Saturday, March 23, 2013

“ Those Whom Spew Untruths Against Others Shall Parish For All Of Eternity”

Image of hand reaching out

The ungodly are not so, says the Divine white light of love, dear pure energy soul travelers of the universe.  The ungodly are like chaff which wind shall drive away down under by Uriel, the fourth arch angel of mankind whom knows no hope, no light, no kindness, no love and no compassion for others.

The ungodly shall never stand in judgement with the Divine white light of love as they take their last breath upon this planet, salah.   Rather, Uriel and his minion will be standing by waiting to take the pitiful sinner down under knowing all the unkind sins the sinner has committed throughout his or her life because the sinner has never asked for the Divine white light of love for forgiveness of his or her sins, salah.   The ungodly sinner shall never know the glory on the other side of the spiritual realm in the congregation of the righteous and all of those whom have been connected with the Divine white light of love and those whom have never swayed from the truth of knowing.

Those whom follow the truths of the Divine white light of love shall have ever lasting life for all of eternity in the spiritual realm and shall prosper in the glory and all that was promised by the teachings by the simple man named  Jesus.   The man named Jesus became an outcast by many because the people became afraid of the words he preached and spoke out of his mouth.  Ignorant were those people during those days,  but the truth did he speak of the Divine white light of love from the spiritual realm regarding ever lasting life.

How long will ignorant, ungodly human beings live upon this planet in vanity ? How long will ignorant, ungodly human beings live upon this planet telling lies about others when they know the words they spew out of their mouths are untrue ?  How long will ignorant, ungodly human beings walk upon this planet doing dirty deeds toward others knowing what they are doing toward others are wrong and that what it is they are doing toward others will cause their soul to never have ever lasting life in the spiritual realm ?  The ungodly are knowing in their soul what they say and do is heard and seen by the Divine white of love, day in and day out,  yet the ungodly continue their dirty deeds!!

All of those whom are filled with the truth and the holy spirit that comes from the Divine white light of love are set apart from the ungodly sinners.   Stand in awe, dear followers of the Divine white light of love that you continue to follow the path of the truth, salah.   Continue to offer the sacrifices that you must make in order to hold dear to the truth of the Divine white light of love.   The glory of eternal life in the spiritual realm is better than knowing you will spend your eternal days with Uriel in darkness for all of eternity!

The simple man named Jesus was crucified for teaching about eternal life in the spiritual realm and his love for the Divine white light of love!  Put gladness in your heart,  dear followers of the truth and the Divine white light of love and followers of the words of Jesus!  The ungodly sinners whom spew lies day in and day out about others will meet their maker, Uriel ( the fourth arch angel of mankind whom knows only darkness) when they take their last breath upon this planet called earth!   Dear followers of the Divine white light of love and followers of the truth,  know that ye shall lay in your bed in peace and sleep well at night.  Know that your wounds will be healed within your soul and heart so long as you follow the truth and the words of the Divine white light of love, dear energy soul travelers of the universe.  Know that the Divine white light of love will always keep you safe and when you take your last breath upon this planet,  your soul will know eternal life in the spiritual realm and know ever lasting life.  There is no shield for the ungodly.  There is no safety for the sinners and the ungodly.  The ungodly whom rise up against you and continue to spew their lies out of their mouths to crucify you day in and day out to cause commotion toward you will never know everlasting life in the spiritual realm, salah.

Never be afraid of those people even if those people are ten thousand people, salah!  The Divine white light of love surrounds you with the truth, salah!  The Divine white light of love sets you apart from the sinners and the ungodly because you follow the truth and the path of the light, salah!  The Divine white light of love has blessed you and continues to surround you with eternal love!  The Divine white of love shields you with eternal light from the spiritual realm and tells you that you are all successful; you are wonderful!  You are loved!  You are all that you can be and that so long as you continue to follow the path of the truth and never sway from having faith in the Divine white light of love,  you will have salvation for all of eternity,  salah!

The ungodly turn their head from the Divine white light of love!  They have ears but they do not hear nor do they listen.  The man named Jesus asked the ungodly to turn away from evil yet the ungodly did not hear his words.  The ungodly refused to turn away from their evil deeds and many called Jesus crazy.  Many called Jesus a witch and other bad names.   Many wanted to destroy him and cut him off from cities so that his teachings could not be taught and his words could not be spoken.  “ Kill him! Kill him!”,  so many shouted, toward the man named Jesus Christ, and kill him in the end, they did!  Where did they bury this simple carpenter…. A jew…. The man named Jesus ?? 

Outside the city limits so that the man named Jesus could not receive a proper burial !  Many people feared this simple man because they did not understand what this simple man was all about.   This man named Jesus did not even own fine, rich clothing.  This man named Jesus did not own any fine shoes.  Many people did not understand where this simple man was receiving the words that was coming out of his mouth !  Many things that this simple man named Jesus spoke about did come to pass,  as the book called the bible, speaks of.  To this day,  many of the teachings that the man named Jesus has come to pass.   The man named Jesus was merely speaking about the spiritual realm and about eternal life.  Ever lasting life after one dies. The glory of eternal life in the spiritual realm that the Divine white light of love has promised to all of us whom follow the truth!

The ungodly sinners sought to carry the man named Jesus away and cast him out of many cities so that his words could not be heard,  yet the man named Jesus continued to gather followers because many did believe in what this man spoke about.   Many did not want to hear the words out of the mouth of the man named Jesus for they were afraid of his words.  Many were afraid to hear the truths that this man named Jesus was speaking about.   The man named Jesus knew the truth because his truths came from the Divine white light of love from the spiritual realm, dear followers of the light from the universe.

The simple man named Jesus was not about greed, riches, gold, lies or vanity, salah!  The simple man named Jesus wanted every man and woman from all walks of life to hear his words that came from the spiritual realm because those words were the absolute truth !!!   The ungodly will be dead, dead, dead and shall never rise for all of eternity once Uriel and his minion grabs their hand after they take their last breath upon this planet earth.  That will be their judgement, so says the Divine white light of love, salah!

Dear energy soul travelers of the universe, do not pity the ungodly.   The Divine white light of love does not pity the ungodly sinners for they know what it is that they do toward others.  Not even the simple man named Jesus pitied the ungodly during his days of teaching his words of the spiritual realm to his followers.   The ungodly sinners live for sin!  The ungodly sinners are bent on loot and grumble day in and day out on how pitiful their lives are!  The ungodly sinners shoot out of their mouths untruthful words toward others whom follow the words of the Divine white light of love, knowing their words are nothing but lies, salah!  The ungodly sinners souls are ugly like a wild pack of swine filled with nasty wine!   The ungodly sinners all try as they might to crucify those whom follow the truths of the Divine white light in every city, where ever they go, salah.  As hard as the ungodly might try,  it is to no avail!  The followers of the Divine white light of love are always safe, protected.  The followers of the Divine white light of love will always know they are loved by  the truth and glory with eternal life and know that they can  rest at night in their bed as they sleep in peace with their head on their pillow and lay in comfort that if they take their last breath during the night,  the arch angels of light will be at their side to take their hands and guide their soul to the spiritual realm for eternal life as was promised.  The Divine white light of love is your refuge.   The ungodly shall only walk for all of eternity in darkness.  Always place your trust in the Divine white light of love and you shall know glory, love and eternal salvation in the spiritual realm, salah.

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