Thursday, December 6, 2012

When it comes to politics as well as two individuals will have the same shared opinions or beliefs. The same goes for the supernatural.

Ghostly image "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil "

Like politics and religion , no two individuals will agree on exactly the same thing when it comes to either or.    The same goes for the supernatural.  As an individual whom has believed in the supernatural as well as the spiritual realm for much of my entire life,  I have witnessed many people not believing in life after death as well as the fact that those whom have crossed over can be contacted after their soul has departed from their  body.

Since I've been able, as an adult, to go on several ghost hunting tours and witness for a fact many tools used are able to detect those whom have crossed over,  I know for a fact that these tools do work.  Tools such as K-2 meters, are in fact, able to detect when individuals (whom have crossed over) are close enough  (whom have not crossed over) so that we can communicate with them and allow us to know when they are near us.

Ghost hunters image....the show is very popular and one in which I love viewing tremendously

When the show, "Ghost hunters"  came on television...Sci Fi....I became a regular viewer.  In fact,  it was because of one series that they did in St. Augustine, Florida that I actually took a trip down to the lighthouse and asked my brother and his wife to go with me.  "Ghost hunters" had captured various "evps" (voices from the other side) in which they had heard (not with their own ears but through recordings) while at the lighthouse  and they witnessed a shadow as well as audio voices of a woman seemingly in distress during their visit.  Because of this,  I wanted to go there.  Not only this,  I wanted to visit my brother,  whom resided at that time,  in the area.

I will tell anyone, whether they are a believer or a non believer that I have personally been to the St. Augustine Florida lighthouse on multiple occasions.  The same individuals whom have crossed over have spoken (through digital recording) each time I have been there.....but have said different things with each visit.  Every visit has been the best!  I have never been disappointed nor have I been let down if my intention was to capture EVPs (voices from the other side) nor had some type of spiritual experience at that lighthouse from those whom continue to reside there.

When I took my cousin with me on a ghost tour at the lighthouse,  it disappointed me because she made those people so upset to the point it distressed me!  However,  I got the greatest laugh of all and it is too bad that my cousin could not hear how two of the girls whom had crossed over actually "dissed" her as she and I had been climbing up the stairs toward the top of the lighthouse that evening.  I had not heard what I had been recording until I had returned to my North Carolina home.  Nor had I shared with my cousin the EVPs that I captured.  I do,  however,  have the recordings on a cd disc and my computer.  As my cousin and I climbed the stairs and she wouldn't stop with her comments toward the  "ghostly spirits"  (which are really basically you and I crossing over and I felt she was being too disrespectful to these people because this place was their home),  these two girls said,  "shhh...stupid!!".   I had on my headphones as I was listening to my cousin and I climbing the staircase inside the St. Augustine lighthouse and I heard her making fun of the "ghosts" and saying something mean.  Suddenly you could hear over her voice the young girl say those words and I started laughing so hard!  It was so funny.  I simply laughed and laughed.  My cousin is such a non-believer and here it was,  this young girl calling her  "stupid" and telling her to "shush".

How many times the individuals from the television show,  "Ghost Hunters" has gone to homes or museums as well as public places to either actually find that indeed spiritual contact is taking place and/or they can debunk what someone feels is going on ?  Many,  many times.   Yes,  I can do the same thing.  Sometimes I think my K-2 meter is picking up energy from a spiritual entity only to find that electrical current is coming from an object which has electrical current.  This is easy to debunk.  If the meter stays at a steady flow.....that is how you can debunk something.  One can take the meter and move it back and forth over the object which you believe has electrical current flowing through it and this will either prove or disprove whatever is going on.

There are many tools in which can be used.  I use a digital recording to try and capture EVPs.  This means voices in which you can not hear with your own ears.  A digital recorder or even an inexpensive cassette recorder will work.  Just remember that however long you record,  you have to go back and listen to the recorder to try and hear the voice/s.  When a loved one or a friend or anyone whom has crossed over recently,  their soul is the strongest.  Their soul will remain nearby their body for a very short time.  Usually only a day or two. 

