Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Divine White light of love is a relationship built on truth

a broken heart

Psalms 1:1

Blessed are those who do not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers .

Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  Know that the Divine white light of love wants you to turn away from those whom walk on the path with Uriel, the fourth arch angel of mankind….the angel of darkness!  Those individuals whom try to stand in your way to do good tidings for the Divine white light of love ??  Remain unscathed by their attempts to defeat you!

Those whom walk on the path of the light; whom are able to see in spirit that can’t be seen by the flesh; whom have ears to hear in spirit which can’t be heard by the flesh,  are always protected from the ungodly sinners whom hold the hands of Uriel and walk upon the path of darkness!

Psalms 139:1

For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.

When an individual has built a trusting, loving, faithful relationship with someone that they love with all earnest, they are not afraid to tell everyone about that relationship.  The same goes for the relationship an individual has strongly built with the Divine white light of love.  The individual has love within their heart, body, mind, spirit and soul because of the relationship they have built with the Divine white light of love.  The simple man named Jesus Christ had the same relationship with God, our father,  in heaven (the spiritual realm).   He was not afraid to shout from his mouth his strong convictions that God, our father, in heaven (the spiritual realm) is real!  His faith, trust and relationship he had with God was so real in fact, he was willing to give up his life for what he believed in.  So many people in the biblical days stated that “Jesus” was OUT OF HIS MIND!  That the man was “beside “ himself!  They called the man a liar!  A con artist, if you will.  A “false” prophet!  But was he ?  Was the man a lunatic ?  Was he crazy or was he just a simple man whom believed very strongly in his faith ?

Why did the man have to die for what he believed in ?  Why were so many people afraid of what “Jesus” believed in ?  Those people were ignorant and not trusting.  They did not have the eyes to see the unseen.  They did not have the ears to hear the glory of the unheard words of the spiritual realm which is a reality for all those whom believe and accept by faith and trust that it is the only way into the light!  Take delight in knowing that all things are possible when you  believe and trust that all things are possible.  If an individual walked around all day complaining and stated to not only themselves but to others that they were a miserable piece of crap whom could do nothing about their circumstances , what do you suppose would happen?  Not one single thing!  Those individuals expect bad news!  They believe that nothing good will be obtained or gained!  If an individual speaks badly of themselves;  look in the mirror and they believe  what stares back in the mirror a bad person, ugly person or shameful person ?  Guess what IS staring back at themselves ?  Exactly that!  Those individuals reap what they sew!

The Divine white light of love told me this a long time ago!  I was called upon by the Divine white light of love to always be where I always was, in life.  Sure I stumbled…but I always picked myself up and continued moving forward.  So did the simple man known as Jesus Christ.  He stumbled many,  many times as he was growing up and he did so until the day he was crucified.

The day the man named Jesus Christ was crucified,  he was whipped until people could see him inside and out!  The movies do not actually show what really happened to that poor, poor man!  The man’s head was so badly beaten he was no longer recognizable!  It was swollen multiple times over on the day he was nailed to the cross!  When we are called upon to follow the Divine white light of love and we make that choice to do so;  we follow on the path of the light, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe.   Our lives in the flesh is literally torn inside and out!  Our reality changes and our eyes see what many can’t see because we are “born anew” just as the man named Jesus Christ was resurrected and was renewed in spirit.  He became a spiritual man and returned in spirit.  When we become ONE with the Divine,  we are witness to the glory of the signs!  We are a renewed individual in spirit.

Of course the ungodly sinners, those whom do not believe will be critical of you!  It was the same for Jesus Christ in the biblical days.  Have no fear and continue to praise the Divine! 

Psalms 112:4

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.

Those whom mock,  curse or  lie about followers of the Divine and those whom steal from followers of the Divine should know that it is promised all will be returned to the faithful what was stolen!  It is promised by the Divine that the ground shall quake at the bottoms of the ungodly sinners’ feet when all is said and done!  No hair shall be left untouched …strand by strand…when a wrong has been committed and that ungodly sinner has failed to confess their sin out of their mouth and failed to right a wrong committed toward the righteous!

Psalms 112:5

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.

1 Corinthians 15:50

It is promised by the Divine white light of love that no man, woman or child shall go into the spiritual realm until they are “reborn” and that ALL whom are of the flesh will perish as a sinner until they connect with the Divine and hear the words of the Divine.   There is no eternal, everlasting life in the spiritual realm (in the Kingdom of glory) unless one is reborn and accepting of the truth and the Divine is a fact! That the Divine exists!  That the Divine is a reality!

