Monday, March 25, 2013

The Divine White Light of Love Warns of demonic battles in the spiritual realm

Angel of darkness
Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe, know that day in and day out, there are demonic battles happening in the spiritual realm even as I write this blog!  This fact was written in the days of Jesus Christ!  The fact of the matter is, the simple man named Jesus Christ warned about the demonic battles in the spiritual realm!  Demons were known as serpents and snakes in the biblical days of the simple man named Jesus Christ.

The Divine white light of love spoke to the simple man named Jesus Christ on a daily basis and came through to this simple man by way of visions as well as dreams.  This simple man named Jesus Christ even saw “Satan” (Uriel…the fourth arch angel of mankind whom rules planet earth) when Jesus Christ went out into the desert for forty days and forty nights by himself so that he could obtain more clarity and receive more understanding by the Divine white light of love.  Jesus Christ wanted to know more from the Divine white light of love what it was he needed to accomplish upon earth before he was crucified by the ignorant.

Although this simple man was bestowed all that was good within his soul and heart by the Divine white light of love,  Jesus Christ was still a man of the flesh.   This simple man saw Uriel in the desert whom spoke to him and said,  “If you are the son of “God”,  turn this stone into bread and prove you are the son of “God” !  This simple man looked at Uriel and told him,  “Man shall not live by bread alone!”.    This is a true statement for man can’t, shall not and will not live by bread alone!  Uriel then told this simple man to join him and that if he joined him that he would give him the “world” !  He would give him riches beyond his belief!    This simple man saw a vision of his future with Uriel if he joined him!  Death! Death! Destruction and utterly terrible things to come did this simple man see in a vision before his very eyes!  Jesus Christ,  the simple man looked Uriel square in the eyeballs in that very desert and told Uriel,  “I will never ever join you and would rather die with my savior…the Divine white light of father…than to ever serve YOU !!!    This infuriated Uriel !!!

The simple man named Jesus Christ knew he would be jailed; placed in prison; that his own followers would betray him; He knew many would turn against him and tell others they did not know him and that in the end, he would be crucified after being lied about from city to city!!!  He knew he would be called terrible names by so many people even though  this simple man spread so much love, happiness and did so many good deeds for so many people from all across the globe! 

This simple man named Jesus Christ did not deserve such punishment for he did not sin!  Yet so much commotion was created by so many ungodly sinners!  So many rumors were spread that were untruthful!  This simple man named Jesus Christ knew there was a Judas in his mixture of friends and he even told his followers that one of them was among them and that all would deny knowing his name and that they did!  Judas took money as a payoff to let the Romans know where this simple man was going even though Jesus Christ already told Judas to go and tell the Romans where he was.

Judas acted like a friend to Jesus Christ; a brother (if you will) yet Judas was a traitor!  When an ungodly individual acts all puffed up and acts vengeful toward another,  they deny the Divine white light of love and they allow demons to fill their mind to act upon the ways of Uriel!  Where there shall be knowledge, it will always fail the individual if they follow the ways of Uriel.

We will always fall away from the Divine white light of love and the path of the light if we allow Uriel to fill our mind with evil thoughts to act vengeful and hateful toward others!  Uriel uses many devices to challenge the flesh to act sinful!  Cell phones is just one way in today’s society.

Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe,  did you know that after you buy into a cell phone plan with a company that it can be cancelled at any time and still be used to harm others through wi fi at any cafĂ© , store or bar that offers such free services ?  Even if you have ordered ATT smart limits that an individual can over ride those limits through free applications that are offered from iphone apple stores which hurt others all over the world ?   

Unfortunately accounts like google offer “google chat” as well as other sinful services where individuals can wreak  havoc for unsuspecting individuals that record your conversations; offer three way conferencing calls that you are unaware of as well as call forwarding your phone calls and text messages when you don’t even know individuals are doing this to you until it is too late for you to do anything about it!!  Ungodly sinners can wreak  so much havoc for you as an individual using iphones as well as other cell phones when Uriel rules their mind and soul  that its very disturbing on multiple levels!

 Phone companies as well as other legal agencies can’t do much about what is going on without court orders as well as thousands of dollars shelled out!  Unfortunately there are many individuals whom are with limited funds to prevent what is happening to them by ungodly people whom allow Uriel to rule their lives.  Childish pranks are pulled on others by adults with childish minds whom continue to allow their lives, bodies and mind to be ruled by Uriel.  Those whom continue to follow the ways of Uriel should put away their childish ways and be done with their childish ways.  They should part from Uriel and follow the words of the Divine white light of love for they will never know glory of everlasting life in the spiritual realm when their soul departs from their flesh,  if they don’t cease their evil ways.

An individual whom follows the Divine white light of love and is strong in mind, body and soul is always protected from the evil ways of Uriel!  No harm can Uriel do to those whom follow the path of the light! When we sin as true follower of the Divine white light of love,  we do not receive the deserved punishment from the Divine white light of love, which is eternal damnation (Romans 8:1, 2).  Yet we will receive the consequences of the sin that we did commit.  We can’t get around committing sin.

We are blessed in everything that we do so says the Divine white light of love, so long as we remain on the path of the light and remain in truth!  (Ephesians 1:3).  So many individuals forget that they are blessed by the Divine white light of love!  It is a blessing to have a mother, a father as well as siblings.  To lose what  the Divine white of love has bestowed upon you is  terrible.  Sunshine,  the seeds in which to grow plants is a true blessing.  To have a home;  a place to live; to be able to clothe yourself and your children and to have a job or a way to feed yourself or your family is a true blessing!  To be able to bare children is a true blessing!  To be able to watch your children grow up and have other children is a true blessing.  If your children grow up and do good deeds for others, that is a blessing to the Divine white light of love!  To watch your children follow the path of Uriel and as a parent you enjoy watching your children or your child follow the path of Uriel, what a sad existence you live for yourself and you should be ashamed of yourself as a parent for allowing your child for following the path of Uriel!

If an individual tells other individuals they wish to have their lives destroyed; they wish to have everything taken away from them ?  What is wrong with that individual ?  That individual has never heard the word of the Divine white light of love nor do they follow the path of the truth or the light! Their mind is sick;  their soul is morally corrupt by Uriel and they don’t have the keys they need in their lives to know the words that the simple man named Jesus Christ preached in the biblical days!

Those individuals should be asking for healing and pray to the Divine white light of love to come into their life to help them get over their sickness and ungodly ways so that they will cease their evil ways.  Their evil tongues should cease and they should tell Uriel to leave their mind, body and soul so that Uriel would leave them alone!  If the ungodly sinners would connect to the Divine white light of love and ask for healing and remain truthful,  by the blood of Jesus Christ,  they would be healed. 

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