A ghostly image...... communicating with those on the other side

As I have stated in a recent blog,  cremation will break down the soul's vibration and change the soul's frequency (ability) to communicate with a friend/loved one/family member as they did prior to cremation.  This is because fire breaks down the frequency and vibration of the soul.  Many people don't believe it,  but it's true.  Regardless of one's faith,  always have your loved member "blessed" by someone whom is ONE with the light or whom "walks" with the light if you want your loved one/family member/friend to be ONE with the light for all of eternity. After my brother was cremated,  it was like a dark cloud hovering over me. I was very distressed that it would take a very long time for my brother to communicate with me again.  I worried about his ability to return and sit with me again and let me know he was near me so that I could write in my journal and "speak" with him again.  Prior to his cremation,  I wrote in my journal to him.

He was reading what it was I wrote down and he let me know he could see what I was writing by the flickering of the K-2 meter.  He could read what I was writing and I wish I had a video recorder to show the k-2 meter flickering  as I wrote about the last time I saw him and how I felt about certain things, etc.  The k-2 meter lit up like a Christmas tree and went into the red especially if he didn't like what it was that I wrote down. 

Just like when we were together, he would not even let me finish writing a sentence before that k-2 meter went off like a Christmas tree and went into the red.  He was all over me when he didn't agree with what it was I was writing or agreed with what I had  to say.  When I talked to my older son about this,  he and I laughed.  He said,  some people think that just because an individual crosses over,  they believe an individual changes.  They really don't change.  The person is the same person as they were here on earth.  (I am laughing here.)  My brother was just as stubborn on the other side as here on earth.  I love him so much!  He was making me laugh by being opinionated and stubborn/hard-headed as much as on the other side as he was here on earth!!!  (haha).  I had just as difficult of a time trying to keep up writing to him to get my point of view across as I did with him when he was sitting in front of me, in person.  Many people don't understand that individuals are still the same individuals as they are on the other side.  Nothing changes....but one can only hope!!!  (I am chuckling with this idea!!!)

We want to think that individuals suddenly become this angelic being....but we are still the same individuals as we are here until our souls go through many multiple changes...phases....stages and transitions.   If at all.  Some souls do not ever change.  Some decide to stay earth bound.  Some transition.  Some do not.  

Because I didn't have a recorder going,  I didn't know what it was he was saying.  I regret that I didn't know one way or the other....what his views or personal opinions were at that time.  Since my own brother's cremation,  his vibration/frequency has been weak and he has only been able to return to confirm to me the original warning vision/dream in which he brought forth prior to his cremation.  It is my daily thoughts of him and my asking the arch angels, within the light that I hope they restore his ability to once again make him strong enough to once again be able to communicate with me like he did prior to cremation.

On 12-7-2012,  I purchased an angel/birdbath with red lava rocks as well as beautiful purple and white, flowering plants, along with solar lighting  in my brother's memory.  I created this  "memorial" for my brother in my own backyard just for him.  I created the memorial  in front of a wooden "stage" since I had hopes that we would one day play music in my backyard  after I moved into my home.  Music, above all things, was what my brother and I had in common, with each other.  I spent most of the afternoon with the memorial and planting the flowers; laying down the red lava rocks; putting in the solar lights and waiting for the gardener to arrive with the birdbath.  I brought home the angel yesterday.  I'll eventually paint the birdbath in our ancestor/Cherokee colors when I get the time.   I purchased a much larger angel whom is sitting next to my back door and looking toward his memorial, protecting it around the clock.  To say that I loved my brother and only wanted the best for him...regardless of what anyone tried to do in seperating an understatement.  I would have swapped places with him, if I had known he was ill and it would have made a difference.  If I could have asked the arch angels to change places with him and restored his health and taken his place.... I would have done it in a heart beat!  Hands down....I would have swapped places with him so I could have been first.  I would have changed places with him...BUT...I have to have had my SHIT in place first!  Om 12-7-2012,  my K-2 meter went off like a christmas tree at 9:14pm for just a few seconds.  Was it my brother ?  I can only hope and pray that it is and that he is visiting and checking up on me.  He is the only one that I continue asking to come forward so we can communicate again.  As soon as that K-2 meter lights up like a christmas tree,  I hurry to grab a pen and paper so I can being writing.  I hope a conversation can take place,  but alas, thus far,  one like before hasn't been able to take place as it did prior to his cremation.  I keep hoping though.

