Saturday, December 1, 2012

Why it is important to wait to transport a person whom has just died to a morgue or crematorium

image of a morgue

Do you believe that an individual has a soul or are you someone whom believes that an individual is dead and gone simply because you can't detect a heartbeat ?   What do you believe a soul is ?

What is a soul ?

Every living entity has a soul.  Even if its heart beat is ever so faint and can barely be detected.....the soul resides within its body.  It takes time for the soul to leave the body,  within.  Many people do not believe this,  but even a blade of grass has a soul.

The soul is very complex and difficult to understand.  Those of us whom ghost hunt use special tools such as a "K-2 meter" .   This device allows us to  contact what is called "celestial beings".   Celestial beings walk with the light.  Some entities walk with the dark.   Those of us whom contact various entities use a wide range of tools.

The soul is formed inside of the womb of supernal spiritual realms, where it acquires its distinct identity and mission.

Life after life

According to some,  a human being is still alive so long as there is brain activity.  In my brother's case,  a hired hospice nurse claimed he was "gone" simply because she did not detect a heart beat.  I disagreed with her that my brother was "gone" because his body was still warm and my K-2 meter had not shown any signs of his soul departing from his body.  Therefore,  I felt he was still very much alive, but  had such a faint heartbeat that it wasn't enough for her stethoscope to detect it.

Out of respect for my brother's wife and knowing she was under duress,  I wasn't going to create a hysterical scene even though I wanted to.  I didn't want to give up on my brother simply because a hired hospice nurse didn't believe in a k-2 meter was able to detect the  soul departing the human body....which it can.   I simply told my brother's wife I could not be a part on giving up on my brother's life.  That is why  I had to leave their home and go pray to the universe that my brother would depart from his body.  I did not want him to  suffer in what was about to happen to him if he was being transported from his home and his soul was still within his body.  (He was leaving his home in some  vehicle for cremation. )

The story of a soul

Doctors believe a person is dead after there is no brain activity and this is because of the lack of oxygen to the brain due to the fact there is a blood pressure loss.  Unless a hospice nurse or doctor checks for brain activity,  there is no way to be certain whether or not a "patient" is absolutely dead ....medically speaking.   Until my k-2 meter went off...  I refused to believe that  my brother was deceased and his soul had departed his body.

A Christian's view of the soul:

2 Corinthians 5:6:  Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord— Instead Christians are to accept that life contains adversity (Job 2:10).    Christians should certainly insist that people be made as comfortable as medically possible while simultaneously not attempting through technology the prevention of the natural course of life. Trying to prolong life artificially or end life prematurely are both tantamount to usurping the authority of God.

A hindu view:

Capturing the soul:

Could you imagine awakening to find yourself being transported to a morgue or a crematorium if your soul was departing while taking a ride to such a place ?  I would become hysterical.   I would become confused.  Especially after my family member just told me I was safe and sound and that I was now protected.  I would never forgive the family member whom spoke the words that all was well.

I personally believe that there is a transition after one stops breathing and the heart stops beating.  The family must allow the dying individual's soul time to depart. The dying process is not that simple.  Some people have their soul depart rapidly,  while others may depart within 24 hours.  Did you know with some religions,  they do not bury their dead until much later for fear the soul has not yet departed ?

It is my personal belief that one never dies  (ie...their bodies die but they continue on in spirit).  While some individuals may need time to depart from their bodies, others may need to be told that it is okay to go.   Some may linger because they feel that their family members are holding them back.  Some individuals are frightened of death, while others are at peace.   Some individuals elect the sedation process and go into oblivion.  So they are not aware of their passing until their soul has departed.

It may depend upon their previous experiences with "entities" as well as their own belief system. Much depends upon their  history/knowledge about crossing over to the other spiritual  realm.  If one believes that a soul merely changes vibrations after leaving the body and continues forward to multiple other levels as they gain new knowledge within the cosmic universe;  that the soul carries on for all of eternity because it is pure energy, then the individual will be more at peace as they make their transition from this world, into the next.

In my brother's case (he just recently passed away),  I did not accept the fact he was "gone" simply because a hired hospice nurse (basically a rent-a-nurse) told me, his wife and her sisters that she could not detect a heartbeat.  As an individual whom has seen and witnessed many strange things in my life,  including animals appearing to be dead and then coming back to life;  whom has been able to bring animals back to life; whom has brought life into the nostrils of animals for 15 years;  whom has worked with "entities" using a series of tools for quite a few years now; whom believes in life after death and whom can speak with others on the other side of the cosmic universe (and read tarot cards)..... I knew this hospice worker was absolutely wrong about my brother.

Even though my brother did stop breathing and his heartbeat was not detectable (for HER),   his soul had not yet departed from his body.   HE was still very much within his his soul had not yet left that room and therefore he was NOT "gone" (in my personal opinion or in my personal belief)  as the "rent-a-nurse"  had suggested.  I believe  that the "rented"  nurse will proclaim that my brother was pronounced deceased at approx 9:00am on 12/1/2012 ,  however,  I beg to differ from that version.   At 11:06am on 12/1/2012 my K-2 meter went off like a Christmas tree.  As I began a series of questions for my brother,  that K-2 meter responded.  Suddenly, the k-2 meter stopped and that was it.

Prior to that event, when everyone left the room where my brother lay in a hospital bed at his home,  I went over to my brother and kissed his forehead and took his hand.  I made it perfectly clear to him why I felt it was important for him to immediately get out of his body and run toward the light and be with our father and other ancestors.  I made it perfectly clear  to my brother that I could not partake in others not understanding that it takes time for a soul to depart and that if they allowed a vehicle to take him away from his home before his soul had departed,  I would have nightmares forever.  Rather than take part in what was about to happen to him (which was beyond my control),  I left so that I could rapidly leave and make phone calls for others to conduct what is called a "circle of prayers" .

