broken  trees, limbs and there were also real  snakes as well as critters we had to deal with.  Not only that,  we had no idea what was actually  going on!  Where were  the rocks coming from ?  Where were the boulders coming from ?   Would we be trapped if we attempted to go down the trail ?  Would it be safe to even hike down the trail ?  It took us hours to get where we wasn't safe to hike down the trail.  We didn't know what direction to run or whether we should simple  stay put!   As adults,  we had to decide very fast what to do and we decided we had to stay right where we were! We did, however, huddle close....we gathered up our backpacks in case we had to flee...we put out the fire quickly and kept a safe vigile. 

Something had hit the top of the mountain top SOOO hard that it was causing  multiple upon multiple rocks as well as large boulders to  begin sliding down quickly and downward.  All of them sounded as though they  were sliding right toward us!!! We were all scared straight!   We just didn't know what was happening because it was too dark to see anything except for what was forming before our very eyes,  in the sky!  After the loud BOOMs and after the rock/boulder slides,  we began seeing these strange  "S" formations in the  sky.  The "S" fprmations was a pattern.  What did it mean ?  We didn't know.  After the "S" formations became a pattern....they began moving.  Then they disappeared. 

Of course there were hundreds of stars in the sky.  The sky was beautiful.  What we saw in the sky were NOT stars!  We saw multiple shooting stars!  The "S" formations were NOT shooting stars.

We took photos...but not one single picture came out after we took the photos to the store and had them developed!  What we saw in the sky moved and they moved extremely quickly AFTER they formed the "S" pattern.

After we had huddled closely,  that is when I had noticed  my friend had grabbed his gun.  I yelled,  "What the hell ??"    That is when my other friends realized he had a gun  in his possession.   We also saw movement to our left.   We shined our flashlight toward the movement.  A man was standing there.  My female friend yelled.   We didn't know someone else had camped not far from us.  Where did this man come from ?   Had he arrived prior to dark ?  I didn't notice anyone else had set up a tent!  We had not seen anyone else near us nor had we noticed this man prior to having these weird experiences!  What the hell is going on here ?

I told my friend to stop shining her flashlight on him!  Now I am freaking out!  She asked me if I noticed his face!  I told her to shut up!  Of course I noticed his face!  He had weird shaped eyes!  Like an Alien!  He was wearing Khaki colored clothing.  Aliens didn't wear Khaki colored clothing!  We laughed! Now she's being silly. He wasn't moving though.  He didn't come toward us.  He was just standing there!  Looking at us!  I wanted to faint!  True he had a tent....Aliens didn't need a tent!  But I still wanted to faint.  He had a weird shaped face...Alien shaped eyes and was  just standing  there looking at us. 

My friend had mentioned this man earlier but we probably didn't hear him.  I only noticed him after my friend shined her flashlight in his direction.   I has asked my other friend about him not realizing we never told anyone about us coming to this stupid mountain!  I told him we could  die up here  on this mountain and just become a damned statistic !  None of us  had even thought of this until right at that moment! 

I had then envisioned dying on the mountain and never being found until another stupid person decided to do what we did!  Our bones being discovered !! Or  our tent and gear! (haha).   I then thought about my mother reading about me and my son being located AFTER she had filed a  "missing person"  and wondering what had happened to us!  Or my older son filing a missing person report for me and my younger son for the same reason!  (haha)  Captured by Aliens!  (hahaha) !!!  That's what happened to us!  All because we had wanted to know what was going on at this mountain!  Captured by the government and fed to the Aliens! (hahah).  Lord! Have Mercy!  The thoughts that were racing in my mind at that moment!   The fact that this  strange looking  man appeared at that moment caused my experience to become even spookier!