Because I  know what it is I know....Don't think for a second that I haven't been hopping on the gravy train when it comes to getting my "shit" together!  Do not think for one second I don't already know what's coming down the pipe line, for myself.  Sorry charlie.  Been there...done that.  As I've already said....I don't want to hang out with idiots when I cross over.   I don't want to hang out with those in need of "bibs".    I'm not going to be a babbling idiot when I cross over.  I'm not going to be a dumb ass when I cross over.  I want to either be hanging out with those whom are either in "grade" school...."high school" or at least have  some sort of spiritual education!!  Can I get another  AMEN on that one ???

I know that cremation breaks down the soul's ability to communicate with others from this side as well as from the spiritual realm.  Burying an individual does not do this to the soul.  Even my own father had difficulty communicating with me from the spiritual realm because he was cremated.  Not only did he pass away from lung cancer,  but he too had been cremated with his ashes tossed into the wind by his daughter from his first marriage.  She didn't even tell me where she had tossed my father's ashes.  I had no idea where my father was (here on this earth... I knew where my father was in the spiritual realm)  until I contacted a medium some years ago.  My father told me,  through the medium,  that my brother was "too much like him".   The medium didn't know anything about my father.  She knew nothing about a photo that I had of my father and she described it perfectly.  She said that she saw my father way up high in a tree and that my father was holding onto the trees and she recited a lumber jack man's name.  She said for some reason,  she was thinking of that lumber jack man.  I knew exactly whom she was thinking of.  I have that photo and I told her...yes.  I know exactly why she was thinking of him in that way.  She mentioned my cousin's name,  Randy.  Why,  I don't know.  But my father mentioned his name.  I told her that I would tell my female cousin that my father mentioned his name.  I believe after I spoke to this medium that I did do this....but my cousin....being the non believer...refused to listen.  Many times I would tell this cousin about a dream/vision that I had about her own mother as well as her family and she told me,  she didn't believe in those things.  I would get on to her about this.  But you can't change the mind of a non-believer.

Because I blogged about my personal feelings and opinions about my brother recently and how I felt about him being cremated and what was going on prior to his death,  his wife became very upset with me.    Her feelings about me blogging about my brother put a distance between us (not on my part however ) when instead we should have grown closer.  She called me and told me to never speak with her again.  I don't feel I did anything wrong.   I never said anything bad about her or my brother, nor would I.  My brother has always been a part of my life even when he wasn't in it.  For years it's always been "you go your way and I'll go mine"  all because of differing views,  opinions and family strife.  I always let my brother know, even if I had to shout out to the cosmic universe, that I was there for him.  My his own way...has always known that I've loved him.  My his own way...has always known that no matter what,  I've always been there for him.  No matter what anyone has ever tried to do or say about one could ever take my love away from my brother!  As a matter of fact,  I am having another tattoo added and it will be in memory of my brother.  This way,  my brother will remain a part of my body as he will always remain with me in spirit.  No one will take my brother away from me ever again....for all of eternity.  Not ever.

If my brother's wife wants to make the decision to never speak with me simply because we have differing views and opinions about the spiritual realm, then that is her own decision to make.  Just as many friends and family members broke up after Obama became president again,  it is par for the course.  I've become very disciplined with what it is I believe in and with what it is I've been shown by my spiritual guide.  I am not here to convince others in what it is I know to be the truth, from the other side of the spiritual realm.  Personal views, beliefs and opinions are not all the same.  Everyone has their own experiences and no two people are going to have the same experiences in the same exact way.  Even when I went to the St. Augustine lighthouse and sat in a circle of believers and we all had our own K-2 meters as well as other tools to communicate with those whom had crossed over.  Not a single one of us had the same exact experience!  Each one of us shared a different experience depending on what happened in a different part of the room, in the dark!

Ghostly image......image of ghostly waters

As I blog this,  I  want to share a dream in which I feel was brought forth by my brother prior to his cremation.  I want to also state that this dream was validated by a living human being whom came to my door step on 12/5/2012 whom I also feel was brought forth by my brother.  Not only that,  I can state that on that same date (after the individual left my home) as I sat on my bed writing an email to my older son,  I had my K-2 meter turned on.  It flickered to bright red like a Christmas tree. 

