Saturday, April 6, 2013

Whom Is The Driver Of Your Life ? You Or The Divine White Light Of Love ?

From the time I was two years of age,  I have been connected with the Divine white  light of love. However, it took many years for me to be able to perfect the inner knowing of understanding that I have now.  It would take many years of stumbling; many years of making mistakes; of experiencing heartbreaks and of living a life upon this planet we call “earth” before my spiritual guide would allow me to know her actual name and have the clarity and understanding that I now have.

Proverbs 5:6

When we are born in the flesh,  we come in the flesh to earthly parents.  We are raised by earthly parents and it is by our choice whether or not we, as a human being keep to the ways of those fleshly parents’ ways, the environment in which we have been raised or if we step out and away from both.  Because I have always had a spiritual guide as a mentor in my life,  I chose to step away from how I was raised by my flesh parents and did not allow my environment dictate the decisions that I ever made.  There was another force within my life.   I chose not to listen to the negative things I heard coming from the mouths of my fleshly parents and I chose not to be raised by the negative things that I could have selected within the environment, always.  Of course many times I stumbled, but I always picked myself up and kept moving forward to the direction of positive things.  Many evil wicked people whom follow the dark path have spoken untruthful statements about me due to their false perceptions.  That is by their own choice.  God will judge them in due season.  I am not their judge.  No man or woman may enter the kingdom of the heavenly realm except through Jesus Christ. Unless they bend their knees unto the Lord, they remain the unfallen ones.   I judge myself first unto the Lord; He then judges me!  No one has the authority to judge me other than the Lord Jesus Christ, my one and only true savior whom loves me and forgives me.

Eventually I came to realize there is a spiritual "driver" and an “operator” whom called upon me and that is the one and only the Divine white light of love.  I did not fully understand when I was younger whom that “operator” was nor know the name of my spiritual guide until I was much older,  but I trusted the “operator”/"driver" .    I  always kept the faith and trust  whom was driving my spiritual “bus”.  I had trust and faith in the visions and dreams that I always had.

Dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe,  if you DO NOT know whom the driver of  your bus IS and you wander aimlessly about upon this planet called earth ?  You are a lost being!  You are as disconnected as a leaf from a tree that has been broken from its branch due to a strong wind that has just blown through aimlessly that day!  The Divine white light of love knew your purpose before you were created.   The Lord savior,  my God, sealed my name in the realm.  Many wander aimlessly upon this planet earth never fulfilling their destiny or purpose before they take their last dying breath!

So many can’t, will not and shall NEVER know their destiny or purpose upon this planet we call earth because they refuse to accept the fact the Divine white light of love exists and IS a reality!  Those non-believers wander around aimlessly blaming the believers for their misery! The non- believers blame the believers for their failures! The non-believers blame the believers for their inability to achieve success within their lives!  The non-believers wander aimlessly in life blaming the believers for their inability to find happiness.  The reality is,  the non-believers will find anything and everything to blame the believers for simply because they don’t believe, trust and have any faith in the Divine white light of love nor do they walk on the path of the light!

When an individual is connected with the Divine white light of love,  every day is a blessing and their day is like the morning sun! Even in the midst of a storm and their enemies may rise to ten thousand, a believer can know they can count upon the Divine white light of love to show them the way!  Dear enemy,  know that I will never fear ye and will never join ye no matter how many times ye seek me out!  Ye can never destroy what the Lord savior of mine has sealed within the heavenly realm.

Proverbs 4:18

We individuals can’t reach our full potential or know our purpose upon this planet earth unless we walk upon the path of the light and connect with the Divine white light of love and allow the Divine to become the driver of our spiritual bus!  When we take it upon ourselves to do things ourselves,  the inevitable happens!  Uriel, the fourth arch angel of mankind steps in and is all too happy to rule your mind, body and soul to sway you to do all the wrong things!  Satan  is the angel of darkness.  Satan's  time is very short and he knows it!  However,  he is collecting as many individuals as possible trying to defeat the good.  Notice I did state “trying” !

Uriel has been knocking upon many doors!  You have a choice whether or not you open that door to allow Uriel to enter.  Uriel has tried knocking upon my door so many times, it’s pathetic.  However,  Uriel is constantly reminded by me,  that I walk upon the path of the light and I am ONE with the Divine white light of love.  Uriel is a constant challenge and that challenge will be a constant in the lives of those whom follow the light.  The simple man named Jesus Christ knew “Satan” by name.  He saw “Satan” right on the day he was crucified and nailed upon the wooden cross, but the fact Jesus Christ saw the face of “Satan” and saw him standing there watching him being crucified, did not bother this man one bit.  The simple man whom was connected with his heavenly father believed in the spiritual realm and was strong in his spiritual faith.  “Satan” was kept at bay because of the fact Jesus Christ was strong in his spiritual convictions and trust that his heavenly father was going to take care of him in the after world.

