Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Dangers of Following False Gods

Thieves _ danger

The Divine white light of love warned of following false gods and spoke words to the simple man  named Jesus. He was told to go out and preach to others the truth of following false gods!  The Divine white light of love spoke to the simple man named Jesus and asked him to preach to many to turn from their wicked, evil ways that they were living and many turned a deaf ear to what this “jew” was preaching in many a city.

Why did many turn a deaf ear to what this simple man named Jesus had to say to them ? Why were the words that this man named Jesus had to say to them cause such an uproar in so many cities ?  What were those people afraid of by this simple man ?  This simple man named Jesus was not selling one single thing to those people ! 

Did you know that the most evil person in the days of this simple man named Jesus was a man named Ahab ?  All the man named Jesus was asking so many people to do was to humble themselves, pray to the heavens (the cosmic universe of the spiritual realm) , turn away from their evil, wicked ways of sin so that they could have everlasting life in the spiritual realm and be forgiven of their sins!!

The simple man named Jesus only asked many people  to do a simple thing! Yet so many refused to hear his words even though they had ears in which to hear his words!  Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe,  you  can’t serve two gods!  That was proven time and time again in the days of the simple man named Jesus Christ!  You must only serve ONE God and ONE God only.   The Divine white light of love or Uriel,  the fourth arch angel of mankind and his minion.  Let me remind you that Uriel is not a "God" at all!  Uriel is the fourth arch angel of darkness! Uriel is merely an angel of darkness and not a GOD at all.  Uriel only pretends to be a GOD to many.  Uriel is a FALSE god!!    There is no “straddling of the fence” between two gods when it comes to choosing which side you elect to believe in when it comes to your belief system.  You believe in one side or the other even if you are an Atheist.

The Divine white light of love spoke always to the simple man named Jesus, day and night….night and day.  The simple man named Jesus received many blessings by the Divine white light of love because he was strong in faith and he believed in the Divine white light of love as well in the spiritual realm.  The simple man named Jesus knew there was everlasting life on the other side so strongly he was willing to die for what he believed in, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!

The simple man named Jesus did NOT straddle the fence when it came to his beliefs in the Divine white light of love!  Jesus Christ was willing to go where ever he had to go to get his message across and was willing to DIE to spread his message that came from the Divine white light of love in the spiritual realm! That is how powerful and strong the Divine white light of love is able to connect to those whom believe and never sway from the truth!

The Divine white light of love gives ears to those whom are connected and those whom never sway from the path of the truth and the light!  The ungodly sinners remain in the dark with Uriel and remain disconnected from the truth!   The ungodly sinners remain blinded by greed, vanity, lies, spite and hatefulness!   The ungodly sinners remain blinded in the dark with Uriel (the fourth arch angel of mankind) to continue their evil ways and remain converted doing their dirty deeds toward others because they are fearful of those whom follow the Divine white light of love just as the simple man named Jesus Christ followed the Divine white light of love! 

Those whom were fearful of the simple man named Jesus sought to crucify Jesus Christ did crucify him and they killed him because of his strong convictions in his faith to the Divine white light of love and his strong belief in what was the absolute truth in everlasting life in the spiritual realm.   Those people called the simple man named Jesus Christ crazy!  Those people called the simple man named Jesus Christ a false prophet and a lunatic and wanted him killed for his strong beliefs and the messages that he was spreading to so many!  Why did those people cause such an uproar and such a commotion toward this very simple man ?  Out of fear!  Out of ignorance! Out of hatred!  Out of stupidity! 

Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe, you should open your blind eyes and know the truth! Open your blind eyes so that those eyes shall see the truth!  That simple man named Jesus Christ was speaking the absolute truth about the spiritual realm coming from the Divine white light of love and the words coming from that simple man came to him through dreams and visions!  All that simple man named Jesus Christ ( a carpenter by trade whom had no gold, no riches and wore simple clothing and had no large home…a cell phone…no twitter google account…no bank account…no facebook account to get his message across to so many) was asking many people to do was to be strong in faith and to hear his words that he heard by the Divine white light of love!  This simple man named Jesus Christ was asking many people to be courageous and to not follow false gods and to only follow ONE God….. The Divine white light of love and to know only the truth!  To follow the light so that you may have everlasting life ….eternal life in the spiritual realm after your flesh passes away.  