I  got into my vehicle and drove away.   I then immediately yelled out into open space to my brother for him to get out of his body and go with the light.  I began praying to the arch angels of light to help him be one with the light and to help him cross over.  I begged my brother  not to stay with that body so that he did not have to endure being cremated (feeling the pain of the fire and whatever else they do with cremation), and to walk on the path of the light so he could continue on with his journey.  I simply did not want my brother to become confused if awakened in spirit to find himself in a body bag or casket on his way to a morgue or crematorium. What happened on 12/1/2012 at 11:06am was  terrific and I thank my spiritual guide and those whom helped my brother hear me !!! 

The k-2 meter began going going back and forth.  I asked him if he remembered that the k-2 meter was what we used for ghost hunting at the light house in St. Augustine when we went there together and the lights flickered back and forth.  I laughed and thanked him.  The light then turned bright red. I told him that it meant he was standing right next to me.  It began flickering rapidly.   I asked him if he left his body and it turned green.  I said to him thank you.  I began asking him other questions. After a few moments,  the lights quit blinking.  I believe he must have been needed back with his wife and he then departed.  He is a free spirit now.  He is probably checking out his new found freedom.  I still spent my evening crying and missing my brother,  but was now glad he had left his body.

Many people do not have the same beliefs when it comes to death.  It is very stressful for the family as well as spouses when a loved one dies.  When it involves the soul,  each individual departs differently.  No soul leaves the same.  Some leave rapidly and some take time.  K-2 meters will detect when a soul departs from a human body.  In my brother's case,  the k-2 meter went off several times while I was with him.  He had visitors in spirit several times while I was with him and I showed this to his wife.  I wanted her to understand that he was not alone in the journey that he was about to make.  My father had come to me in a dream/vision at 2:59am just prior to my brother's wife calling me at 5/5:30 am on the same day letting me know my brother was terminally ill.  I thank god I made the decision to rush out of state to be at his bedside as quickly as possible.  Thank goodness, my brother waited for me to arrive and he hung on for me to be next to him before he took his last breath.  He waited for me to be at his bedside so I could at least hold his hand, kiss his forehead and tell him how much he meant to me.  I told him I would always be a part of him and he would always be a part of me, forever and ever.  I told him that no matter what had happened between us,  that I was so sorry he was leaving before me.  That I didn't understand why he was leaving this way but to know I had his hand and that his wife had the other hand.  We would do everything we could to keep him safe.  That he was protected by the divine white light of love and that to know it; feel it and stay on the path of the light.  I told him to never get off of that path toward the light of love.

When my brother decided to go to the hospital ,  the doctors told him that he had pneumonia.  The hospital sent him home, which I personally feel was a medical mistake,  If that was indeed the case.    I was told  they went back to the hospital again. This time they were told my brother had only a short time to live due to cancer in the lungs.  My brother kept his illness a secret from many friends, but mostly,  he kept his illness from me,  his closest sister.  My brother passed away due to complications of lung cancer.  He had a cancerous tumor removed years ago on his lip.  The cancer then spread to his throat.  Over the years tissue built up in his throat causing complications with swallowing.  He constantly complained of back pain  over the years.  He  had been sick for quite some time.  He lost his battle on 12/1/2012.  May he rest in peace and be happy as a free spirit to travel where ever he now wants to travel.  I only want my brother to be free of pain and be restored to great health.  I hope that he is flying and soaring high with the eagles or doing whatever is making him the happiest of all,  as a free roaming spirit.

When loved ones pass away,  it isn't easy for those whom are left behind. 
Family members must deal with the loss of the individual because of how much they loved them in the physical body.   They now no longer can hear their voice or touch them in the physical body.  They now no longer will have them as a physical being in their presence physical body.  I understand this.

What many people don't understand is that the individual whom has just passed away is also going to deal with quite a bit for him or herself, too.  There are many phases as well as stages the soul has to go through once the individual has separated from the body.   For the soul,  it is a  new journey that it is going to be going through.    Death just as life,  is an experience.   For the soul, this is a new journey.   For the soul whom has departed the body for the first time,  it is a new rodeo, if you will.

seeing the light

Death is not the same for all individuals...but the soul transition is all the same

Death is not a punishment.  Death is a learning experience.  For the living,  that is.  As we sit with individuals whom we love,  hopefully we learn compassion.  Hopefully as we sit with the one whom is taking their last breath upon this earth, death is teaching us to be a better person until we, too, take our last dying breath.  There is no need for individuals to mistreat each other or take advantage of each other while they reside within this matrix of chaos.  Unfortunately,  many human beings do this each and every day to each other.   Instead of being kind and compassionate toward each other,  so many individuals are trying to bleed others dry for their gain or whatever else they can obtain.  Greed and selfishness is far too great upon the planet earth.

There is so much evil in this world that it literally makes my knees buckle.  Many choose to depart in peace through sedation and many choose to depart naturally so that they can have a spiritual experience.  Either way,  every living thing has a soul and the soul transition is all the same.  Meaning that either way,  it must depart from its body once the body dies.  The soul does not remain with the body after death.  Every blade of grass;  every plant; every seed....has a soul.