Just prior to another individual ringing my door bell (someone whom I had an appointment with),  the K-2 meter flickered only to the second green light...ever so warn me that the individual was coming to my door.  I could not see that individual, but my brother did.  Just as that second green light flickered ever so gently twice,  the door bell rang.  I said out loud to my brother,  "Thank you for the warning".   I then went to the door and saw that it was the expected individual of whom I had an appointment with. 

Before the expected individual arrived and after the neighbor left my house,  I wrote the email to my son and the K-2 meter flickered to bright red as I was telling my son about a dream I had and how I felt the dream had come from my brother.  I also told him how a neighbor had come to my home to validate this dream.  I told him how I saw this girl in my dream and I told him about a neighbor...yada yada coming over and also validating the description of the girl just as I had seen her in my dream.

I described the girl right down to how she dressed; what her hair looked like; her complexion and how tall she was.   I saw two men along with her,  etc.  The neighbor came to my home and we began talking.  One thing led to another and I told her about my brother passing away and how I felt he had brought the dream to me as a "warning".  The  neighbor and I had a very long conversation about other things,  but as it turned out,  my brother brought forth to me a "warning" dream about the girl and two men the girl had been associated with. Everything within my dream was true about the girl and the two men.  The neighbor validated the dream and I thought it was cool as heck.

I told the neighbor  that I could not thank her enough for validating the dream because so many people are non-believers when I speak about mediums and their abilities.  I thanked her profusely for coming to my home.  She actually came to my home about something else.  But I could not thank her enough for validating what it was I had seen in my dream/vision.  Everything I saw about this girl and the two men whom were with her,  was absolutely correct!  I've never met the girl.  I've never seen her.  However,  I described the girl exactly how I saw her in my dream/vision and the neighbor validated everything I told her. She did not tell me anything.  I asked her to let ME tell HER and she validated the information.   For the non-believers,  anytime someone that you do not know personally can validate information that comes from the spiritual world,  it's like winning the lottery!  I felt like I had won the lottery after this woman left my home.  I wasn't excited to learn information was true about the girl I had a dream about...but at least a living human being I had never known in my life validated a dream/vision brought forth by my brother, whom had crossed over into the spiritual realm.  Now to me, whether I like the dream/vision or not,  having it validated by a living human being that I've never met before,  is like winning the lottery. 

I was also excited that  my brother had been able to come back spiritually, so soon!  He had been cremated and I was in complete distress over this fact!  The k-2 meter blipped on 12/5/2012 !!!!  I had lit white candles and had been asking the arch angels of light as well as my spiritual guide to help restore his health; to protect him; to envelope his soul and to help him find his way back so that he and I could continue to communicate.  Just after 3pm on 12/5/2012....there he was sitting my bed....making that K-2 meter flicker like a Christmas tree as I wrote that email to my son !!  I was jumping up and down for joy!  The K-2 meter flickered only that one time and that was it.  Then only ever so faintly prior to the door bell ringing.  Was his soul restored ?  How strong was his soul now ?  Where is he now ?  Has he regained his full capability to communicate as he was prior to cremation ?  I don't have all of these answers.  I wish that I did.  I am only able to know what I am shown and told by the visions/dreams and information that I am given at any particular time.  There is only so much information that is allowed to be given to this side.  Why ?  I don't have the answers.  Perhaps there are some secrets and mysteries that can not be revealed.  Perhaps only some can be trickled a little at a time.  It took many, many years for me to even be allowed to know my spiritual guide's name.  I never even knew her name until a few years ago.  The cosmic universe works in mysterious ways. 

