Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Authority and Power of the Divine White Light Of Love

a ghostly image
There is no man upon the planet earth whom has authority or power over you, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe, salah! Know that there is only ONE true authority as well as only ONE loving entity in the spiritual realm, whom has the power over you and that is the Divine white light of love, salah!

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing. “ 1 Corinthians 13

We, as human beings upon planet earth are NOTHING unless we put every ounce of our faith; every ounce of our trust and use our inner knowing the Divine white light of love exists in the spiritual realm! Just as the simple man known as Jesus Christ believed in the existence of the Divine white light of love, so shall we if we are to have eternal life in the spiritual realm!

The Divine white light of love gives the authority to all whom remains connected, the ability to move mountains! What is your mountain in your life ? If you say you have none ? I do not believe you! Proclaim your good news if the Divine white light of love has assisted you in moving your mountain and proclaim your good news to all! The Divine white light of love gave the simple man named Jesus the ability to help blind men and women open their eyes and ears to hear the truth and to see light where there was none before! The Divine white light of love gave the simple man named Jesus the ability to give freedom to men, women as well as to children and helped the poor become very rich in spirit!

Luke 1:35

The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God”. That individual the verse was talking about, was named Jesus Christ. Although the man spread joy, happiness and good news to many people, many individuals spread lies about this man and their heart was filled with hatred for him out of fear and misunderstanding. This simple man disrupted those greedy people whom wanted to continue their wicked, sinful ways of corruption. The sinful thieves did not want to hear the truth that came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ. In the end, however, a thief as well as a liar was nailed to a wooden cross on each side of Jesus Christ and the thief as well as the liar asked Jesus “Lord, will you take us with you to “paradise” ?” and Jesus responded by saying, “Brother, I assure you that you will go down with me unto “paradise” just as I will”. However, what the thief and the liar did not understand is that Jesus was not speaking about heaven when he mentioned the word “paradise” ! Jesus was speaking about another realm below his soul would have to go before he could be resurrected into the spiritual realm!

Mark 15:37-47; Luke 23:53-56; John 19:31

There is a great division between those whom believe and those whom do not believe in the spiritual realm! Even the simple man named Jesus Christ had to cry out unto Abraham to wet his tongue and his body with water because the fire was too hot in “paradise” after his soul left his body. None can cross into the light without the authority and knowing what the power of the Divine white light of love can do for you! It is interesting that the simple man named Jesus was born at midnight (and on one side of the world it was mid-day) and when he was nailed to the cross and it was stood upright, it was mid-day (and on the other side of the world, it was mid-night!). At 3pm and with all of his might , he shouted to the Divine white light of love (through collapsed lungs) “IT IS DONE! IT IS DONE!”.

To me, that is a very powerful statement! So many people start things in their lives and yet, never complete anything! So many people steal and lie to obtain from others what does not rightfully belong to them! Too many people are married and committing adultery! Too many people are stealing from their own parents! Too many people are telling untruthful stories to their spouses about other people just to protect themselves! So many people go into church and “praise the lord” in front of their friends and loved ones knowing they live in sin! They believe praying on a Sunday will release them of their sins when in fact that is sadly incorrect!

Do you know that the simple man named Jesus appeared before his own followers as well as his own mother and none of them could recognize him when they saw him ? Why was that ?

This is because when an individual comes out of the flesh and is now in the spiritual realm, they appear to look different. It is written in the bible, that Jesus walked with his followers for two hours and they did not even know it! It is written in the bible that Jesus appeared as a gardener before his mother and until he spoke, she did not recognize him!

It is written in the bible, the Jesus appeared near the shore and shouted to his followers whom were fishermen and told them where to catch fish and catch fish they did! They did not question this man for they KNEW it was the lord, Jesus Christ! How did they know ? They believed! They had faith and an inner knowing!

The Resurrection of the simple man named Jesus Christ was powerful for many in the biblical days! Through their faith; their inner knowing and their belief in the truth, they were fearless in the preaching of what Jesus Christ had to say as the Son of God. (Acts. 2:22-36; 4:2,10; 13:32-41; 17:1-4,22-31].

What the Divine white light of love says about Adultery; lies and untruths

I have been married almost 20 years to the same man. It is quite unfortunate that an obese black woman at my spouse’s job felt compelled to take advantage of the fact I am a disabled female veteran after my spouse met her when she began working in the same department, then for whatever reason, he decided to enter her cell phone number in his cell phone over a year and a half ago. My spouse did the same thing for a few male co workers, as well. The woman had seniority over him in this same department. The texting as well as the phone calls between the two of them, even while on the job, became obsessive as well as excessive.  After I obtained my ATT cell phone records for my spouse,  I was able to count as many as 30 text messages around the clock between the two of these individuals.  It was mind boggling as to when either of these individuals were sleeping !