The Divine white light of love wants you to know that you must be obedient; trusting as well as have an inner knowing always if you are to have everlasting, eternal life in the spiritual realm after you leave your bodily flesh behind!  You must be faithfully committed to walk on the path of the light and never sway in the relationship with the Divine,  just as you would not sway from your relationship with your spouse if you were in the relationship with all earnest!  If  you loved your spouse with all of your heart,  you would never want to cheat on your spouse! You would never sway from the relationship.  You would never want to do anything to cause harm to your spouse.  If you were earnestly committed in the relationship with your partner (your spouse), you would be faithful, loving, trusting and never do anything with another person to harm your spouse!  The same is true being in a relationship with the Divine white light of love.  Jesus Christ had the same type of relationship with God…his father in heaven (the spiritual realm).

1 Corinthians 9:17

Let me tell you something!  The Divine white light of love does not owe the partially committed a single thing!  To be partially committed is the same as being NOT committed!  If a spouse is PARTIALLY committed…they may as well not be committed at all!  There is NO commitment to the individual they have married!  If you have PARTIALLY given a “gift” to someone, you have given NO gift at all! 

The “amplified” version of the verse states:

What the Divine white light of love has shown me through visions and dreams, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  There is a flip side to the coin.  Where there is good ,  there is evil!  FREE WILL  is NEVER free!  YOU will PAY and your “reward” will come back to you twenty times fold if you allow Uriel (the fourth arch angel of mankind and the angel of darkness) to hold your hands and sway you, blind you and cause you to obey his dirty commands!  Uriel uses many devices to entice you to obey his commands!  There is someone whom commits an act reluctantly at some point in time in their life,  hopefully with regret that will teach them a lesson so that they can turn their life around and learn from their experience.

1.      Adultery

2.      Lying

3.      Stealing

4.      Cheating others out of their belongings, property or personal possessions.

5.      Killing

6.      Acting unkind, unsavory or vengeful toward others

Unfortunately, there are many whom never learn from the above acts; whom continue their evil, wicked ways and they allow Uriel to hold their hands until they take their last dying breath! Uriel is all too happy to take their soul down under and keep their soul in darkness for all of eternity!   All  individuals whom never confess, from their mouth,  the above acts will NEVER enter into the kingdom of heaven (the spiritual realm) and know the glory of God ( The Divine white light of love).

Even the “Lord” commanded that those whom preach the gospel, should receive their living from the gospel.  However that didn’t mean that they receive “riches”  in money and prosper in money.  It meant that they prosper in their words and by what they teach!  I have never been afraid to tell anyone whom asked,  how information comes to me.   If information is to be made available to me,  it will come.  I am able to see what is unseen and hear what can’t be heard through my relationship with the Divine.  Those whom don’t believe can remain non believers.  It makes no difference to me.  Those whom believe have received the messages that were meant for them when the message was given to me and I shared it with them.  I do what is called upon me to do by the Divine white light of love. 

What the Divine white light of love says about non believers:

1 John 3:15

Anyone who hates a fellow believer is a murderer, and you know that no murderers have eternal life in them.

 This includes those whom detests or mocks a fellow believer as well!  The Divine white light of love calls the unbelievers, the ungodly sinners a “destroyer” !  They are dead, dead, dead to the spiritual realm when they go to take their last breath upon this planet called earth!  Whom shall be waiting for their soul, but Uriel…the fourth arch angel of mankind…the angel of darkness!

2 Thessalonians 3:6  states that every brethren stay away from those whom slacked and whom were disorderly or living as a “shirker”!   What would happen if your spouse decided to begin acting like a fool in public every time the two of  you were  together ?  What would happen if your spouse refused to pay the bills; began acting disorderly and began committing adultery and you found out your spouse was living a secret life ?  Would you leave your spouse ? 

James 4:4

Adultery is of the mind and not just of the body!  The seed has to first be planted before the act is committed by the offender/s.  The Divine white light of love brought a vision to me showing me that my spouse was committing adultery before I actually confronted him with the act of adultery with his female co-worker mistress!  I saw the two of them together having lunch and I saw the woman lay her hand upon my spouse’s paycheck after the two of them had lunch together.  The symbol of the vision was that my spouse was cheating with a “shady lady” after his paycheck and was trying to get rid of me as his spouse by causing detrimental harm to not just me, but to him as well!  The woman did not want my spouse…but wanted his money!  His paycheck!

After having the vision,  I confronted my spouse but he denied knowing such a woman. He  denied he was having an affair and he denied he had lunch with such a woman!  I knew my vision was the truth!  Months later the truth would be revealed out of the mouth of my spouse. Visions coming from the Divine white light of love have always been the absolute truth!   I told my spouse then he was untruthful but he remained in absolute denial.  My spouse was blinded by the truth because he was swayed by Uriel .   The woman my spouse decided to have an affair with was of shady character;  cheated on her spouse with my spouse and convinced my spouse to do unspeakable things to me which caused detrimental harm our marriage; our relationship, his job and to me as well.   I place the most blame upon my spouse because he admitted to pursuing the woman and admitted he saw the woman outside of his employment.  But after my spouse confessed his “sins”,  then I told my spouse to cease having contact with the woman and tell the woman it was over!  I told my spouse he must call the woman and confess to her his “sins” and tell her why he did what he did and apologize to her spouse and I expected the same in return from the woman because the woman owes an apology to me for having an affair with my spouse; for excessively texting my spouse at our home and at his job with an absurd obsession for months and months; for seeing my spouse outside of his employment without my knowledge and carrying on with my spouse knowing she was a married woman (if she is married and if she isn’t married she had no business either way carrying on with my spouse!)