The Divine white light of love spoke to the simple man named Jesus Christ from the time he was a child.  While the simple man named Jesus Christ, in the beginning, did not understand much of what was being told to him by the Divine white light of love,  as he began to get older….he came to understand and know the Divine white light of love by name.  His convictions grew stronger.   So strong in fact,  he wanted every man, woman and child to know the truth about the Divine white light of love!!  Even when many shouted at him; cussed him; called him names and demanded he be put in jail, prison and then eventually to death over his faith and strong convictions for what he believed in….this simple man named Jesus Christ spoke….Kill me if you must!!!   I shall die knowing that I will go to the heavens, to eternal life with my father and have everlasting life and those whom threw that first stone and crucified me shall have everlasting darkness with Uriel for all of eternity!  Those whom had deaf ears and were non-believers and turned against me and refused to hear my words of my father ( The Divine white light of love ) shall have no glory in the spiritual realm and shall have no riches, no gold and shall be damned for putting me to death, for I have committed no sin.  I have done no wrong!

To death those people did to the simple man named Jesus Christ for they did so out of fear and misunderstanding of his convictions and beliefs in the truth of the Divine white light of love!  How sad is that ?  Those ungodly sinners turned a deaf ear for the truth!  Their hands, their heart, their minds were weak!  All were sinners and none turned from their wicked, evil ways!  Every one of them lied about that simple Jew, the carpenter by trade…the man named Jesus Christ …when all he wanted to do was spread the message of hope! Love! Eternal life in the spiritual realm!  The ungodly sinners put that man in jail as well as prison and were causing a huge commotion over their spreading lies!   The ungodly sinners spread so many untruths and they knew they were  spreading  rumors in as many cities as possible about this man even when many had never heard about this!  Many knew nothing about him until rumors began spreading which were not even true to begin with!  Battles began over the rumors that were being spread about this simple man named Jesus Christ!  It was crazy what was happening in so many cities regarding this simple man and do you know why this happened ?  Because those people were fearful of the truth regarding the Divine white light of love and what it was that this simple man named Jesus Christ was speaking about. 

The ungodly sinners were Spewing lie after lie after lie about a man whom only wanted to spread joy, happiness and good deeds to many followers whom did believe in what this simple man named Jesus Christ had to say.  There can be but only ONE god and that is the Divine white light of love, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe !  If you follow Uriel….the fourth arch angel of mankind…you will only know darkness!  No light!  No hope!  No gladness!  Your soul will go with Uriel when you take your last breath upon this planet.  You will never have eternal life in the spiritual realm as is promised by the Divine white light of love!

It is difficult, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe to not get discouraged daily and this is because Uriel is always seeking to challenge you to sway from the Divine white light of love and the path of the light.  Know that there is always work upon this planet for us to do as being one with the white light of love.  When called upon to give to others,  please give.  Partially giving is like not giving at all.  We must give in full earnest.  Stay strong in body, mind and heart and know that the Divine white light of love is with you always.  The Divine white light of love can always hear your words; see what you are doing and knows your needs even before you know what it is that you need.   You are loved always by the Divine white light of love so long as you follow the light and never sway from the truth.  Spewing lies about others and seeking revenge toward others so that you may obtain something from others is being ungodly as well as sinning!  Uriel is all too happy to keep you with him in darkness!  Acting vengeful toward others so that you are rewarded by that vengeful way,  is ungodly and sinful.  That is Uriel, the arch angel of mankind keeping you by his side whom is all too happy to wait to take your hands after you take your last breath to take you to the dark side.  Is this where you want to spend your eternal days ?  Is that the type of glory you wish to receive ?  Is evil and wickedness the riches you desire to remain receiving in your life ? What a pitiful existance,  if you are living for Uriel!  What a miserable existence your life must be, if you are living for the fourth arch angel of darkness, Uriel!