My spouse began hiding his income from me;  Not arriving from his employment as he normally did; acting unusual; always angry with me even though there was no reason to be angry!  My spouse told multiple lies to his male co-workers such as we were getting a divorce when in fact we were not getting a divorce!  My spouse even told the obese black woman we were divorcing  when in fact that I knew nothing of the sort!  My spouse had built a life outside of our home based upon his lies  to the point he was unable to continue his life anywhere else in our community except his employment and the places he was going with his mistress.

My spouse was so obessed with this obese black woman that he was involved with at his job, he refused to change his clothes when he came home from his job or take a shower.  My spouse would literally come home from his job with a blue tooth in his ear that was connected to his iphone…begin an argument with me after flipping on the light in our bedroom ( I had already gone to bed)…upset our dogs as well as myself…begin recording the argument between ourselves via his iphone…and begin recording the argument and then immediately call his mistress and allow this mistress to silently get involved with what was going on between himself and myself without my knowledge of the mistress or what he was doing.

After telling him to get of the bedroom, my spouse would go and sit in his recliner chair, turn on the television and proceed to spend the rest of the night and morning by iphone texting this mistress.  This act of emotional/ mental terrorizing abuse from my spouse went on for months towards me all because he was having this sordid affair with an obese black woman from his job and later I would find out from my spouse,  it was a “hateful” time in his life.  He would later tell me that he told the woman it was “over” between them, yet she refused to accept his words “it was over”.    Do I believe my spouse that he told the woman “it was over” ? 

Unless my spouse calls that woman and tells the woman “its over” in front of my face,  it is  doubtful he ever spoke those words to the woman.

Through visions by the Divine white light of love,  I knew the truth of what these two individuals were doing with each other.  My spouse could spew out of his mouth whatever words he wanted to spew,  but I already had clarity from the Divine white light of love the truth.

My spouse was working overtime to try and prevent me from knowing the truth.   When I asked ATT to send the documents to me to prove what my spouse was doing with his mistress by iphone,  my spouse tried to intercede those documents.  Let me tell you one thing, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  Uriel , the darkforce can NOT prevent the Divine white light of love from allowing YOU of knowing the reality of the truth!  When YOU walk on the path of the truth ?  You walk in a different reality ! Uriel will continue to drive a bus load of liars, thieves and con artists, day and night by your home but I promise you one thing!  You will always obtain the truth at the end of the day so long as you give praises to the Divine white light of love, salah!

Regardless of how many times my spouse tried to prevent my knowing about his mistress and the lies he told to his male co-workers; his supervisor; his male friends and that mistress ?  At the end of day, my spouse had to come clean with the lies he told….at least to me…his companion of nearly 20 years.  My spouse has still not told me the entire truth,  but I know at least enough to know the obese black woman he hooked up with at his job has been untruthful to her own spouse (if she’s married); has been untruthful to those she works with; has been untruthful to her friends and most of all, took advantage of me and my spouse in a detrimental, unjust, harmful way.  For greed; self gain;  selfishness and to protect her own interests of getting caught with what she was doing with my spouse.

That  woman has not apologized for her lies nor has she come clean for the lies and rumors she spread regarding what she was doing with my spouse, even though I as well as my spouse know the truth.   At the end of the day,  my spouse quit his job after  I told him I would file for a divorce if he did not cease his contact with that woman.   My spouse continued to be untruthful claiming he was not having any contact,  but cell phone records proved otherwise.  Both my spouse and his mistress were using gmail to hide their cheating ways! (fake phone numbers…google email contact…google chat).  The woman refused to leave my spouse alone! Night and day, the contact was incessant! Why did this woman not pay the same attention to her own family and spouse like she was doing toward my spouse ??

It is a sin, within itself how google gmail allows individuals to use fake phone numbers  to destroy the lives of others! The way google allows individuals to find a zip code to then locate a free phone number in which to forward phone calls through your iphone in a deceptive manner! I never knew such things were possible until I discovered my spouse was over riding ATT smart limits to hide a mistress and damage my life through a cell phone.   I told my spouse if he did not want me; if he did not love me and he wanted a divorce…if he wanted this obese black woman instead of me…get out of my life!  Leave me alone and simply get an apartment and get out of my life.  What was the motive for these two individuals ?  Why were these two individuals so motivated on destroying my life in this manner ?   If any individual believes this can’t  happen to you through a cheating spouse, be warned now. Pay attention to your cell phone bills very carefully and how your spouse is behaving.  This became a living nightmare in my life.  I cried out to the Divine white light of love for help!  I asked for daily assistance .