 Alas,  we survived our experience.  The sun was shinining  and all was well.  What I didn't tell you was that we adults had taken turns "napping" as the night continued with the weird  looking man camping not far from our tent!   All during the night,  the loud BOOM would continue;  the rocks and boulders  would continue to slide downward and weird "S" formations would continue to appear above our heads in the sky...then shoot off and disappear!  
  We never saw that strange man when the morning came!  He was gone.  We never knew whom he was.  He and his tent was gone.   We never knew what caused the BOOMS,  the rock slides nor the "S" formations in the beautiful sky.    We packed up our gear as well as the tent and made our way down the trail.   We got into the car and waved goodbye to the strange mountain!   We would talk about our experience with each other as we drove back to our home.    I had my personal experience as well as my spiritual connection.  We had all been scared silly!   We had our personal story to tell to anyone and everyone whom was willing to believe us!   Our "victory"  was in our physical sore muscles of hiking up and down that mountain trail ! 
The path to the divine white light of love is always a long one.  However, when treading the path toward the divine white light of love,  you must always stay true to your faith if you wish to connect with your spiritual guide and be ONE with the cosmic universe.  That is the only way you will be able to connect with him or her.  Always stay with the truth.
 Some call their spiritual guide an Alien.  Some call their spiritual guide "God".  Some call their spiritual guide "Angel".  Some call their spiritual guide by name or they consider their spiritual guide an ancestor or loved one whom has passed over to another realm.
Whomever you consider your spiritual guide to be,  it doesn't matter.  Just please don't take a spiritual guide lightly.  Do not joke around about spiritual guides.  Do not make fun of individuals whom discuss these matters with you,  lest they be an "angel" in disguise.   They are trying to assist you in making a connection with your spiritual guide and for good reason!  The cosmic universe is quite expansive!  The cosmic universe already knows what challenges are head;  what your fate will be and what messages you should receive.
We are all energy beings.  There are only two sides that we energy beings may join.  The divine white light of love or the dark force.  One individual that I spoke with just recently told me that there was "purgatory".  I asked him,  "What do you consider that to be ?"  He wasn't sure.  I don't consider "Purgatory"  to be a "side" actually.   Not one to join,  anyway.   There is a void...a space...where an energy being will be able to stay...but only for  a few moments so as to make a decision whether they will journey with the dark force or with the divine with light of love.  There are multiple levels (stairs) in which an energy being must travel so that the energy being can grow and mature.  As far as an energy being taking "sides", friend.  There are only TWO sides for an energy being to select.
The dark force or the divine light of love.  That is all there is.
  My  particular journey up the mountain was difficult, but one that I'll always remember.  It was a true  experience.  I  asked my younger son just the other day if he remembered the journey up the mountain and he said, "Oh yes!".   We both still remember that particular day!  We will always remember that experience because we both went up that same mountain on the same day.  We both went in the same direction on the same day.   But we didn't share the same experience.  Not entirely.   We  didn't have the same motive for going.   We saw the same exact thing happening, but our experience was different and for a different reason.   I was more mature and I was on a different level than he was.
What I am trying to say is,  we are all energy beings.   We all walk around within this matrix of chaos.  We may all go out on the same day at the same exact time, but we all have a different reason  for doing so.   Many have different motives; different beliefs; different faiths and different reasons for what and why it is that we  do whatever it is we are doing.  We may be on different levels of understanding.  We may not all be mature and we may need to grow more than others.  Some need to change the direction in which they are heading and for good reason.  Some will change and some may never change. 
Each energy being will experience something different even though they have left at the same time, on the same day and are walking  in the same direction.  The energy being will have  a different experience and see something different even if they are walking on the same path.  That is why multiple messsengers are sent out by the cosmic universe.
Terrible events happen to energy beings on a daily basis.   This is caused by the dark force.   It is NO miracle that an energy being is "saved".    When an energy being is "saved"....the energy being is "saved"  so that they serve now a purpose.   The problem however is that the energy being forgets they were "saved"  to serve a purpose.  Multiple times the cosmic universe sends out messengers to remind them of their purpose.  Selfishly that energy being refuses to serve that purpose.  The dark force is joyful that the energy being forgets!  The divine white light of love continues to try and remind the energy being to serve their purpose....but selfishness sets in.  Photo images will reveal the truth.  But again.....the energy being will become lazy;  selfish; self centered or EGO will set in.  The dark force will find a way to turn that energy being away from the divine white light of love.  Sneaky is the dark force!
No energy being should ever strike a deal with the dark force.  However,  many do and many will.  For whatever reason,  many energy beings will do this as they believe they are taking their last dying breath.  If an individual is wanting to extend their life, they may strike a deal with the dark force as a means of doing this.  Perhaps that energy being was having a near death experience while doing something they were NOT suppose to do ?   Perhaps the energy being was having a drug over-dose ?  Perhaps the energy being took another individual's life and they, themselves were gravely injured ?
The divine white light of love will NOT assist an energy being under such circumstances.  The only force whom will come to the rescue will be the dark force.
  The only force whom will assist an energy being under "dark" circumstances.  When an energy being is gravely injured or having a near death experience during "dark" circumstances.... like robbing someone and then taking another's life;  or causing grave injury toward another or doing something so  badly toward another that now the energy being becomes "marked" by the dark force.