The “Lord” hates divorce and hates individuals whom does unspeakable things to others when they KNOW in their heart what it is they are doing!!  This woman knew my spouse was a married man.  The detrimental harm came upon me when my spouse called her while at our home (without my knowledge) and would allow this woman to hear our arguments by cell phone AFTER my spouse had belittled me; cussed me out; threatened my life and gotten me upset to the point I was beside myself and my spouse knew he had his cell phone in his pocket with an open phone line to his mistress while she was on the other end listening!  He would remain calm and acted like nothing was going on while I was the recipient of his antics!

My spouse had built up a scenario at his employment that I was a “threat” to him when in fact,  it was the other way around at our home!  My spouse had built a double life at his employment based on lies that he had begun telling to those whom worked with him, including his mistress!  My spouse was texting and calling these individuals around the clock, for months and building his lies because his mistress was luring  him in and egging him on!  When my spouse came home,  I didn’t even know any more whom or what I was actually dealing with.  It was becoming too much to handle.  I began investigating my spouse’s cell phone records to find out what was going on since he was spending more time away from home; he was spending a lot of money on gas and not accounting for where he was going or why he was not giving toward the bills even though he claimed to work x amount of hours!  He unfortunately worked in the same department as the female “co” worker and not until the very end did I even know the woman’s name or much about her.  My spouse refused to be honest and confess his sins even when I had my cell phone records and showed to him the actual evidence!  The cruelest act my spouse could have ever done to me was on Thanksgiving day when he left me alone at home and spent his thanksgiving with someone else!  I went outside to take the dogs out and came inside only to find my spouse had driven off without me!  I called his cell phone multiple times and he refused to call me back!  For hours he was gone, leaving me to sit a home alone on thanksgiving day!  My spouse had the audacity to come home late that night with a plate of food in his hands and tell me the plate was for me!  I wanted to smash the food in his face.  He told me that he went to the home of a male coworker when I knew that was not true.  He told me that I wasn’t there so he left without me!  I stood there in total disbelief!  There stood in front of me,  my spouse,  a complete utter liar!  In defiance,  the man I had married and been a companion for nearly 20 years was an utter liar!  My spouse was no longer honoring me as his companion!  My spouse no longer considered me or my feelings.  My spouse was morally corrupt and bankrupt as my companion because he was blinded by his adulterous affair with the shady lady!

What was I to do next as a spouse whom has clarity by the Divine ?

My spouse had told so many lies at his employment and allowed his mind to be so  corrupted by his mistress that he was blinded by the truth.  My spouse made ME his enemy.  I was his target board on a daily basis from the time he hooked up with the shady lady whom became his mistress.  The Divine white light of love told me to GET OUT and leave quickly, for I was not safe where I was.   Go unto a new land and so as to be safe.   I was shown another vision by the Divine white light of love.  A very bad vision.  My father came to me in the brightest of light.  So bright in fact,  I was blinded by the light.   I could hear my father’s voice but could not see him.  I was shown my spouse and my younger son speaking very badly of me….being shown a computer and then my father told me he was taking my only brother into the light with him!!

I began yelling NO! NO!  I began waving my arms about and stumbling as I tried to find my father in the bright light…for I was blinded by the light.  Then my father warned me I would be killed by a man with black hair and a dark beard and I must leave…I must go quickly!  I was in grave danger!   This danger was because of my spouse and my younger son and what they were saying and doing and I was shown a  computer!   I then woke up.   My phone rang within three hours and I obtained a message from my brother’s wife that my only brother was dying and I needed to go quickly to see him.  I packed as much as I could and I left quickly.

Deuteronomy 4:5

See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the LORD my God commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it.

On the third day of my brother’s death I knew my brother would be “born again” just as was Jesus Christ was born anew.  I found myself at a place one night speaking to a man whom oddly resembled my brother, wearing a black leather jacket.  He had tattoos and long, blond hair.  Most people would have passed up the opportunity to speak with him,  but I thought he was very interesting and I wanted to know the history of his tattoos.  He made me laugh even though I had been sitting there thinking of my brother, feeling sad about his passing.  We parted our ways several hours after talking and I came home to praise the Divine white light of love for giving me the opportunity of speaking with an interesting stranger.   I wondered whether my brother gave much thought about the heavens above and where his soul would go into the afterlife.   I recalled kissing his forehead and telling to not be afraid, that our father promised to come for him and walk with him into the light.  I recalled telling him how much I loved him; would always be there for him and that he could come to me any time, day or night!