Prior to my knowledge about this mistress,  spouse had some of his male friends following my every move.  Why ?  Because he was guilty of what he was doing and didn’t want to be caught in what he was doing.  My spouse was acting like a lunatic in what he was doing!  He tapped into my computer at my home (which I had not been aware of...for whatever reason he had); My spouse was hiding so much of  his income that he left me with very little money to pay bills.

He began baking for the first time in his life and took those baked goods to his employment!  Hello ?  If your spouse begins acting unusual and changes are taking place, you may want to begin looking into why this is happening.  My spouse was not baking for the two of us!   Many things my spouse was doing caused me to become suspicious, after nearly 20 years of being in a relationship with him.   Some of my expensive jewelry came up missing and the funny part of all was that some of my "fat" clothing came up missing! I had lost over 100 lbs. and  I had placed some of my nice "fat" clothing in bags that I was going to give to "good will". Those clothes came up missing one day! Along with bosche crystals I had brought back personally, from Germany! I was so upset that I was beside myself! Questioning my spouse daily was like questioning an individual with dementia! The man acted like a complete moron whom had no clue....but I knew in my heart what was going on.

The worst part of their cheating was the damage created by the “mistress.  The months and months of excessive/obsessive texting and phone calls between her and my spouse was taking a toll on not just my spouse, but on me as well.  The woman was seeing my spouse outside of his job therefore my spouse was neglecting me; our home and my spouse was abusing me emotionally as well as mentally.  After I found out about their affair,  my spouse threatened to kill me.  He threatened to burn down our home with me in it.  My world as well as my life had been torn apart and the man I had been married to for 19 years and was a companion to for nearly 20 years became abusive… well was robbing our future, income and home for a woman he had just met at his job!  I was confused, hurt and extremely distressed.

My spouse worked second shift.  My spouse could not even get out of the parking lot before the woman was calling him and texting him!  Some of the texting happened as early as 3am! The texting and phone calls would then resume  the following morning before he would even returned to work! I would find my spouse still in the same clothing and still in front of the televion with the lights still on!  My spouse had not taken a shower nor had removed his iphone blue tooth!  My spouse was tired and being consumed…eaten alive, if you will , thru this double life!   My spouse was becoming a raging lunatic and his double life was being driven based upon lies!  Even after he swore he told the woman it was “over”,  the woman refused to take no for an answer!  It was said she turned the tables to claim “sexual harassment” so that her own spouse and family would not find out about the affair and her “proof” was that my spouse texted her first!  She’s a black woman.  My spouse is a white male.  My spouse had sealed his fate to his male co-workers by telling them ‘we’ were getting a divorce.  Therefore how could he get out of his lies ?  So my spouse believed at the time.  A court order will reveal the truth and the woman’s lies would be unraveled in a court of law!  She would look like the liar that she is in front of her supervisor; her spouse; her friends and her church (if she attends) once the words were ordered by a court of law of all the texting that came from her and my spouse.  The insanity of the texting between her and my spouse!


Matt 5:27-28
27 "You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY'; 28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

The saying goes for women as well! That woman knew she had a man at her home (or at least my spouse told me she was married.) Where the seed is planted to commit adultery as well as lust in the heart and mind, you my friend have already committed the act! That woman knew very well my spouse was married!  My spouse knew very well he was married as well.  My spouse was wrong in what he did, but the woman was more than wrong for what she did with my spouse.   My spouse and I have been companions for nearly 20 years!  We have been married for 19 years!

What the Divine light of love promises to those whom steal, cheat, lie and commit adultery is this, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe, salah! Those whom continue their sinful ways; whom have ears to hear and eyes to see yet refuse to see or hear the truth ? They will never cross into the spiritual realm of glory in their final days! The woman whom took advantage of my spouse as well as myself, knowing both of us are disabled veterans…whom told lie after lie to her family; her co-workers; her supervisor;  her spouse and her church going friends (if she goes to church)  just to cover her own foot prints of dirty deeds will never enter the kingdom of the Divine white light of love!