  The cosmic universe considered an energy being as a  "runner" when they have sided with the dark force.  If an energy being has caused injury to another energy being whom is  "protected"  by the divine white light of love,  they are deemed a "runner".   The cosmic universe marks the energy being as a "runner" for the dark force and this energy being will be over-shadowed by the dark force. 
 When an energy being  is  "marked"  by the cosmic universe as a "runner",  the dark force will always  challenge  the "runner" ;  will always shadow the "runner";  will always  watch  the "runner"   until the "runner" is either so consumed that he or she  either takes his or her own life;  takes the lives of others and/or  finds him or herself in prison or some mental institution.  Many are mentally unwell; heavily sedated or usually drink themselves to death.   "Runners"  find themselves so distressed from the constant confrontations with the dark force that they can't handle the reality and the truth of what is happening to them.  Actually,  they don't understand what is happening to them.  The doctors with whom they are visiting conclude they are "unwell" and deem them with some sort of pyschosis when in fact that isn't what is happening at all.  Digital photos will prove the reality of what is happening to them (only spiritual mediums will be able to see what it is these beings can see)  Discussions with the energy being will conclude the reality of what is happening to them...but most of the time,  their words fall upon deaf ears.   Those whom believe in ghosts; spiritual mediums and other realms DO believe what is happening to these poor souls!  Scientists and others  whom do not believe in the spiritual world  simply decide the poor bastard has gone "mad" or  "crazy" ! 
     When a deal is struck with the dark force,  the energy being is constantly reminded to the point that the individual is afraid to leave their home.  What problem is that the individual doesn't realize the dark force is always with them.  While they may be afraid to leave their home,  photos taken AT their home will reveal the fact the dark force as well as negative energy IS right there with them!  
 The dark force has  "minions" whom  will follow them even when they go outside in their yard.   Evidence of this can be found by taking simple digital photos of flowers; plants; trees or anything within the surroundings of your home.  Most awakened individuals will be able to sense whether a negative presence is in the home or anywhere within their surroundings.  Dogs are very keen to energy  spirits.   Cats are also spiritually aware.  Many dogs will look right AT an entity when the entity or force is present!  Orbs can be captured with simple digital cameras.  However,  I consider orbs to be family members or another energy being whom has crossed over to one side or the other.  I don't consider an orb as the dark force or the white divine light of love.  
When looking at orbs within an image,  one must be careful to not confuse it with dust or moisture in the air.  A true orb will have colors such as yellows, purples and blues surrounding it or within it.
 When an energy being has struck a deal with the dark force and has been marked as a "runner",   no amount of prayers to the cosmic universe will allow the "runner" to escape their ultimate fate.  A "runner"  will forever be known as a "runner" right up until they take their last dying breath.   It is so written by the cosmic universe.  A "runner" is what it is.
 The dark force as well as the divine white light of love are equal in their powers.  Neither side are more powerful than the other.  This is a fact.   The cosmic universe will always send messengers to speak with a "runner"  or other energy beings because energy beings do have a choice to path to walk upon.  It is called "Free Will".    Even though a "runner"  is marked,  they still have "Free Will".   The dark force can not reside within an energy being whom is strong in their faith and walks on the path toward the divine white light of love.  The dark force is able to turn an energy being whom is weak minded;  whom is not strong in their faith;  whom waivers in their faith or whom straddles the fence between either side.
 The Cosmic Universe will always send out a   "messenger" to the energy being (a runner)  to remind him or her that they are in trouble or that they are in need immediate assistance.  Whether the "runner" decides  to connect with the messenger or whether or not the "runner"  believes what it is the messenger is saying,  it does not matter to the cosmic universe.  The "seed"  has been planted.  The cosmic universe doesn't care what energy beings believe or disbelieve.   The Cosmic Universe already knows what an energy being's challenges are; What the energy being has done;  what the energy being should do if they don't want their fate to be what it's going to be.  Basically,  the cosmic universe is simply saying to the "runner",    "Don't shoot the messenger  ".
Can the path be changed for a "runner"  ?   Can a side be switched for a "runner"  after a "runner"  has made a deal with the dark force ?    Not entirely.  But miracles happen each and every day.  There are not enough prayers to the comic universe to change the fate for some "runners"  when all is said and done.    If a "runner"  has taken the life of another energy being,  their fate is fixed.  The proverb "an eye for an eye"  holds true.  
The "bible" stated the following:
" God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you  and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.  Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way."
The "bible" which is held by energy beings on this planet is actually a  book which was written by energy beings and is mostly misinterpreted BIG time, by many!  This book was published and re-written repeatedly over so many years,  that much of the true meaning was tossed out the window. 
 Many years ago,  I  had a vision thanks to my spiritual guide about the actual bible and of the actual meaning.  I saw this ancient bible.  One with old brown colored pages with purplish scribbling.  I saw on top of the pages, the word  "Kings" and then on more pages,  the  word  "James".   I was told by my spiritual guide there is no "heaven" per se.  The  word"heaven" and the meaning of "heaven" discussed in the ancient bible I was shown in the vision is actually the  expansive cosmic universe. 
I was shown through my vision,  thanks to my spiritual guide,  that the word  "KINGS" means the divine white light of love.   The "divine white light of love represents all that is GOOD and all that is  positive for all energy beings!  I had seen the word "James" on other pages as well.  
"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee . " 