Romans 6:23

Those whom continue to deny the Divine white light of love does not exist will perish!  Those whom continue living in sin will only know Death! It is a blessing for me to wake up each and every day knowing the Divine is real!  That the spiritual realm exists!   I have no fear in what the ungodly sinners have to say about me; try to do to me or when Uriel attempts to knock upon my door!  I leave all matters in the hands of the Divine white light of love.

When my spouse refused to confess and I had all of the evidence spread out in front of him,  I told him to RUN to the woman…DO NOT walk…but RUN to the woman if he felt that was going to bring him eternal happiness!  If throwing away a 19 year marriage and  nearly 20 years of companionship was worth living a lie with a shady woman ?  Do NOT walk…run to her!!!  What did my spouse do ?  He tried to blame ME for his actions!  He tried to blame everything he did with that woman on me!  I refused to hear anything that was spewing from his illogical mouth and I changed my phone number!  I told my spouse to cease all contact because he could not have his cake and eat it too!  I was NOT going to stay married to a cheater, a liar nor share my bed with man I could no longer trust!  The man would have to confess his sins and tell the truth or our marriage and our relationship was over and he could continue his “whatever he wanted to call it”  with his mistress…the shady lady whom was also morally bankrupt and corrupt!

My spouse obtained my number from my son;  Told me he had not showered or changed his clothing in days;  Told me he could not see himself living his life without me because he realized we were soul-mates.  He knew that from the first day we had met.   It is difficult to believe anything a cheating spouse tells you because it sounds like “canned” speech.  But I decided to give my spouse a chance.  The opportunity to show me he is being honest and sincere.  My spouse told me he was sorry and did not want our marriage to end in divorce.  He asked for forgiveness because he confessed.  Had he not confessed,  I would not have forgiven him.

I shall not forgive the woman for she has not told her spouse nor has she apologized to me!  I told my spouse he owes her spouse an apology as well because they both cheated.  It remains to be seen if it happens.  A full confession however is the only way either party will get into heaven after they take their last breath upon this planet!  The woman’s spouse is only aware of the lies she told him!  My spouse told that woman many lies about me and he created the situation that never should have happened.  My spouse never should have placed her cell phone number into his cell phone,  but the woman never should have called my spouse nor texted him knowing my spouse was a married man!  The woman should have shown ME respect and walked away from my spouse knowing he was married.

The Defining moment

Months later both my spouse and I would later learn he has a brain injury caused by a motor cycle accident he had over eight years ago.  The injury causes my spouse to not be able to control his impulses.  I had seen multiple changes in my spouse over time and asked my spouse to see a doctor many times.  He refused.  The behavior in my spouse was growing worse as the years passed.  When he met the woman at his job,  my spouse became someone I did not know.  My spouse would come home and have raging fits over nothing.  My spouse threatened to kill me multiple times to the point I went to the court house and began proceedings with a B-50 against him if he did not seek therapy.  My spouse was out of control and acting illogical.  He believed I dumped him over a dog and he claims he quit his job because I refused to turn on his cell phone.  Those claims were made at his breaking point when he was at near exhaustion and having a near nervous breakdown!

My spouse was not sleeping.  Not eating right.  Not taking showers.  Not changing his clothing that he worked.  My spouse was causing me to feel as though I was going to have a nervous collapse,  as well, from his antics!  It is unspeakable that the woman my spouse worked with would delight in knowing what my spouse was doing to me at our home!  How would her spouse and family feel knowing what she was doing with my spouse ?  Egging my spouse on to mistreat me as he was doing ?! Hiding her calls to my spouse through google chat ?  Contacting my spouse through  google gmail ? Always talking to my spouse and always texting my spouse around the clock knowing he was a married man ?  What does that say about her character ?

Micah 7:18

The only ONE whom can “pardon” sin is GOD and the ungodly sinner is NOT pardoned until they confess and ask for forgiveness of their sins! There is NO mercy until then, dear sinners!

Then they will cry out to the LORD, but he will not answer them. At that time he will hide his face from them because of the evil they have done.  Micah 3:4
There can be no true relationship with the Divine white light of love, much less your spouse, friend or lover if that relationship is not built upon trust!  My spouse can't blame his head injury on his decision to have an affair with a married woman whom was a co worker.  However,  many of his actions and illogical thinking can be attributed to his brain injury.  It can't be explained as to why the woman took advantage of my spouse other than wanting his paycheck .   It is unspeakable the woman would egg my spouse on to be hateful toward me knowing I am a disabled veteran!  The Divine white light has promised her will burn in complete darkness for all of eternity unless she confesses of her sins ! 

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