There are many radio channels that you can tune into if you wish to make  a ghostly discovery

What I do know is that there are many radio shows as well as many television shows available if you desire to make a "ghostly" discovery.  If you desire to make a spiritual connection with your guide,  there are many mediums whom can help you do this.   While there are many non-believers out there,  so many have awakened to the fact there is life after death.  Do not dismiss the fact that a K-2 meter as well as other tools can help you make contact with your friend, family member or loved one right after their soul has departed from their body.  Please understand that right after they have taken their last dying breath,  that it does take awhile for their soul to leave their body.  DO NOT immediately remove their body from where they are.  You are making a major mistake by not waiting for their soul to depart their body.  Please know this.  I am begging you.  If you believe in life after death,  please always have a K-2 meter nearby your friend/family member or loved one so that you know when their soul is departing from their body.  The tool works,  I assure you.  DO NOT place it near anything that is electrical.  I made this mistake with my brother because he was laying on top of something that had an electrical current.  I debunked it and then laid it on top of a pillow near him.  I saw the K-2 meter move twice showing he had others near him.  He was not alone during his process.  His soul departed his body on 12-1-2012 at 11:06am and not at the time that is recorded by those whom claim he took his last breath and didn't have a heartbeat. 

On 12-13-2012,  I had my recorder going and was asking my brother questions about whether he was confused regarding what he thought hospice would do for him and I did capture his voice every so faintly on recording.  My brother said (and the k-2 meter did go off at the same time),  "Yes, I was confused".  That validated for me that my brother thought hospice was there to help him live...not continue sedating him until he took his last breath.  My brother did not want to stay in a hospital.  I feel confident that he thought hospice was there to be at his home to help him be "comfortable" while he was ill.  He was trying to fight to live.  He did NOT want to die.  So that EVP was confirmation to me that he was confused about what hospice was there to do, for him.

There is a difference in having a heartbeat/not breathing and when the soul departs from the body.  In personal opinion, a human being is no longer living AFTER the soul departs from its body.  Doctors will declare an human being deceased when their brain no longer functions.  In my brother's case,  a hospice nurse declared him deceased simply because she said he stopped breathing and she could not detect a heartbeat.  I wanted a second opinion because I saw no movement from my K-2 meter.  I felt my brother was not deceased at the time the hospice nurse claimed he was.  But I had no say in the matter.  The hospice nurse wasn't a doctor and in my personal opinion,  had no business making such a judgement call regarding the death of an individual.  I was so near hysterics when I heard a phone call being made to a company to come and pick up my brother's body,  I thought I was going to pass out.  Knowing my brother's soul had not departed and feeling that they were going to take away my brother from his home with his soul still inside of his body.  I did, however, find out later from his wife that my brother was still at his home at 11:06am  on 12/-1-2012 (when my own K-2 meter went off like a Christmas tree was at my home) and was being dressed for cremation wearing his dusters and black shirt/pants and that he had not yet been removed from his home before his soul had departed from his body.  I was so relieved in knowing that information.  I would have had nightmares up until I had crossed over feeling my brother may have been in distress after I told him he would be safe and protected.  I could not have lived with myself had his soul departed driving down some road or highway in a vehicle on his way to a morgue or crematorium.  I had no idea where his body was headed nor did I want to know.  I had to simply get out of his house and go pray to the universe that the arch angels tell him that he must immediately get out of his body and run to the light for safety.

Radio shows as well as television provides many believers with ample opportunities to listen to information as they wish.  Also there are many tours they may go to if they so desire.  There are so many opportunities for individuals whom believe in the spiritual realm.  Please take advantage of these opportunities so that you can educate yourself or have these experiences.  Please remember that these are people whom have passed away and please respect these individuals as you would your friends, loved ones and family members.  Don't say things to them that you would say to your friends, loved ones or family members if you were at their grave side or at the cemetery.  Try to remember that these individuals are deceased.  They have crossed over to another realm and have passed away.  Be mindful of these things when you go on ghost tours.  While many people take their children,  I don't like it when people do this.  Please do not take young children on ghost tours.  If they don't understand the dying process and/or are too young to understand how it is someone has crossed over,  please don't bring your children along.  I don't want to listen to your children crying as I am trying to capture evps.  Pay for a babysitter and leave your kids at home.  Also,  be mindful when taking flash photos.  Much of the tours are explained prior to them by the tour guides but many people get excited.  Please keep talking to a bare minimum.  The less you talk,  the more you will hear the one on the other side, say.  I don't want to hear a human being talking.  I want to hear what the people on the other side has to say.  Humans can speak to me after the shut the hell up!  Wait to talk to me later.  Giggle later.  Scream if you want or don't go on a ghost tour.  Did you expect to see humans ???  Hey stupid!  Your on a ghost tour.  Uh...hello ??

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