Now, I do not read the bible nor have I ever sat down to read the bible.  Many years ago,  I did read some portions of the bible.  The mormon bible.  I was babtized as a mormon.  I do not follow the mormon faith,  so don't lump me into that faith.  It just so happened many years ago,  I decided to join that faith but decided that I disagreed with the faith in its entirety.  Over time,  I realized I disagreed with all faiths in their entirety.  I respect all faiths.  I realized, over time,  I am spiritually aware and I am whom I am.  Not of one faith, but all faiths.  I am an energy being whom is ONE with the Cosmic Universe
In my vision, thanks to my spiritual guide,  the message I received regarding the ancient bible with the purplish, scribbled writing which had the words "Kings" and "James"  was the following:
"Keep strong in your faith and fear not of the dark force. (them).  Rest upon the shoulders in your faith (As you would like a child sitting upon the shoulders of your parent) because if you are strong in your faith and do not waiver in your faith, then fear not!  You have a clear view of the path in which you are walking. (As you would like a child sitting upon the shoulders of  your parent.  You have a clear view of what it is,   that is in front of you.)  Fear not of the dark force because the challenges will be many, as well as great!    All energy beings must be prepared. (They must be prepared to fight for the truth).   The  dark force will always come before you to deceive you; to lie to you; to turn you away from the truth.  This day shall come to pass. Those whom stay strong in their faith; whom not waiver in their faith; whom stay on the path toward the divine white light of love, shall know the truth."
Now,  I had the above vision many years ago.  I had expressed the vision to my older son quite a long time ago because he is of mormon faith.  I've never read the bible per se to know what the hand written bible expresses regarding KINGS or JAMES.  I have no idea what the "human" version is regarding Kings or James.  I only know what my vision was regarding an ancient bible that I saw with old brownish colored paper in which had purplish, scribbled writing.  I saw the word,  KINGS and the word JAMES on the pages.  The above message was told to me thanks to my spiritual guide.
All energy beings whom want to change the direction of their lives must chose the side with the divine white light of love.  They must fight for the truth. The truth is NOT going to be handed to them in their lap!  The dark force is always going to challenge all energy beings upon this planet.  The dark force is one of deception!  Filled with lies!  Full of hatred!  Filled with negativity!  All energy beings whom did want to follow the dark force do so because at some time during their lives,  they struck a deal.  Something happened.  A bad decision...a choice was made by that energy being...for one reason or the other.  It is by choice and by choice only.  It shall come to pass that all energy beings must never waiver from their faith if they do NOT wish the dark force to capture their "souls" and eventually lead them down the wrong path.  Unfortunately,  many energy beings do meet the ultimate end with the dark force. 
A  "runner",  although MARKED,  can always  receive blessings as well as healing and understanding by the divine white light of love if they accept all of the  above from the messengers that the cosmic universe has been sending to them!  If they change their lives; speak the truth about the event that happened and change the direction/ path in which they had been going,  they may have a fighting chance!  If they accept the divine white light of love,  some energy beings whom are marked as a  "runner" might have a FIGHTING chance when they take their last dying breath.  Only they will know on that last day when "justice"  is served upon them by the cosmic universe.
Those of us whom enjoy ghost hunting...such as myself...capture these negative energies when we go ghost hunting!  These are the poor individuals that were in denial right up to the very last day they more than likely took their last breath! When the man in the long black coat came to take them to meet with the dark force...the poor "bastard"  didn't believe it until their maker....the dark force...said "AHA! You didn't believe you'd see me did ya ?!"  Well...gotcha now!  You're all mine!  Too late!  Yes.  We ghost hunters capture sometimes the screams.  The entities whom are yelling for help.  They are the poor trapped "souls" whom are asking for help.  We  do try and help them to go into the light because they ask to do so.  Then you have those negative souls whom do NOT wish to go into the light.  Their hateful, mean and these negative entities  enjoy being a part of the dark realm  so as to continue conning good energy beings toward the dark force! 
The energy being whom is marked as a "runner"  will always be able to see their "demon" (the dark force) through images (photos) as a reminder.   The "runner"  will always be sent a messenger through human contact so that they are always reminded of the fact they did whatever it was they whom...when and where.  
As I stated above,  the cosmic universe sends out messengers to all energy beings whether they are a "runner" or just in need of assistance.  Energy beings do not have to be a "runner"  in order for the cosmic universe to send out a messenger for assistance.  I've been sent out to assist individuals or sent out to locate individuals in need and they aren't a "runner".    I've found out they are simply in distress and my job is to assist them in a spiritual manner.  Now your asking do I charge for my assistance ?  Not when I've been asked by the cosmic universe to go out and locate these poor energy beings.  If someone contacts me,  yes.  There is a fee.  If the cosmic universe has asked ME to locate YOU ?  No.  I do not charge a fee.  I am looking for you and I know whom you are.  How do I know whom the energy being is,  that is in need of spiritual counseling ?  How can I "locate"  that individual  ?  Most spiritual mediums will tell you that it's pretty odd how it all works.  Paint my toe nails "crazy",  but your energy tells on you!
Back to why a runner can NOT escape their fate at times.  Sometimes,  a  "runner"  can not escape from their dirty deeds.   A "runner"  is forever marked regardless of their dirty deeds.   As I said before,  the energy being is called a "runner" for a reason.  They are running from the truth of what it was that they did and from the obvious.   Many times,  no matter how much the cosmic universe sends out messengers....regardless of whether the energy being is a "runner"  or not.... individuals are in denial right up to the very end. 