Take courage, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe in knowing that everlasting life in the spiritual realm is real!  After your soul leaves your flesh body and if you remain strong in your convictions and faith with the Divine white light of love, the arch angels of the white light will be there to take your hands to the spiritual realm where there are real cities! Your soul is cleansed of sin!  Your soul is no longer judged for you have remained in faith and you have stayed strong with the Divine white light of love and continued to only remain on the path of the light!  The angels of the white light will guide you to safety where you will meet with your loved ones!  There will be no enemies in the spiritual realm there to crucify you, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  Those enemies will be with Uriel,  the fourth arch angel of the darkness!  That dear ones, you can depend upon!  That dear loved ones  is a promise by the Divine white light of love, so moat it be! Twenty times fold, dear loved ones and even the simple man named Jesus Christ, himself, spoke of this in the hand written bible!  Put your confidence and trust in the Divine white light of love as well as the truth! Never sway from the path of the light, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  The ungodly sinners whom continue to spew lie after lie after lie toward those whom follow the path of the light and remain strong in their convictions with the Divine white light of love will get their just rewards after they take their last breath upon this planet!  Uriel will be there waiting to grab their hands and take them to the dark side and all those ungodly sinners will know for all of eternity is darkness!

Do not get frustrated when things do not always go your way!  The Divine white light will give you small tests so that when a big test comes your way ,   The Divine white light of love will know you can be trusted with earnest!  If you can’t be trusted  with little things, how can you be trusted when big things come your way ?!  There is always a mole hill to step over before a mountain comes your way to climb!  One must have every tool in your belt before you begin to climb!  There may be others behind you whom desire to follow your footsteps.  What if those followers do not have those same tools that you do not have ? 

Remember where you started before you begin climbing!  You must first have skills, knowledge and the know how!  Where did the skills, knowledge and the know how come from ?  The Divine white light of love….that’s where!  The seed was planted by the Divine white light of love and the information came from the Divine white light of love!  Do not think too long about the information that is being  given to you as  you just might talk yourself out of doing something and miss your great destiny! Act upon the information being  given to you from the Divine white light of love to do good things!  Do good deeds for others; Be charitable to others;  Try to remain positive and  speak only the truth! Do not spew lies about others believing those lies will bring you just rewards for those lies will not!!

Persevere in the opposition from the ungodly sinners whom seek to do you wrong and to those whom spew lies about you from city to city!  The simple man named Jesus Christ never took no for an answer!  He remained strong in his faith as well as in his beliefs.  He was not afraid to speak out about the absolute truth!  There was no man, woman or child whom could shut this man’s mouth when it came to spreading messages and what he believed in !   When it came to his beliefs in the truth that he was telling?!  There was no one, no judge, no king or queen whom could shut this man up in any city or land!

Face with energy behind it

The Divine white light of love tells us followers of the path of the light us this:

1.       There is eternal life in the spiritual realm after our soul leaves our flesh.

2.       We will have glory in knowing and speaking only the truth and living in only the truth.

3.       The Divine white light of love is the happiest when we remain steadfast on the path of the light.

4.       We will be rewarded with everlasting life for all of eternity in the spiritual realm after we cross over from this planet called earth.

5.       Remain vigorous in the truth that comes to you from the Divine white light of love and do not become frustrated by the lies, untruths and rumors that the ungodly sinners spread about you from city to city.  They will eventually meet Uriel and get their just reward in the end when they take their last breath upon the planet earth and only know darkness.  They will never know glory, happiness, riches or kindness.  They are evil, wicked and unkind.  Do not fear the ungodly sinners for they live for only sin and their wicked ways.  Even if they rise to ten thousand, the Divine white light of love surrounds you with protection even as you sleep and rest your head upon your pillow.  Sleep in peace and know that you are surrounded by the truth and the light of the Divine.


Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."


Psalm 58:11 Then people will say, "Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth."    ( The “God” whom judges the earth is Uriel…the fourth arch angel of mankind…but Uriel is NOT a god.  Uriel is the angel of death.  )  The ungodly sinners are dead, dead, dead because they refuse to hear the words coming from the Divine white light of love and they refuse to follow the path of the light.  The ungodly sinners have ears,  but they refuse to hear.  They are not connected to the truth or the light.

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