Proverbs 10:17

So many times I stumbled through life but I was reminded by the Divine white light of love that as long as I remained upon the path of light and did not stray from the light, I would never be alone!  Of course I was in the midst of many storms but I was always reminded that my storms were to help others and there was a reason for the storms.  Many times I questioned the Divine white light of love and sometimes I doubted what I was called upon to do.  But a vision and/or a dream would come to me to show that I had no reason to doubt.  So long as I was doubting,  then the Divine white light of love knew I was not swaying from the path of the light.  I was  work in progress.   Doubters are works in progress.  Non-believers walk with Uriel!  I always believed…but there were times when I had doubts due to being in the midst of a storm.  As they say,  there were too many trees in front of me to see the beauty or know the beauty that was actually there standing before me.  My Lord God called upon me and I did sit at his foot stool.  He told me that I could "do better".  I did promise my Lord God I would try and "do better".  I made a promise unto my Lord savior.

Every time I had my doubts, a dream or a vision would come to me to prove the Divine white light of love was telling the absolute truth!  That there was no need for me to doubt!  I would then follow instructions and proceed.  Over time, I  threw my doubts in the fire and began to trust with all earnest.  I began to see the unseen and hear what non-believers could not hear.  I began to trust with all earnest and cease with my fleshly fears.   Those whom are connected with the Divine white light of love are of help to so many around the world.  They do good work to so many and that was always the message that Jesus Christ, himself, was trying to spread to so many people in the biblical days.  Even today,  the same messages are being spread by around the world by thousands of others by a multitude of believers for the Lord Jesus Christ!  Satan is trying to destroy the gospel truth of God's words but in due season....the battle will be lost by the unfallen ones!

When I had times of troubles and individuals caused issues for me ?  I was reminded by the Divine white light of love that I should fear NO man upon this planet earth!  I was reminded by the Divine that I walked the path of the light and spoke of the truth.  That for every season, for every day and for every time….I am doing the works of the Divine.  If something has been stolen; If a wrong must be corrected; If there is a thief or a liar in the midst…they were removed by the unfallen ones!  They seek to destroy the believers because I am doing the works of the Divine.  Today, more than ever before,  we are in the the days of Noah.  Those whom are standing up for the Lord are being attacked!

Psalms 27:1

Whom shall I fear or dread when the truth is the truth ?  Whom shall I fear when the Divine white light is my stronghold, my refuge, my protection, my salvation ?  I shall fear no man upon this planet called earth because I walk upon the path of the light and the Divine is my operator of my spiritual bus.

The enemies whether one or ten thousand shall never cross into the spiritual realm of the Lord Jesus Christ,  God almighty! The enemy will be separated from those whom believe in the Lord, at the end of the day.  The non-believers;  the ungodly sinners shall never enter into the Kingdom…which is the spiritual realm and that is a promise by the Divine white light of love!  Grow in the grace and the knowledge that you have nothing to fear upon this planet called earth, so long as you allow the Divine white light of love to be your operator to drive your spiritual bus!  The Divine white light of love should be your spiritual rock!  It is promised that those individuals whom continue to place their trust in mortal ways and follow the path of Uriel,  will meet their end only in darkness!  The unfallen ones of darkness  are forever cursed, for all of eternity,  if they don’t confess of their sins before God,  knowing they committed them!

When you reject the ways of Uriel and ye are of the unfallen angels of darkness,  confess ye sins  out of your mouth to the Lord Jesus that  you have committed toward others, then you should ask the Divine white light of love to enter into your life.   Once you do this, you will become a much stronger individual inwardly.  Your life will begin to change for the better.  Your reality will change and you will begin to heal from carrying around past baggage.  You will become a new creation. You will be able to praise the Divine white light of love for helping you become a new creature!  For some people,  it may take baby steps.  For others,  it is an over-night life changing experience!  Of course you may have to sacrifice many things in your life.  Many people are not willing to make those sacrifices. 