The energy being will meet their fate and will meet with their dark force.  If the energy being struck a deal with the dark force and the energy being refused to listen to the messengers so as to at least make amends (try to fix their karma, right up until they take their last dying breath), then it is what it is.  Taking the life of another energy being or causing grave injury to another energy being is not forgivable by the cosmic universe.  "An eye for an eye...a tooth for a tooth".  No bad deed goes unpunished.  An energy being must try to rectify their "Karma"  by doing good deeds for other energy beings for as long as they are taking their breaths if they have wronged other energy beings in such a manner.  They are being sent messengers for a reason!  If the energy being is having dark shadows hovering OVER them during their sleep,  there is a reason.  The dark force is reminding them even during their sleep that this dark  force is always with them!  There is never any rest for the energy being if a deal has been struck with the dark force.  The dark force never sleeps!  The dark force has multiple minions whom follow all energy beings whom strike deals with this force!  There is no rest for the weary! Not now or ever!  For all beings whom have made a deal with the dark force are "marked".
If an energy being is feeling "followed" me...that is because they ARE!  From both sides.  Messengers are repeatedly sent to a "runner" from both sides.   A messenger is always sent to speak with the  "runner" about his "deeds" and to warn him that he MUST change his or her direction immediately or he or she will ultimately meet their end with their maker...the dark force.  It will more than likely still be that their fate is fixed,  but at least,  the messenger can offer the "runner" multiple healings to help fix their "karma" and show them the reality and the "truth" of what has happened and what is going to happen to them if they don't cease with the direction in which they are going.  Many times...but not often...a "runner"  will change the direction because they see the reality;  they see the truth;  a messenger has been able to break a cycle of destruction that the dark force was causing for the "runner".   If the deed wasn't that bad....many times a messenger's healing can actually heal an individual and help that individual tremendously. 
  However, if a "runner"  is running because he or she has actually taken another's life.....has caused grave injury to an individual whom was being protected by the divine white light of love.....that "runner" has a fixed fate and the dark force will not release that "runner"  regardless of the messenger's healings.  The "runner" is fearful and will see the truth as well as the reality when spoken to by the messenger.  The "runner" will accept the healings provided by the messenger and will actually be brought to tears from the healing.  But it will not change the fate of the "runner".  That is because the deed was "an eye for an eye".... a "tooth for a tooth".   The cosmic universe has so written that deeds such as this,  are what they are.  No deeds go unpunished like this.
Those energy beings whom are "saved"  through "miracles" and whom proclaim that they had a near death experience to  came back to life because it was a "miracle".......  I ask that you NOT speak outwardly so boldy like this.   Energy beings whom are "saved" based on a "miracle" are more challenged than ever by the dark force and the dark force knows whom you are at all times!
Those energy beings whom were "saved" through a  "miracle"  are very similar to what is known as "three striker" .   A "three striker"  is an energy being whom has had at least THREE events within their life span in which they could have died and did NOT die because their spiritual guide protected them from doing so!  On that last event.....that IS their last event!  There are NO MORE events going to occur.  The THIRD strike IS IT.  "No more bells...buttons or bows". 
I was shown a dream as well as vision and I actually DID see the man in the long black coat...including HIS minion (a woman)...whom told me via mental telepathy "no more bells..buttons or bows".  A three striker is what I am.  Three strikes and YOU'RE out! The woman...the man in the long black coat...with a cowboy type hat...he was wearing a long, black duster type of coat...stood by, watching his minion woman a gun to my forehead and she pulled the trigger as she told me via mental telepathy those very words! 
I had followed this man outside of my home as I saw only his black cowboy boots and the lower portion of his long, black duster swaying in the rain.  I didn't know whom he was.  I walked outside in the rain down toward my truck.  He went around the back of my truck and I followed him.  I then went around to the other side of my truck and I saw his black boots. As I started to look upwards,  I saw his black duster looking long black coat.  Before I could look at his face,  I heard movement behind me.  It was a woman.  A dark shadow woman.  When I turned around....she put a gun (a silver piston) to my forehead.  It touched my forehead actually.  In my mind,  I saw the man in the black long coat standing behind the side watching this woman shoot me.  As she pulled the trigger,  she said via mental telepathy..."no more bells, buttons or bows".  And boom!  It was over.
I quickly woke up from this vision.  A dream!  I was so frightened from this dream....that I got out of bed and I went into my livingroom.  I opened my front door.  It was raining!  Just like in my dream.  I stood at the front porch and I looked at my truck.  I looked at my feet.  Both of my feet were wet! As if I had actually walked outside in the rain.  I decided to actually walk down toward my truck and re-create walking behind my truck and then walk back around toward the front.  I stood there,  in the rain to see if I could find this "man" the long black coat.  He wasn't there.  I said outloud... YOU ASSHOLE!  DON'T TELL ME...NO MORE BELLS! BUTTONS OR BOWS!  YOU ASSHOLE!!!
 I was furious!  How dare that man come to me in my dreams and have his minion friend tell me he was going to take everything away from me!  Whom did he think he was! I went back inside and took a shower.  I was very upset.  I changed my pajamas and went back to sleep.  I would write down the vision in my journal.  Later that following morning,  I called my brother.  I've never heard the term...."no more bells, buttons or bows".  My brother told me those words meant,  "that's it".  It's over!
 I wanted to know more about this man in the long black coat.  Who was he ?  What was he about ?  Who is his friend ?  Why did HE stand by while SHE shot me ?  At that time,  I didn't realize I was very ill with diabetes type 2.  I didn't realize I was close to going into a coma from having diabetes type 2.  I am very happy to report that since that dream a very long time ago....back in 2008...I've lost nearly 100 pounds!  I almost died.  I was just points away from a diabetic coma!  I would see the "man in the long black coat"  as a PERSON in my kitchen not long AFTER seeing him several times in my dreams back in 2008!  When we are going to die or we are being warned that we are nearing death...the man in the long black coat represents DEATH.  His minion friend SHOOTS US energy beings so as to MARK us when we are "three strikers".  The man in the long black coat had his minion friend "shoot" me to "mark" me as a "three striker".