Just because you can't see what is happening doesn't make it so

Just because you don't believe a k-2 meter won't detect a soul departing the physical body or any other type of tool used for spiritual entities being present during the dying process,  doesn't mean it isn't happening.  Many doctors think people are hallucinating due to the drugs that has been given.  But they are not.  I know for a fact that my own k-2 meter detects spiritual entities if they are around.  True that it picks up electrical current which isn't spiritual, but it can always be debunked.  A k-2 meter will respond by having the lights flickering back and forth when a person asks questions to the individual whom has crossed over,  if they are close enough to the meter.  Even a flashlight that is loosened will come on if you ask a spiritual entity to turn it on.  They can do this if you ask them to and they can respond by questioning.  Their photos can be captured through digital images including voices through what is called EVPs.   Ancestors/relatives know ahead of time when an individual is coming.  If you are able to have dreams/visions, your relative or spiritual guide will alert you ahead of time that your family member or friend is going to depart or that they are in need of you being with them immediately. 

In my brother's case,  my father came to me in a dream/vision just prior to my brother's death.  My father (whom passed away in 1994 and whom also came to me just prior to his own death via a dream/vision while I was stationed in Germany to let me he was crossing over and my mother contacted my military battalion to confirm his passing hours after my dream/vision )  came to me with such bright, white light that I could not see him.  I knew it was my father whom had come to me on 12/28/2012 at 2:29am because I could hear his voice.  I called out to my father as I waved my arms about.  I was afraid I would walk into something due to being blinded by the brightness of the light. 

My father prepared  me for what was to come, within this vision/dream that I had just hours prior to my brother's wife actually calling me on my cell phone, about my brother laying dying,  in a hospital bed (which was inside of his home ).  He made her promise that she would tell no one that he was terminally ill, so I had no prior knowledge that he was ill or that anything was wrong, other than the dream/vision coming from my own father and my brother's wife's phone call.  When my cell phone rang (which was sitting next to my bedside ) and the number had my brother's name next to it,  I actually feared that the reason my brother was calling me was to tell me that my own senior mother had passed away.  She has been battling dementia for a few years and she communicates with me through my spiritual guide.  However,  I had not received any communication from my spiritual guide letting me know my mother had crossed over,  so I was very confused as to why my brother had called so early in the morning and I pondered my father's dream/vision at the same time.

This is why I did not accept the phone call right away.  I allowed the call  to go to voice mail so that I could hear the message coming from my brother's number so early in the morning.  I listened to the voice mail.  It actually was his wife whom called me and the call was urgent that I call her back.  I called her back right away.  The dream/vision that came from my father at 2:59am just prior to my brother's wife calling me at 5/5:30am on the same morning was absolutely correct.  My brother was going to cross over and into the light and it was absolutely important I get to his side as quickly as possible.  He was going to be ONE with the light just as my father told me he was going to be ONE,  with him and the cosmic universe and if I wanted to be with him before he crossed,  I needed to leave immediately.  I packed my bags and began to leave for his home so I could get there as quick as possible.

There is not one single individual whom will EVER change my mind about what it is that I know to be true when it comes to my dreams/visions.  I know whom speaks to me.   I know whom provides me with the information from the other side.  I know what it is that I know from the spiritual realm.  If individuals are frightened by the truth simply because my spiritual guide "tells" on be it.   A ripple is a ripple is a ripple within the universe.   You can not prevent a ripple within the universe if you create one by doing something wrong to a protected individual.  That is just the way it is.   Many individuals do not accept this fact.  One day, when they have a near death experience,  they will understand this fact.  One day,  when they see the "man in the long black coat" ..... they will understand that they  CAN NOT create a ripple within the universe and think that they can get away with anything. 

There are adverse effects that happen when you create a ripple within the universe.  Then that ripple causes what is known as a "Cherubim locator"  to come after you.   Never will an individual escape from this locator.  Not ever.   If an individual causes harm to a spiritually protected person,  that individual is going to create what is called a "ripple" within the universe.   So great is this ripple  that it unleashes a fury twenty times fold.    Hell hath no scorn like a  "Cherubim Locator"  whom has been unleashed either by the divine white light of love or by the dark side (depending upon the sin or event) unleashed and sent out after the individual whom has caused harm to the spiritually protected other.  There is no where for that individual to run.  There is no escape route.  Too many People just don't understand or accept this fact.   Many people, whom are awakened or spiritually connected DO understand that this IS how the cosmic universe works.  Not only this, when someone is in need of a "reading",  the cosmic universe works in mysterious ways.  Always a spiritual medium will seem to "be" in the "right" moment at the "right" time and place for that individual.  The cosmic universe is always aware of events well ahead of the game, so to speak.

The cosmic universe does not forgive particular events (Christians name these events "sins" )  nor does the cosmic universe ever forget,  despite what the human "bible"  claims that it does.   The bible was written by man.  A human being.  The bible has been misinterpreted for centuries and the meaning has been lost for so long that it makes me crazy to hear preachers tell those sitting in church what they believe the "bible" means.   If one claims they are a "Christian" and the "bible" works for be it.  Go into this world and stay out of trouble.  Do good things for others and be a charitable person.  That is all that the universe and the divine white light of love is asking of others.  Be a positive being and help clear the universe of negative energy so that evil ( ie the dark force) will stop taking up so much of the planet's needed resources to survive and continue on for those whom have to reside within this matrix of chaos.  That's all we positive energy beings ask of others to do.

The cosmic universe,  otherwise, simply does not work any other way.   When the individual is located by the "Cherubim Locator"  (and they are located quickly, mind you)  they are what is called "Tagged"  for Uriel.  Individuals are not permitted to take another's life or cause injury to another being if done on purpose.   If taking the life of another was in self defense and there was no choice but to do so....that is different.  But to simply take another human being's life or to cause harm to an animal or to another human being;  to shed blood or to do things to another human being with a hateful, spiteful purpose for no reason other than self gain....selfish inflict pain .....for self motivation...for take another life....there is no forgiveness.  Not ever, by the cosmic universe. 