We must always know that our relationship with the Divine white light of love is the most important one of all!   I was willing to give up my relationship with my spouse and let him go to this obese black woman if that is what made him happier!  I told him “GO to her!  RUN to her if that obese black woman makes you happier than being with me, praise god, salah!

I told my spouse that I am confident in myself to know I am beautiful!  That I am sexy! That the Divine white light of love gives me the strength to carry on without him and that I shall weep no more if he prefers an obese, black woman over me, praise god, salah!   Oh lord, oh lord! I told my spouse that leaving me; dumping me and running into the arms of an obese, black woman whom has cheapened herself like some whore on the side of the road would be a deep regret that he will never forget!  But I, salah, walk in the light of knowing that I will be alright!  My lifetime relationship with the Divine white light of love shall never end nor ever sway because my god has promised that when I take my final breath upon this earth, I will have eternal life in the spiritual realm !  My life is for all of eternity!  I shall never perish with Uriel like he and that obese black woman will for their dirty deeds!

What evil burdens some must carry for their dirty deeds!  That is not my issue nor for me to judge!  When these ungodly sinners take their last breath upon this planet,  they will see whom awaits them at their side!  Adultery is not permissible of the mind, spirit or body! Taking advantage of others through lies; manipulating others for greed and selfish reasons is sinful! These type of people will reap in the end what it is that they sow! The Divine white light promises us that what has been stolen from us by others will be returned in the end,  salah! Greedy, hateful, revengeful sinners shall always feel misery! Shall always feel incomplete!

Many marriages do not survive adultery. Many marriages end in divorce. My marriage almost ended in divorce because of this obese, black woman trying to take advantage of both myself and my spouse. She wasn’t really interested in my spouse as the person.  My spouse was being driven insane trying to keep up with the lies that he had told to all the individuals he knew at his employment and at his home!  My spouse was burning candles at both ends of his life and it was taking a toll upon his health, his emotions, his spirit, his body and his mind!  My spouse became upset daily and didn’t know a way out of the sins, the lies and what he had gotten himself into! The absurdity and insanity became so out of control,  my spouse had to see a doctor and go out on disability.  However the woman refused to leave my spouse alone even after that.  He finally had to quit his job.  What did she gain ?  We lost quite a bit from all the lies he told and his indiscretions.  She kept her job…her benefits and her is able to pay her bills! She didn’t gain my spouse but she caused my spouse to almost have a nervous breakdown and plenty of issues within our marriage and relationship! The woman caused a lot of health problems for my spouse. My spouse is guilty, no doubt about it, but he confessed to me and that saved our marriage from ending.  Can the woman walk with her head held high ?

Should this woman walk in public or in her community or at her employment with her head held high ?  I should say not!   At least not until she makes a full confession to GOD, her friends, her employment  and apologize to me and my spouse for her indiscretions.  She should not for s walk anywhere with her head held high until she makes a full confession of what she did with my spouse and the pain she caused to me , since she is filled with  sin and has a  soul filled with lies and shame! The woman should be truthful to her family; her friends and more so to her spouse!  The woman should be truthful to me and to my spouse and make a full confession and apologize for what she did.   That is being ONE with the Divine white light of love because that is in keeping with the covenants and being obedient to the light as well staying in the truth!

I, for one, no longer care about those whom continue to spread rumors…untruths..or walk with on a path of deception. I follow the light and I am one with the Divine white light of love!

Those whom are connected with the Divine white light of love live in a different reality.  They have a strong relationship with the Divine!  That relationship is built on principles; trust; faith and the foundation in which Jesus Christ himself knew was the truth and the way into the spiritual realm of eternal life!  The reality that you are ONE with the light and the only way you will ever be ONE with that light is to remain obedient to the Divine white light of love. 
Individuals can not con their way into the good graces of the Divine!  They can not buy their way into the good graces of the Divine!  They can not go into church on a sunday and pray to be forgiven and then sin on a monday then repeat their sins to be in the good graces of the Divine!
A true relationship with the Divine white light of love is forever! The person never sways from their faith! They are thankful for every simple thing the Divine has provided to them!  A bus rides by your home every day even in the form of a begger at times to help give you clarity!   Never pass a begger by in need of help lest he be an angel in disguise!  The Divine created angels before he created man! Those whom refuse to form a relationship with the Divine are forever lost!
The ungodly sinners will be with Uriel in the end, twenty times fold, so moat it be!

Deuteronomy 24:1-3; Matt 5:31-32; Matt 19:9; Luke 16:18; Mark 10:11-12

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