It took me quite a long time to go back into my life history and recall events.  This is very difficult to do.  At no time will any energy being see the man in the long black coat unless they've had a near death experience.  If his minion friend shoots you,  consider  yourself marked as a "three striker".  You,  dear energy being,  are on your last strike and there are no more chances.  Three strikes and YOU are OUT.  Pretty much like baseball.  I did have to ask my spiritual guide for assistance with that and I had clarity regarding the events.  Many energy beings will believe that they've had a near death experience when in fact,  they did not.  I have had what I thought was a near death experience,  yet, in fact,  wasn't.  At no time will the man in the long black coat appear in your dreams or in person unless an individual is having a near death experience........or is near death.  The man in the long black coat WILL begin to appear in dreams to warn the individual they are ill enough that they are going to die or close to death.  I know that now, for he has seen me and I have seen him.  I have also been "marked"  by his little minion girl with the silver pistol.  Am I afraid of him ?  No.  I've personally seen him.  I know now what he represents and why he visits.  This man does not represent the dark force.  This man has only one purpose.  To warn the energy being they are gravely ill and that they are near death or are going to die.  If the energy being is on their last a three striker...his minion friend will shoot them.  That is how the energy being is "marked".
I've spoken with multiple individuals whom has seen this man with the long black coat.  Every individual identifies him in the same exact manner.  He dresses exactly the same way.  Black boots.  Cowboy type hat.  Long black duster which sways when he walks. 
 I can't tell  you how many times I've spoken with others whom do not believe what it is I am blogging about and they remain in denial.  Then again,  I have spoken with many and they agree with what I am blogging about.  There are many whom scoff at the idea that anything at all exists.  So be it!  If energy beings want to walk around in the matrix of chaos in denial, oh well!  If an energy being does not want to change the direction in which they are walking; change their fate if it is possible; try to correct their karma if it is possible and at least hear what a messenger has to say,  do not  shoot the messenger !
 I know what visions I've personally had.  I know what experiences I've personally had during my life.  I can't explain everything I've personally seen and I can't place electrodes on my head to show you what it is that I've seen through my visions.  I can't force energy beings to believe the messages I give to them, after I've located  them.  Energy beings believe what they believe and it is what it is.
 I can only share with many what I've seen through dreams and what I've been told by my spiritual guide.  I  stay true to my spiritual guide because she is the one whom speaks the truth to me.  I will always stay true to my spiritual guide no matter what happens and regardless what is said toward me by any individual.  If someone told me I was crazy or being stupid for my beliefs,  it would not matter to me.  I will never waiver from the path that I walk upon.  I rest upon the shoulders of my spiritual guide because every time I've questioned what I've been shown,  has been the absolute truth!
Do not think for one second that I didn't question my spiritual guide after I had my visions! Many times I qustioned the visions.  There were many times I didn't believe my spiritual guide!   My  spiritual guide told on my own family members when they did something wrong thing.  My family members were upset with me after I questioned them about what it was they did!  When my children did wrong things,  my spiritual guide TOLD on them!  When my spouse did wrong things,  my spiritual guide TOLD on him!  When my cousin was straddling the dirty fence and did wrong things to me,  my spiritual guide told on her!  I was completely shocked that my cousin did wrong things toward me....but my spiritual guide told ME the truth!
When my own sisters were robbing my ill, elderly mother of thousands of dollars and taking my mother's personal possessions from her home,  my spiritual guide came to me through multiple visions to tell  on each of them !  My spiritual guide allowed me to hear their private conversations  word for word as she  placed  me inside of my mother's home as a ghostly entity! 
My spiritual guide had placed me inside of my own mother's home to show images of individuals looking at specific items...talking about specific items...having specific conversations... then she placed me in my mother's back yard so that I was standing there as several individuals stood there having specific private conversations about removing my mother's personal possessions as well as having other conversations I otherwise would not hear or know of.   Thanks to my spiritual guide, I am able to  warn others as well as assist others when called upon by the cosmic universe.  I do this for people I've never met; people I do not know as well as people I do know.  My spiritual guide does not just tell on people,  she wants me to assist other energy beings and offer them blessings as well as spiritual healing.  
My spiritual guide has sent me all around the world through visions,  so that I can assist individuals as well as go on spiritual journeys.   I have had  conversations with other energy beings all around this world through visions and dreams.  I've been able to visit places I would otherwise never visit,  thanks to my spiritual guide.   I've been able to astral project  myself to places around the world through dreams and thought,  thanks to my spiritual guide. 
Astral projection, lucid dreaming as well as visions are all thanks to spiritual guides.  There are thousands of energy beings around the globe whom have the same capability as myself.  I am not alone with these capabilities.  When I have these visions or these dreams,  I meet with like-minded individuals.  I enjoy speaking with other  like-minded energy beings.  Most energy beings I speak with hug me.  Smile with me. Enjoy these topics.  Enjoy their messages.  Enjoy receiving a blessing as well as a spiritual healing.  I've been able to assist many individuals.  Some are not able to be assisted because they have mental health problems and/or their fate is fixed.  They are ONE with the dark force for all eternity,  but I've still been able to give them an energy blessing.   So far,  I've not met any negative energy beings whom disregarded the message.  So far,  those I've located and found, accepted the blessing/ healing even though their fate is fixed.   There are many individuals whom are awakening and there are many want to know MORE about these topics.