When an individual is causing great harm or taking the life of another,  Uriel and his minions are standing by watching.  The individual is not even aware of this.  Digital photos usually will present evidence of this fact by showing Uriel and his minions and mediums as well as the individual whom did the dirty deed.  They, themselves will be able to view the "evidence".  Uriel as well as his minions hide in shrubs; television sets; mirrors; on walls; ceilings; outdoors on rocks...boulders...just about anywhere and everywhere.  A medium as well as the individual whom has committed the dirty deed will be able to detect Uriel and the minion in the photo.  He is very visible in each photo taken.   The person is followed every where they go and the individual is aware of Uriel even when they try to sleep.  There is no rest for the individual whom has taken the life of a protected human being or caused harm to another human being,  when or if this has happened and that person has been "tagged" for Uriel by the "Cherubim Locator" because they caused a ripple in the cosmic universe.

If an individual is spiritually by the divine white light of love,  it causes a ripple with such great force that a "Cherubim Locator" is unleashed. 

Despite what many believe about this arch angel,  Uriel,  he is not an arch angel you would like to be associated with.  Believe whatever you want,  but Uriel is the fourth arch angel whom does not know light;  whom knows no joy;  whom does not know happiness and whom does not know kindness.  This arch angel is not your best friend.  When an individual has been tagged for Uriel,  the fourth arch angel,  that individual is going places where they do not want to go after they've taken their last breath and their soul has departed from their body.  

Uriel is the fourth arch angel whom knows nothing but darkness.  He is known as the dark lord.  He has minions and he has his own "Cherubim Locators" just as the "Divine white light of love" has theirs.  There is the positive side of the cosmic universe just as there is the negative side of the cosmic universe.   There is no heaven or hell as the "bible" describes it or as preachers describe it.  This matrix of chaos IS what is called "hell" .....the planet upon which human beings walk in flesh is "hell".

Human beings don't realize they are already residing in "hell".   Uriel owns it.    Human beings reside within what is known as the "matrix of chaos".    Uriel knows it.  His minions know it.  The spiritually awakened know this to be true and those whom are in denial can just stay in denial until they take their last dying breath and see this fourth arch angel face to face if they do such bad things and have been tagged for him.  Uriel is the fourth arch angel for mankind.  The bad...mankind.  He's the friend of man.  The bad bad men or women.   The "body of man" or ie...the "body of flesh.   He is not like the arch angels of light. arch angels of the divine white light of love...for those whom want to be in the spirit world...for those whom are awakened and know that when their soul departs from their body...flesh..they will depart into the brightest of light and will continue on with their journey forward.   Only the arch angels of light reside in the cosmic universe and in the light of love.  The divine white light of love.  Only the arch angels of light represent the positive side of the cosmic universe.  Uriel resides in the negative side of the cosmic universe and he doesn't understand anything that is good.  Only evil.  Only bad things.

Uriel doesn't represent the other arch angels whom are for the goodness of kindness; compassion; spirituality;  the cosmic universe of the divine white light of love whom wants to keep the planet free and clean of evil.   The arch angels of light have been working over time trying to get human beings to understand they need to clean up their act pronto or else Uriel will own their soul after it departs from its body of flesh.  

Uriel is about greed...self gain and impurities.  Mediums and those whom are able to feel negative energies can detect when evil beings or those whom are walking around within this matrix of chaos are near them,  in public.  They know exactly when they,  themselves,  are in danger.   They know the tools to use and they rely on these tools as well as their own abilities to protect themselves.  Unfortunately the cosmic universe speaks for them as well. 

Myself,  I've already been told that I am what is known as a "three striker".   I will be right behind my brother not long from now.  There is a spot for me waiting in the bright, white light as well.  I've already seen the "man in the long black coat" and he has seen me.    We made eye contact.  When that man's minion shoots you square in the forehead with a silver revolver and that minion says " no more buttons, bells or bows" means...that's it.   Everything is over.   My brother told me when I called him one day back in 2010 and had asked him what that saying meant,  he confirmed to me what it  meant.   Everything my brother told me in 2010 has come true.  Everything in my dreams/visions has come true.  Everything I told my brother that I saw for him via dreams/vision came true.  When I told my mother dreams/vision that I saw were for her,  unfortunately,  they came true for her as well.  When I see them for myself or anyone else...they also come true.  No one can tell me otherwise when it comes to my dreams/visions.  A dream is a dream.  I know the difference. But a dream/vision is otherwise.

A dream/vision means its a real as it gets.  You may as well be standing right in front of me talking to me in person.  I hear you.  I see you (unless the light is so bright that I am blinded by it )  and the experience is so real that I am right in the middle of the experience.  If someone stabs me; shoots me or hits me..... I actually feel it.  If the wind blows;  if thunder claps;  if lightening strikes and if there is color.... it is all real for me.  The experience is as real as it gets.  If someone touches me in a dream/vision....depending upon where they is as real as if you are in this world.   If they are somewhere I don't want to be,  it feels like I am under water and I may not want to touch them,  so I keep my distance.  Sometimes it sounds like they are speaking to me as though they are underwater.  It depends upon how strong the entity is and where they are on the other side.    My abilities are very strong.   I've always had my abilities since I was two years of age.  I've worked on my abilities ever since.  As I've grown older,  I've connected more and more with my spiritual guide with the spiritual realm.  I now know more than I use to.  I now understand more than I did.  I see things I want to as well as things I don't want to.  Once a door is opened,  it can never be closed.   A connected individual has to protect themselves spiritually.  I have to protect myself as a human being as well.  Many people are afraid of mediums.  They don't want to know the truth.  I have many people whom don't like me because I tell them the truth about themselves.  But I  always tell them I am only the messenger.  The information does not come from me.  It comes from the cosmic universe. 

