Tuesday, December 25, 2012

After someone crosses over----The K2 meter will confirm it and the truth is revealed

a spiritual image

As I blogged earlier about my brother's passing on 12-1--2012,  I also blogged about the fact my K2 meter did confirm he came to my side to confirm he was with me  in spirit.   On 12-1-2012 at 11:06 am,  my K2 meter began going off like a Christmas tree and as I asked questions for my brother,  he confirmed that it was he whom was with me.

To verify to the skeptics whom do not believe what it is I am blogging (and of course there will be many whom you simply can't ever get to believe in the spiritual realm no matter what you say or claim),  just the other day a neighbor of mine told me that upon my telling her about my brother's passing,  she saw a little boy with white hair peeking around me as if to play peek-a-boo and with the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen.  She was standing in her drive way some distance from me.  She was on her way to work and about to leave for work as I told her I would talk to her when she returned home.  I was telling her that my brother had passed away that day and I would speak to her later.  She didn't tell me that day about this little boy peeking in and around me, smiling at her, on that day or that evening.  I was told this information on 12-23-2012.

My neighbor, myself and another friend were having drinks and talking about my brother's passing.  She asked me whom was the little boy at my home that day with me.  I asked her,  what little boy.  She said,  "the little boy with the white hair, buzz cut and the bright blue eyes.  She told me that as she was told by me about my brother's passing....she saw this little boy peeking around me, smiling and looking at her as if he were playing "peek a boo".  He was looking at her and going around me back and forth, looking at her,  smiling and hiding back and forth.  She said he had bright blue eyes.  I said,  there was no one with me.  I was standing alone on my sidewalk and about to go inside my house.   She said she saw the little boy clear as could be.   As she described the little boy,  I began to cry.  I recalled my brother having white hair and sky blue eyes in a photo when he was in grade school. My parents had given him this buzz cut and my neighbor described him as being extremely cute.  I said,yes.  That he was really cute.  Very happy.

When we returned back to my home,  I had a photo of my brother when he was in the army with a buzz cut showing his bright blue eyes.  Of course he was older but she said....that's the individual she saw standing behind me.  Only he was a young boy.  She recalled his round forehead and his bright blue eyes and his face.  When I went inside of my house,  I kissed my brother's photo.  I was so happy to know what I blogged was the absolute truth.  My neighbor saw him as an actual person!  She confirmed it.

It felt so good to know my brother was with me in a place where he was happy.  Safe.  Protected.  With me.  Smiling.  Before I left him at his home before he had passed,  I had told him to go where he was the happiest.  Go to a safe place in the light where he felt happy,  safe and protected.  I was so glad to know that what made him happy was when we were children.  Where we played and we smiled and we laughed.  I was so happy to know he went where he could be that small child again to play and run and be free again.  I cried when my neighbor told me this information, because my brother is in a safe place in the light where his spirit is free and healthy.  My neighbor didn't say he had blonde hair.  She said his hair was white as she had ever seen.  That is how my brother's hair was.  Very white!  It is always great to have confirmation from others after your trusted K2 meter is used when a loved one has passed away.  We are true energy and I do believe we never really "die".

Our spirit continues to live on for generations and generations.  We were promised eternal life and we must trust in this.  I know that I do trust in this.  As I drove through Jacksonville,  Florida on my way back to North Carolina after my brother's passing (and forgive me if I said this in a prior blog),  my brother told me he obtained his VA card in Jacksonville and that he took the 'beaches' exit.  I asked questions as I drove through Jacksonville, Florida and I was pointing to particular exits.  I asked if each exit was the one he took to obtain his ID card.  The K2 meter went off the charts when I drove near the downtown exit that said "downtown / beaches"  exit.   I asked him if he had to drive near the buildings downtown and the K2 meter went crazy.  My brother provided me with alot of information about particular events, etc as "we"  had a very long conversation as I drove from Florida to my home in North Carolina.   As I drove past a Veterans park  the K2 meter went off the charts.  He pointed the VA park out for some reason.  Not sure why.   When I returned to my NC home,  I captured EVP voice from him.  He said something about being confused about hospice.  He agreed he was confused.  He thought hospice was at his home to help extend his life.  He did not understand hospice was with him to "end" his life.  He also commented about my dogs.  He said the "F" word about all my dogs.  I laughed.  Yes.  That was just like him to say that!   I recorded the conversation,  so I did capture the "EVPs",  so I have it on cassette tape.  It was a whisper,  but it was something like,  "F" all those dogs.  (ha).

Since the captured EVPs,  my brother has not returned to date.  Perhaps he is out roaming around the cosmic universe doing what a free spirit does.  Where ever my brother is,  I want to believe he is doing what he does best.....being a  free spirit and being  happy.  I have always wished him the best and regardless of where he is in the universe,  my brother always is aware that I light a white candle for him every single day and I keep my K2 meter turned on as a just in case.

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Your comment allows for fresh ideas. May you continue with your own spiritual awareness and cosmic connection for true inner happiness, joy and balance. Blessed be.