Whether you are seeking Aliens;  a journey toward the unknown or seeking to connect with your spiritual guide,  my particular journey up this mountain was memorable.  I continue believing in the divine white light of love.   I believe what my spiritual guide shows me each and every day.  I continue to want to grow as well as mature,  while on  my journey with the comic universe.  There is so much more to know as well as to learn.  I have no more "strikes" left.  I am on my last strike.  I know that I have to restore my Karma.   I know that so far, I've not done anything so wrong that my karma can't be rectified.  Each day, I try and do good things for other energy beings to raise my Karma points as well as restore the harmonic balance within my life.

I know that the visions that my spiritual guides allows me to see are the absolute truth!  What I am allowed to see is not always happy.  Much of what I've been shown makes me sad.  Much of what I've been shown has caused me to cry.   It's taken a long time to understand my spiritual guide; whom she is; what it was she was trying to show me.   Today,  I have more clarity than ever.   I know that when I must go and locate  a "runner" or other energy beings in need of assistance,  it is because my spiritual guide has spoken with me and has  told me that the cosmic universe has a message for the "runner" or energy being in need of a message.

 The "runner" or energy being  must change the path that they walking on.  The energy being as well as  the "runner" must change the direction in which they are headed or their fate will end with the dark force.   Most of the time,  a "runner" will end up with the dark force anyway.  If the message is for someone other than a runner,  then it is to try and prevent the individual from connecting with the dark force.  The cosmic universe is asking the energy being to choose a side.  If  I am called upon to send a message to a "runner" ,  I am asked to speak with the "runner" ,   ask the "runner" to please consider changing their path.before it is too late. I only come as a  messenger for the "runner".   I am only the messenger to plant a  seed.  All energy beings must make the ultimate choice.  We all have choice.  Go to one side or the other.  There are only two sides.  The dark force and the divine white light of love.