People think that a medium's ability is  a joke.  It's no joke.  Take mediums seriously.  There are many whom simply claim they are mediums when they are not.  Some people come to me and ask me if I charge to "read" them.  I say to them,  not if I am in a public place and someone comes up to me and asks me something.  Otherwise then yes,  I do charge a fee.  I don't have a 1-800- number.  Sorry.  I am not like that.  Because I prefer that I have someone's hands and that individual right up next to me for a "reading",  so far I have not accepted any payment.

 I actually want  to touch people to read them.  The reason for this is because afterward I am going to "tag" that individual for one side or the other.  Either for the divine white light of love or Uriel.  One way or the other,  that  individual will reside with the positive or the negative after they take their last dying breath if they ask me to "read" them.  Either they are a good person or a bad person and when they take their last dying breath and their soul departs from their body,  one side or the other must have them.   The cosmic universe awaits the ripple.  Vibrations within the universe are like musical vibrations.  They can be extremely faint or very loud.  Human beings create these ripples.  The cosmic universe is one massive ear drum.

Never ask a medium to provide you with a "reading" unless you want to know the truth and you don't care which side you belong to.  If their hands can touch you,  you're getting "tagged" for one side or the other.   Either for the positive or the negative side before you can blink your eye lids.  If you are a human being whom isn't awakened,  you simply aren't aware of it.  Maybe some mediums don't "tag"...maybe some do.  If a medium says "bless you"...then they have "tagged" you for the positive side.  If they tell you that you have evil entities following you better listen to them and take heed.  Start cleaning your circle and do good things to reverse your karma.  Prayers and going to church isn't going to change things.

When I give a "reading",  I take the individual's hands when I "read" them.  As I "read" becomes more intense as it continues.  The individual actually attempts to pull away but I refuse to allow them to be released,  if I can help it.  As the "reading" becomes more intense,  the individual claims that I am "hurting" them.  No,  I am not.  What is "hurting" them is the truth.  They are seeing in their third eye the realization that I see the truth as it is,  for themselves.  They don't understand how it is that I am able to see their truth for what it is. I've seen grown men cry as I've given a "reading" and trust me,   I cry along with them because I also see their truth.   While holding their hands,  I know I am squeezing their hands very hard and that the energy is flowing,  so I ask them if I am hurting them,  but they tell me no. 

Many hug me and thank me for the reading.  For them,  they are tagged for the divine white light of love.  But I've had grown men much larger than myself threaten me if I do not let their hands go.   I ask them if they are afraid of knowing the truth, so they tell me that THEY are "satan" .  This is coming from the dark force and actually not from the men whom I am giving the reading.  The dark force is  trying to prevent me from seeing their truth.   I've told the men to their face that I am not afraid of "satan" and that the individual (ie..Satan)  is a liar.  I have their hands,  but I release them as they have asked me to.  Afterward,  I ask the men if I can at least give them a hug and I hug them.   This is the cosmic universe's way of  tagging that individual for Uriel and it is also Uriel's way of tagging his "best friend".   I look at that individual and tell them "so be it.  Go be with your "Satan" as you wish.  Thank you for allowing me to give you a reading. "  Then I get away from the individual and then leave.  That individual has been "tagged"  for all of eternity so says the cosmic universe because that individual ....for whatever he or she may have done to create a ripple....has unleashed the "Cherubim Locator" to be exactly where that individual was at that exact moment in time and space for "tagging".   That individual got their wish.  So be it.  Twenty times fold, so says the cosmic universe.

It was by no accident or coincidence that they came to me and asked for a "reading" or came up to me and began speaking to me first.   I never ask anyone if I can give them a "reading".  Individuals always come to me,  on their own...asking if I can either read their palm....or give them a reading.  Some how or some way,  we get into a conversation about palm reading, life after death, the cosmic universe and someone will come up to me and we simply start talking about these things.  They ask me if I can give them a "readin".  I always seem to bump into like-minded individuals and that is how it works.  The cosmic universe works in mysterious ways.  It has its own reasons for doing what it does.  I don't like how it works sometimes.  I do my share of crying.  But it is what it is.

I always tell individuals whom speak to me,  do not ask for anything to come out of my mouth, because all they will get from me is the truth.  I may forget names.  I may forget dates.  But I tell it like it is.

If I tell them something bad,  then the information is not coming from me.  I am sometimes afraid to tell someone what it is I see about themselves  because there are dangerous individuals whom have done something very, very bad.  I see those things too.  This happened to me once.  I made him put on his sunglasses.  It helped me block out the truth about where he was when he took the image and may have possibly committed an atrocious crime toward a woman of whom I felt this may have happened to.  I had no such evidence other than a photo with spiritual evidence.

I saw a woman spirit reaching toward him (he had a photo inside of his cell phone and he ask me to look at the photo and I did).  The woman spirit had her mouth open as though she were screaming and her arms extended as though she was pleading for him to pull her out of the water.  I asked him if he saw  this woman in the water.  I saw a blonde haired woman with her mouth gaping open as though she were screaming for help.   As though she were drowning if not pulled out of the river. He said he saw a golden retriever.  I did not see any such dog.  I figured that this man was offering me information about this woman whom I felt may have had such a dog,  since this was my mediumship abilities kicking in...but  I kept quiet about what I was visualizing and was also being offered from him.  I was picking up other information that told me this person did something wrong near a waterfall  and I didn't want to know or remember the name of where this event took place after I gave the "reading".   The sunglasses the man was wearing helped block out names and places for me.

