Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Every Living Being Can Have Everlasting Life

Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe,  the Divine white light of love promises every living being we all can have everlasting life in the spiritual realm  through the blood of the simple man named Jesus Christ (which was shed as he was crucified and nailed to a wooded cross for sins he never committed)  !!

This simple man named Jesus was so beaten; so lashed and whipped that an artery in his legs was cut to the point the poor man could barely stand as he had to bear the weight of that wood  cross he was forced to carry  to a place called Golgotha.  What is so interesting,  dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe is that on one side of the earth as that wood cross holding the body of Jesus Christ, it was 12pm midnight and yet on the other side of the planet earth,  it was 12 noon!!

That wood cross holding the body of this simple man named Jesus Christ which stood erect, was pointing upwards towards the heavens of the Divine white light of love.  Every clock in today’s society has the number “12” upon it pointing at the TOP.  That number is not at the bottom!  That number is no where to be found except at the top!  The number “12” points upward just as the cross did which held the body of Jesus Christ whom was crucified and remained until his death, bound in faith and his strong convictions that he walked on the path of the light and was ONE with the Divine white light of love!

That simple man named Jesus Christ was forced to suffer outside the city limits but he wanted his people to rejoice through his blood that was being shed!  That man did NOT die at 12 noon or 12 midnight, salah!  At 3pm, salah,  that simple man known as Jesus Christ shouted toward the Divine white light of love  “IT IS DONE!!!!”  “IT IS DONE!!!”  Meaning,  he was returning to the spiritual world from which he came;  meaning his mission upon the earth in which he was asked to complete by the Divine white light of love in the spiritual world was COMPLETE, salah!   By 3pm,  dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe,  the soul of the simple man named Jesus Christ returned to the spiritual world and completed his mission upon the planet called Earth, salah.

No more could his enemies cause any pain to this man upon the planet Earth !  No more could his enemies whip this simple man even though they did try to whip him into submission!  No one, not even a judge, king or queen, could “whip”  the man named Jesus Christ into submission because that man held strong to the truth of the Divine white light of love!

The sounding of trumpets were blown throughout the land upon the death of the simple man named Jesus Christ.  On another side,  a lamb without blemish was sacrificed.  Right at that very moment he took his last breath,  the unblemished lamb was killed.  Blood was shed caused by the ungodly sinners!!!!!

Hebrews 10:10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

About Satan, hell and the Dark force

Revelation 20:10

"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

The simple man named Jesus Christ warned every man, woman and child about the forces of evil in the biblical days!  Even the bible warns the ungodly sinners whom follow Uriel (the fourth arch angel of darkness and the angel of mankind) shall be tormented day and night, forever and ever.  Meaning for all of eternity!

Fire meaning “utter destruction” to those whom refuse to follow the path of the light; The Divine white light of love wants all whom follow and stay on the path of the light to remain steadfast with truth!   Those ungodly sinners whom refuse to connect with the Divine white light of love and not turn away from evil, wickedness and Uriel…the fourth arch angel of mankind are warned that they will only know darkness for all of eternity!  Those individuals whom continue to deny the fact the spiritual realm does exist will continue to be sick in mind, body and spirit;  will always be tormented and will always follow the ways of Uriel.  Those individuals will never understand why that simple man was willing to die upon that wooden cross and return in spirit to be with his “father” on the other side of the realm!

Everyone whom follows the ways of Uriel is fearful of individuals whom are connected with the Divine white light of love!  Those whom remain steadfast to the truth and follow the light understand why that simple man named Jesus Christ was willing to die upon that wooden cross, shed his own blood and right as he was about to take his last breath upon the planet Earth, shouted to the heavens at 3pm  “IT IS DONE!!  IT IS DONE!!” , salah!

The words shouted out of that simple man named Jesus Christ had a powerful effect on not only those whom followed him….but to this day…thousands of individuals are still talking about the words that came out of his mouth!  Many are still mentioning the words that were written in the biblical days and the miracles that happened and that were preached about!

"the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light" (Gen. 1:2,3).

In the above verse,  it talks about the “spirit”.   So many verses in the bible talk about the “spirit” meaning the spiritual realm and the spirit that is within every living being!  All have the ability to connect with the Divine white light of love, yet so many refuse! 

God's spirit has  the power by which all things come from the light and in which all things are  made. "By His spirit He hath garnished the heavens; His hand hath formed the crooked serpent" (Job 26:13).

Verse after verse,  the bible speaks about the spirit, serpents, Satan, heaven as well as hell!  Verse after verse, the bible speaks about eternity, dreams as well as visions coming from the clouds!  So many individuals deny there is a spiritual world; that everlasting life exists!  So many want “proof” and “evidence”  yet they can’t deny it does not exist either!  By the shedding of the blood of the simple man named Jesus Christ and all of the testimony in the biblical days of the miracles that were performed, can we deny those things happened ?  Were all of those individuals crazy ?  Lunatics ?  In need of medication because they believed in everlasting life in the spiritual realm and the Divine white light of love ?  They held strong to their convictions in the truth ?  So many died for their beliefs in the truth!  So what ?

It is by our faith and our beliefs that we are blessed with all that is good!  It is through our belief in the Divine white light of love and our strong conviction that the Divine white light of love is able to operate within us so that we may remain connected ! 

The ungodly sinners remain with a bad disposition because they don’t have a grasp as to what the bible says about the spiritual realm or why it was that the simple man named Jesus Christ died for them!  Their lives are ruled by greed, wicked ways and unclean living!  Their lives are not ruled by the holy spirit nor are they able to connect with the Divine white light of love! 

  • "The Holy Ghost (Spirit) shall come upon thee (Mary), and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee" (Lk.1:35)

  • "The power of the Holy Spirit...mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God" (Rom.15:13,19)

  • "Our gospel (preaching) power, and in the Holy Spirit" (1 Thess. 1:5).

 Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe,  decide today which side of the cross you want to stand!  The side of Uriel or the side of the Divine white light of love!  Pray for the ungodly sinners whom continue to be your enemy!  Those whom continue to gossip about you; Those whom continue to spread hateful rumors about you;  Those whom for whatever reason hate you; Those whom spread lies about you or whom have lied about you to cause you detrimental harm toward you!   They follow the evil, wicked ways of Uriel and believe that material things will be their salvation!  Pitiful is their existence!  It is promised by the Divine white light of love that when these ungodly sinners take their last breath upon this planet earth,  they will have no true salvation! They shall have no eternal life in the spiritual world knowing victorious glory!  Your enemies shall never win when it comes to your faith, love and strong convictions in the Divine white light of love!  You, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe are shielded by the blood that was shed on the day that Jesus Christ died upon that wooded cross and went into the spiritual realm!  You are as unblemished in sin as was that simple man named Jesus Christ!  The Divine white light of love anoints you with the power of the light as well as the truth! Know it as strongly as you know when you open your mouth to breathe, air will fill your lungs with oxygen!  You are whole in spirit through the Divine white light of love, salah  !

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