My spiritual guide always allows me to feel  inwardly stronger each and every day.  Even when I question my spiritual guide,  she will show me again the truth with yet,  another vision to PROVE that the prior vision was the truth!  I've become, at times,  very angry with my spirit guide! Yet, my spirit guide never waivers from loving me and remaining there for me.  My spirit guide has never left me even when I thought that she did. 

How does an energy being connect with their spirit guide ?  Simply ask!  Always ask,  for a spirit guide to enter your life because your guide will never enter your life without being asked to do so.  Ask and ye shall receive.  (Be careful what you ask for as you just might get it.)

I have always been placed at a location at the right time; at the right moment and for the right reason even when I didn't think or believe so.  Remember, everything happens for a reason.  Even when I've felt sad.  When I've felt let down.  When I've felt at my worse.  When I've felt terrible and hurt.  When I thought I was all alone and no one cared about me.  When I thought I lost everything and everyone.  When I thought things could not possibly get any worse for myself, suddenly, my spiritual guide would show me through a vision that she has NEVER left me alone!  That she was always there for me!  A vision would come to me to show me why a particular  event happened.  Why such and such happened...whom said this or that...whom did what to me and why!

I receive visions on multiple occasions for clarity.  I am shown the reason why an event took place and for what reason the event took place.  I am shown the truth.  Then later comes the "aha" moment.  The "AHA" moments do NOT come when an event happens.  The "AHA" moments come AFTER things settle down and you have your vision by your spiritual guide.  Your spiritual guide wants you to "rest" so that she or he can allow you to see the "wide open view"  when you are  ready to accept the truth for what it is.   Usually, when I have those "AHA" moments,  I fall to my knees and I cry.  Then after I have a good cry....I feel better.  Because I had clarity and then I accept the truth.  Later I thank my spiritual guide for showing me the truth.  Always remember to thank your spiritual guide,  whomever he or she may be!

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