He said no he did not see the blonde haired woman,  but he asked me if I saw the evil minion in the water and I said yes.  I said if he looked carefully,  the evil minion was right behind her and looking right at him.  Not only that,  Uriel....the dark lord...was straddling the entire top of this waterfall watching the entire event.  He didn't notice it at first,  but I pointed it out.  The man was so fearful before he showed the photo to me that when we first began speaking,  he asked me if I was the "po po".   I asked him.... what is that ?  He said,  "the police".   The man was trying to drink himself to death where I had met him.  This told me that whatever it was he did....the man was trying to block out the entire event from his memory.   My abilities was able to determine that this man was what we "Cherubim Locators" call "runners".    He was trying to escape....or out pace.... the dark lord's "Cherubim Locator"    (ie...Uriel's Cheribum Locator ) even though the dark lord and his minions,  had already been with him when he had taken the photo and more than likely had committed whatever he had committed. 

Here I was,  a "Cherubim Locator" for the divine white light of love, sitting right beside him and listening to his story and looking at his photo.  He didn't even know it.  I asked him if he would take my hands and accept a blessing.  He said yes.  I told him that the blessing would not change his fate or outcome either way,  but I would give it to him.  The energy flowing between us was so strong that the man began to cry and his arms were tingling.  I then hugged him and "tagged" him for Uriel.  I told him that the spirit he thought was his "friend" was not his "friend" at all.  He had told me that some shadow had been coming to him each night and hovering over him as he slept.  He thought it was his friend.  I told him no.  That was Uriel's minion.  Watching him and preventing him from sleeping to remind him of what ever happened in that photo.  That is just the way it works.

It was the dark force following him.   I told him that he needed to clean his circle and ask for forgiveness and that I hoped somehow he would find a way to change.   Unfortunately this man did not listen.  Several weeks later,  I found this man in another place.  He didn't think that I recognized him so I told him that I did.  He quickly left after I told him that I recognized him and wanted to know how things were.   I've never seen him since.

When a "Cherubim Locator"  has tagged you for this particular arch angel, Uriel,  you will only reside underground the negative side of the cosmic universe....  after your soul has departed.  Darkness is all that your soul will know for all of eternity.  Forever and ever.   The cosmic universe has spoken.  The virtual contract has been signed.  No escape route.  No where to run.  The individual will be followed until they take their last dying breath.  As they lay there dying,  Uriel's minions will be there by the individual's side watching and waiting and that individual will know it.   They will plead and plead asking for forgiveness,  but no forgiveness shall they have.  What has been done,  has been done.  The individual should have corrected long before touching or doing toward the spiritually connected individual,  what they did.   If they didn't correct what it was they did long before taking their last dying breath and long before causing that ripple within the is far too late to ask the cosmic universe for any forgiveness.   The individual must correct their mistakes long before being "tagged"  by the "Cherubim Locator"  and long before one has been unleashed by either side. That is just the way that it says the cosmic universe....twenty times fold.   Believe it or not. 

It makes no difference to me.   Don't shoot the messenger.  I know what I know because I've already seen it for myself.  I've already been told by the spiritual others on the other side of the realm.  I honestly do not care what people in this world of existence think....feel... believe.   I am connected with those on the other side and I believe what they say to me; show me and where they take me so I can have cosmic experiences to prevent myself from being afraid when it is my time to go.

I have no fear of death since I, myself,  have been on the other side several times before.   I met with my father.  I met with my mother as she somehow was there on the other side to tell me that her face was my face (she's not yet crossed as far as I know).   I had been worried that my mother,  whom suffers from dementia,  would forget me and that she would become lost if she crossed over without me passing away ahead of her.  My mother came to me in a dream/vision and told me that her face was my face and she showed me where she was on the other side.  She showed me that she would be patiently waiting for me with gleaming eyes and a big smile on her face.  She was wearing brown pants and an orange shirt.  I've never seen such a beautiful smile on my mother's face.  She had a fiftyish or fortyish style hairdo when I saw her and her hair was so beautiful.  As I looked around the room where my mother sat upon a couch, patiently waiting for me to figure out where she was,  I saw photos inside of silver frames sitting on a table.  My mother was in a room with others that I did not recognize but there she was....sitting there...waiting for me.  So I know that when our souls depart from our bodily flesh,  we are met by someone whom loves us dearly.  We do not cross over alone.  Even though I worried that my mother's illness might cause her to forget mother has told me and has assured me...that her face was my face.  I am comforted by that fact because she came to me in a dream/vision and she took me to the otherside where she will be, waiting on me to be with her....when it is my time to cross over.  I am comforted in this fact that my mother will be patiently waiting for me,  when it is my time,  just as I am comforted in the fact my father came to me in a dream/vision to show me that he would be waiting for my brother in the brightest, whitest of light to accept him when his soul reached its destination.

I know that this light is so bright in one area, that you are blinded by it.   In certain levels of the realm, the light is not so bright.  There are multiple levels to the universe just as there are many phases and stages that the soul must transition through.  It is a journey.  What I personally fear are human beings.   I don't fear entities.  I do not fear the dark side.  I respect the dark side.   It is this world ...the matrix of chaos...that I fear the most.  The amount of hatred that resides within it because of those beings whom walk within.  The lack of compassion and caring that comes from the souls whom are within the bodies walking around in the matrix of chaos are so destructive that it breaks my heart.  If people don't get it while they reside here on this planet....then they get what they deserve when they take their last dying breath.

