Tuesday, March 26, 2013

About the Spiritual Realm and the Biblical Days

Believe in miracles
Truly, truly, the Divine white light of love promises all those whom walk on the path of the light and remain steadfast in truth, they shall have everlasting life in the spiritual realm.  The simple man named Jesus Christ preached about the “spirit” and knew about the spiritual realm.  The bible teaches all beings that the spirit, soul and body are three separate entities.

Our body is of this planet earth ruled by Uriel…the fourth arch angel.  Uriel serves mankind.  Uriel seeks to destroy the spirit;  Through the connection with the Divine white light of love and being reborn by the Devine white light of love,  we are spiritually connected.   All  whom serve the Divine white light of love and all whom never sway from the path of the light remain connected.  The Divine white light of love is all that is good.  Uriel is wicked and evil.  Uriel uses many devices to take a stronghold on individuals’ mind,  spirit and flesh so they will serve his needs to rule this planet called earth.

The Divine white light of love does not want you, dear energy soul travelers,  to be concerned about Uriel, the fourth arch angel of mankind!  Uriel has no power over you so long as you are diligent on walking on the path of the light!  Spend your energy seeking eternal life with the Divine white light of love and walking in truth!  The Divine white light gives you seal of approval so long as you never sway from daily truth and the path of the light, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  Uriel fills the ungodly sinners with lies, deception, corruption and their need to fill their home with material riches which will not go with them into the spiritual realm !

These ungodly sinners believe they’re sins will be washed clean on their last day and upon their last breath from their dirty deeds, yet they can’t.   All ungodly sinners will be held accountable, one by one,  for the sins they commit.  Hair by hair, strand by strand.  Each will be held accountable,  one by one.  The Divine white light of love wants you, dear energy soul travelers to rest in your peace and not to labor by your enemies, for you are protected and saved by the path in which you continue to walk, which is the light of the truth!  The Divine white light of love has set upon you, the seal of protection, which seals your fate in the spiritual realm.

The ungodly sinners believe that riches, food, material things last forever upon this planet and will bring them comfort, peace and happiness when in fact it does not.  The simple man named Jesus Christ warned in the biblical days,  that all of these things will and would one day perish and to not put too much faith or trust in these things.  The simple man named Jesus Christ preached to put your faith in the Divine white light of love because he knew with conviction that there was a spiritual realm and that indeed the spiritual realm existed!!!

Revelations 12:  Even the bible speaks about dragons, demons as well as visions!!!  Were the people in the biblical days crazy ? Lunatics or suffering from delusions because they saw dragons as well as demons coming from the “heavens” ??  Were many people crazy because they believed in the spiritual realm in the biblical days or because they believed in the simple man named Jesus Christ ?  Right now, in today’s society,  the bible exists and there are many preachers as well as men and women still preaching the gospel and words that this simple man named Jesus Christ taught in the biblical days over 2000 years ago!  Are we to believe all of these preachers, men and women on radio shows, television as well as in church congregations are lunatics and need to be placed in hospitals because they believe in the bible or the word of Jesus Christ ?

The bible is filled with many stories about dragons, spirits, serpents, etc. and talks about Satan.  The bible talks about many individuals whom saw visions of strange things.  Were they all crazy or did they see those things ?  They made miracles happen or did they ?  Was the bible just a great story or did the bible change the lives of many ?  To this day,  the bible helps people all around the world and to many,  it helps none.  That is their choice.  To many their ears remain closed and that is their choice as well.  Their spirit remains dead and their lives are ruled by Uriel.  Their soul will belong to Uriel when they take their last breath upon this earth because their ears remained closed while living upon this planet earth and that was their choice. 

Those whom follow the truth, whom know the truth of the light  accept the blessings that the Divine white light offers to all through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Everyone has the ability to step to the side away from Uriel and swish away evil.  Yet they choose not to!  They delight in their wicked, evil ways.  They live to please Uriel.  They believe that material goods will last forever when in fact it does not and will not. In the end,  when they take their last breath,  their soul will be damned and they will realize too late their fate! 

Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  Know that Uriel’s time on this planet earth is short and that so long as you continue to remain in truth and follow the path of the light, you continue to shrink down the power of Uriel!  There is no power or stronghold over the righteous or those whom follow the light!!   Uriel has no say so over those whom are true followers of the Divine white light of love; whom believe that Jesus Christ did not die in vain !

For all of those whom know for a fact the spiritual realm exists with glory waiting on the other side where real cities exist; where fresh waters exist for us to drink; where real mountains exist and homes exist for us to live in…………it is the non believers…the ungodly sinners whom will remain dead, dead, dead in spirit, soul, body and mind when their final curtain comes down upon them!

“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.  Revelations 12.   An enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 “

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.

 They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.

and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”

"this article/blog has been written by Dee Gerrish and may not be manipulated, republished or redistributed by others without consent by its original author.  3/26/2013.

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