Too many people blame others…even “GOD”…for what happened in their life.  Many times you were not supposed to bring someone from the past into your future.  There could have been a reason a “storm” happened in your life so that a disconnect happened between yourself and another individual.   The Divine works in mysterious ways!  In the bible,  the Divine used many individuals for a greater purpose….even knowing they were going to be jailed, placed in prison, killed or maimed.  Every plant, animal and individual had a purpose and everything served a purpose for the Divine.  They did not know what that purpose was,  but the Divine knew the purpose as well as the plan.  Even the bible states it is sometimes better to have a neighbor closest to you rather than a “brother” from afar!!  Meaning, a close neighbor can sometimes be an entirely better friend to you than an estranged family member whom is causing entirely more harm to you!  That, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe is a truthful statement and let it known that those words came  straight from the “horse’s” mouth…. The Divine white light of love!  Even the simple man named Jesus Christ knew this to be the absolute truth because his heavenly father told him so!  It is my personal opinion, the heavenly father is ONE and the same as the Divine white light of love!  Some may agree and some may not!

How does one heal after they feel harmed by others ?

If you walk on the path with Uriel, then you will never know this answer.  You will continue in your ways and never know peace, happiness, joy or love within yourself.  Luke 6:19 :  In the days of Jesus Christ,  many people  wanted to touch him , listen to him, follow him and be close to him because of the good news he brought to them.  This simple man had no home; no formal education; no phone; no car; no clothes to really speak of.  All this man had really was “good news”.  He was spreading messages of peace, happiness, hope and basically “good news”.   After this simple man became ONE with the heavenly father,  he was able to perform miracles.  His followers multiplied and then he became a threat to the ignorant.  The ignorant wanted him dead!  Suddenly this “simple man”  was no longer so simple.  He was cussed at, spat at and called a false prophet!  A liar!  Finally, he was killed in a most gruesome, horrific manner! 

Jesus Christ wanted his messages to cheer the heart of many,  but he wanted everyone to know the spiritual truth!  He wanted everyone to know the spiritual reality!  Was it a lie that he was healing those people in the biblical days ?  Was his truths a lie ?  Some will say yes!  Some deny the truth and the reality of what Jesus had to say.  There are many whom today believe that God even exists or that God is real.  In biblical days,  Jesus Christ was called a lunatic.  They said he was “beside” himself.   Jesus Christ saw visions and many of his followers proclaimed that Jesus Christ was with them in “spirit” !!  Were they lunatics ?  Were they liars?

It is asked  in the bible: 

1 Corinthians 12:30

What the Divine white light of love has told me is that if you are connected; have trust; faith and you believe….then you shall see the unseen….you will have ears to hear what others can’t hear!  You shall see the signs and the wonders that exist in the spiritual realm because it is real!

NOT all possess extraordinary powers of healing.  Not all speak with tongues.  Not all can interpret if they DO NOT believe!   One must believe that all things are possible before all things are made possible!  Jesus Christ asked even the blind man to do a simple thing before the blind man was able to regain his sight.  That simple thing was to wash off the mud from his eyes.  All the Divine white light of love asks of you is to ASK the Divine white light of love to enter your life and give praise daily for the good that is in within your life!  Know all the good things the Divine has done for you!  You are NOT entitled to anything for YOU are a sinner until YOU have become a new creation by being reborn and being forgiven of your sins!

Give thanks that you can see!  Give thanks that you can hear!  Give thanks you have this, that and the other whether this, that and the other may be simple or small.  Cease mumbling, grumbling and blaming others for the storm when you have more than likely brought the storm to your doorstep!  The Divine white light of love knows YOU by name.  Knows whether or not YOU  have served your purpose and knows whether or not you are fulfilling your destiny.  If you don’t know the wonders and the signs or the miracles of the Divine or whether or not you are walking on the path of light,  I guarantee its because  you’re walking on the same path and heading in the same direction as  Uriel! 
A wicked messenger will always fall into trouble while a trustworthy messenger brings  glory and healing unto the Divine!  When you allow the Divine to be your spiritual bus driver, the Divine will always take you to the proper destination!  Your enemies are just  little  “bus stops” along the way before the Divine picks you up again to take you to your spiritual HOME of Glory!  The enemies may try to beat you up and smack you around while you await your spiritual bus to come around again, but NEVER FEAR!  YOUR enemies are NOT allowed unto the spiritual bus! You are safe and protected, dear energy soul travelers of the cosmic universe!  Those enemies must remain outside at the bus stops!  Simply hop on your spiritual bus and look outside the window and smile!  Wave at them as your bus rides past them!  For the enemies are in misery!  For the enemies are standing there in shame!  The enemies are standing in darkness and will never know how rich and fulfilled you are !  You are the spiritual winner at the end of the day! 

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Your comment allows for fresh ideas. May you continue with your own spiritual awareness and cosmic connection for true inner happiness, joy and balance. Blessed be.