Human beings get what they deserve when  their soul departs from the vehicle which houses their soul that they need to awaken and become more spiritually connected to the cosmic universe.  If anything, please make sure one of your family members keeps either a k-2 meter next to your dying member or a special tool nearby to confirm the soul has departed before allowing the body to be removed and taken away to a morgue or crematorium.  I am, after all,  simply offering my own personal opinions and own personal suggestions as well as own beliefs,  in this blog.  Everyone has their own views; ideas and beliefs.  Every individual has their right to their own belief system regarding the death process.  There is no one individual whom will have the same exact feelings where how this process works until they, themselves, go through it.  If you do not agree with what I offer within this blog, then by all means,  it  is your personal choice to go somewhere else to read other material in which you do agree with.  I can only offer to you what it is that I've been shown by my own spiritual guide as well as have been told by those whom come to me from the spiritual realm.  Paint my toe nails crazy.  As I tell anyone who becomes upset over my material or what it is I tell them of what it is that I know to be the truth,  it makes no differance to me of what others believe.  I know what it is that I know to be the truth.  The information doesn't come from myself.  It comes from the spiritual realm.  It comes from the "other side". 

Many individuals are forming  groups to return to their ancient roots.  They are going back to the old ways of doing things so that they can make a spiritual connection with the cosmic universe and their spiritual guide/s.

I am not the only individual whom offers information from the "other side".  There are literally thousands of individuals around the world whom offer similar information.  Many individuals have formed groups, around the world so that they can return to the "ancient" ways of reconnecting with the cosmic universe.  I've spoken with  those whom say they are  druids and and a  druidess  .   Some  have gone to school to learn this "religion" and are very deep into that religion.   Some are such great healers that you can feel the energy before you even get that close to them.  I am very energized to meet such great individuals and like-minded people.

I come into contact with many individuals on an off and on basis in public whom wear certain clothing whom tell me that what it is they are wearing is for their own "protection" .  It is their "gear",  if you will.  We have discussions about the information of  what it is I blog about.  It is a wonderful day for me when I come into contact with individuals whom are like-minded.  The time passes by far too quickly,  I assure you.  To be in a group of individuals whom are like-minded and whom are energized with wanting to make contact with spiritual entities is like no other.   The entire room becomes electrified.  For those beings whom continue to walk around this matrix of chaos (which is actually hell and belongs to the fourth arch angel,  Uriel ) believing in nothing,  that is of course their right to do so.  I pity those poor individuals,  but of course,  it is sad for them to be so close minded to think that they are walking around and not being seen by their loved ones whom have crossed over, when in fact,  they are sitting,  standing or laying down right next to them.  It's quite pitiful as well as painful for me to hear someone tell me that "dead is dead" when I know for a fact it is not.  When someone tells me that they are going to cremate their loved one,  it breaks my heart.  I want to shout at them to please do not do this to their loved one.  They can decide to do whatever they want to do....but it still pains me...either way.

To cremate an individual is to burn their soul.  It breaks down the vibration of that soul and it hurts the soul's vibration of crossing over into the light.  I hate to continue using my own brother as an example,  but I have to so that I can get my point across.  I wish I had a video tape to prove my point,  but I did not have a video tape to show for a fact my k-2 meter went off like a christmas tree when I was having a conversation regarding him;  when I was writing to him in my journal to talk to him (even when he didn't like something that I said...he did the same thing like not waiting for me to finish a sentence...just like he did in reality) and even when his wife was talking to a DAV service rep about my brother's benefits,  I had a K-2 meter turned on and sitting right on top of a tableand it was going off like crazy during the entire conversation. 

He was in the room, listening to the conversation, as I had my cell phone on speaker so we could both hear the conversation.  I wish there had been a video tape rolling to show what had been happening with that k-2 meter to prove my point exactly so that the none believers would believe.  My that time...had not yet been cremated.  He was awaiting to be cremated.  His vibration was still very strong prior to.  Prior to being cremated,  his soul would come to me around 4:15am and he would stay with me until 6:15 or 6:30am.  I wrote in my journal to him so that I could "talk" to him.  He confirmed that he could read what it was that I was writing by the movement of the K-2 meter flickering back and forth.  If he liked or didn't like what I wrote down,  the light would go to bright red and flicker back and forth. 

On Dec. 3rd,  2012,  my brother was cremated.  I turned on my k-2 meter later in the day and it has not flickered since then.   Around 3am on 12-4-2-12,  I did  hear a slight knock and a slight beep in which I thought it was my alarm.   I woke up,  but the k-2 meter never moved.  I kept it on in case it flickered.  Nothing ever moved during the same time frame as it did prior to his cremation.  

I lit many white candles and said many prayers to the arch angels asking that they envelope my brother with the brightest of white light, love, peace as well as restored healing so that he can continue on through his journey as well as the phases and stages that his soul must transition through that I know his soul must transition through before he can begin to communicate again with me through the spiritual realm.

