Friday, March 22, 2013

Through The Divine Light Of Love, We Are Loved

angelic being

As more and more individuals rejoice in the divine white light of love and the path we continue to follow, know that we are loved.  Know that the truth will will never fail us, dear pure energy that we are so long as we remain bound to the truth of the divine white light of love.

The bible that was written by man and retold by a multitude of mankind.  The bible in fact still remains the most popular and inspirational book,  to this day. While enterpreted by many and misunderstood by many,  the fact remains that the bible holds many truths from long ago, pure energy light seekers and those whom know from within the truth that comes from the divine white light of love from the other side of the realm.  

Dear energy loved ones,  Jesus was a simple carpenter human being with an inspirational story to tell.  Jesus believed in the Divine white light of love so deeply that he was willing to die on a cross for his beliefs.  The man had no magic within himself nor did he have any voodoo to cast upon other human beings.  What the man named Jesus had within himself was a deep confirmation that he was loved by the Divine white light from the other side of the realm and he knew that with all of his heart.  The Divine white light of love came to him through visions, dreams and spoke to him every day of his life.  Were other people afraid of Jesus ?  You bet they were!

So many people in the days of Jesus were afraid of his words and what Jesus was about that they wanted him crucified!  Jesus was more than likely afraid in the beginning to speak out about his beliefs,  but as he began to understand what the Divine white light of love was about and what the end result would be for him and others would be....which would be ever lasting life on the other side of the realm....Jesus was no longer afraid.  Jesus knew what he was being told by the Divine what light of love told him through  dreams and visions was the absolute truth.  More and more followers would gather around the man named Jesus because they believed in his "truth" as well.

Dear loved ones whom know the truth that Jesus told many years ago,  know that just as the Divine white love of love exists,  so does the dark side.  Jesus warned "Judas" that he would forsake him three times and three times for money,  he did so.  Everyone thought when Jesus spoke about the "Kingdom"  that he was speaking about a castle or a house when in fact,  he was not.  Everyone thought Jesus was speaking about gold and riches when in fact,  he was not.  Jesus was speaking about the spiritual realm of the glory one would receive by staying and remaining one with the truth!  Jesus was teaching his followers about following the Divine white light of love and remaining on the path of the light with only the truth and never swaying from the truth! 

Jesus was trying to speak to those whom were stealing from the poor; robbing from the sick and the elderly and those whom were debilitated with illnesses and giving more to those whom were in need yet those whom had ears refused to listen to his heart and words of the truth.  Those whom continued to follow the dark side crucified the "jew" and were so afraid of that "jew" whom was merely a man with carpenter skills and listened to the words from the Divine white light of love that they didn't even want him buried inside of their city limits!  What happened to the man named Jesus still to this day causes me to cry.   The man named Jesus walked to as many places as he could, gathering as many followers as he could, gathering as many followers as he could,  to spread the word of the Divine white light of love because he knew the truth from the spiritual realm.

Was Jesus a crazy man ?  Many people during his time thought he was.  To the point he was crucified; lied about and chastized from many communities!  Yet the story of Jesus remains as popular as ever!  Jesus did not have the internet to get his story told.  Jesus did not have an iphone or facebook or twitter to tell his story.  Jesus walked where ever he could.  Jesus did not put up with any nonsense.  He said an "eye for an eye"  and the individual will live for all of eternity with the dark force  for spewing lies about another individual.  I believe that as well!

I have always followed the Divine white light of love and will never sway from the path of the light of truth.  Those whom continue spewing lies about others will know no light; will never know hope; will never see glory on the day they take their last breath and the only angel whom will be waiting for their soul will be Uriel....the fourth arch angel of mankind.  The angel of darkness.  Uriel is all too happy to be waiting for such evil human beings whom are hateful, ungrateful, malicious, vengeful and only want to satisfy themselves with greed, lust and material things of this earth.

Jesus,  the man,  followed the teachings of the Divine white light of love and he heard the words through his dreams and visions.  Over the centuries,  the words of Jesus was lost through translation and the re writing of the bible,  but the truth is still there for those pure energy beings whom are connected with the Divine white light of love.

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