It is painful to lose a brother,  not to mention any family member, for that matter.  Oh how I want that k-2 meter to flicker every day and all the time just to know he is with me.  I miss him terribly.  I don't want to accept the fact he is gone,  as a human being upon this earth....but he is.  My brother is now a free spirit whom must go through many phases, transitions and is on a spiritual journey.  I can only continue to ask my spiritual guide and the arch angels of light to continue to keep him safe and to protect him as he makes his journey through the cosmic universe.  I know that regardless of what others may believe,  life on this earth eventually ends and then eventually begins anew as pure energy throughout the wide cosmic universe.  Regardless of what individuals accept as the truth about the dying process and death itself,  know that life is precious.  Stop the hate and blame game and spend your last days loving each other as though you will never spend one minute more without that person upon this planet ever again.  For you never know when that loved one is going to not open their eyes again or take their last dying breath or how many days they have left upon this earth.  That individual is aware of their numbered days,  I assure you,  if they are spiritually awakened and are connected with the cosmic universe.

Because of what my spiritual guide has told me and because of what the spiritual entities have told me,  when an individual is cremated,  the vibration for that individual changes.  Cremation breaks down their soul and their ability to communicate with their loved ones whom remain upon this earth.  I  always beg people to NOT cremate their loved ones if they want to be able to communicate spiritually with them from this side.  Never do this to a loved one if you believe in life after death.  It changes their loved one's spiritual frequency and it makes it harder for their loved one  to communicate with them from the other side as well as this side.  Eventually the loved one will be able to communicate,  but it will take quite a long time for their loved one to do this.

 As I said,  the soul's vibration  breaks down if they are cremated.  That is just the way it is.  Does that soul feel the pain of being cremated ?  This is an answer that I can't answer.   I don't have the answer to that question.   I've never asked.   Perhaps one day I will ask and receive the answer.  Even if I asked that question,  how many individuals would believe the answer ?  To this day there are so many skeptics that it is absurd.  To this day,  even when the k-2 meter or other tools are sitting right before their very eyeballs,  so many individuals refuse to believe what is right before their very eyes.  Until those individuals are dying and are having the experience,  these individuals refuse to become a believer.  The skeptics refuse to accept the truth for what it is.

Until I saw for my very eyes,  the "man in the long black coat"  and he saw me.....and we stood there looking at each other .....I was a skeptic as well.  I know for a fact this man (and his minion)  is real.  Every individual whom has seen this man knows this man (whom dresses in western wear) is real.  Every individual whom has seen this man can describe this man exactly as I saw this man (whom was standing in my kitchen looking at me ) as I looked back at him.  I was near a diabetic coma,  but I didn't know I was that sick and near death's door.  This man knew I was near death's door....only I didn't.   This man....the "man in the long black coat"  represents death.  Every individual whom has seen and witnessed this man has been marked for death.  They draw this man or they paint this man because they can't forget his face. Once they have seen this man,  they know they've been touched for death and that their days upon this earth are numbered.  It's a fact.  Some people act out and do terrible things to others because they've seen this man.  They no longer have any respect for life upon this planet.  They no longer have any respect for themselves or anyone else,  after they've seen this man.    Some people refuse to accept what it is they've seen and they go into denial.   They don't talk about it.  They refuse to believe what they saw and they dismiss it as a dream.  They know in their heart what they saw was true....but they simply dismiss it and forget about it. 

They do act out,  however.  They will do things like begin pushing people out of their lives and making excuses for not seeing or speaking to their family, loved ones and friends.  They simply drop off the face of the earth.  Actually,  they hole up at home and people never hear from them again until they pass away or become so ill that it's too late to say goodbye.  Others try and do good things and try to fix their karma after they have seen this man.  They say their last goodbyes and they try to educate others about what it is they've seen and witnessed from the other side/ the spiritual realm  so that others can prepare themselves when it is time for them to cross over.  Such as myself.    I've done plenty in my life that I need to restore my karma and ever since that "man in the long black coat" and I saw each other,  that is exactly what it is that I have been doing.   If people yell, kick, scream or become angry with me for hearing or reading the bothers me not in the least bit.  I am not trying to offend anyone and I do not mean any disrespect to anyone in the least bit.  When I offer the information about the spiritual realm or the cosmic not shoot the messenger.  When I speak about the tools used by mediums or not shoot the messenger.  The tools work.  Many mediums are real.  The spiritual universe is real.   If human beings refuse to understand the truth about how the spiritual realm and the cosmic universe works, at large,  it is on that human being and their belief system.  I am not one to judge.  Everyone has their own belief system as well as their own religion and they sure are entitled to it.  To each their own.

I want to at least be in "grade school"  spiritually when I get to the other side.  I at least want to be able to hang out with some educated spiritual individuals or at least be able to spend some time with like-minded spiritually gifted others and not be uneducated when I cross over!  Can I at least get an AMEN on that one ??

Cherokee indian beliefs regarding cremation of the body after death

This is not to say that what I am about to write is exact knowledge since there are many articles regarding Cherokee indian beliefs regarding cremation of the body after death, over the internet.  Many Cherokee indians do not have the same beliefs as that of other religions.  My brother and I come from Cherokee indian descent.  Both of our great grandmothers were full blooded, Cherokee indians.  They married a "white" man and into the "white"  family tradition.  After I discovered the name of my spiritual guide and found out she was a Cherokee indian ancestor of mine,  I decided to  try and return to my Cherokee roots so that I could understand their spiritual connection not only with the earth,  but with the spiritual realm.  So the information I am going to write may not be completely accurate.  I've had to search for much of the information regarding cremation after death....on the internet...regarding the Cherokee beliefs....other than what I posted above about the frequency changes and the soul breaking down, etc.

Because some Cherokee indians were raised with "white" families,  such as myself and my family,  they were raised in various religious households and raised with various religious beliefs other than their Cherokee roots.  Even my own father (a white man) was a lay preacher (which I found hard to believe of all things ),  for a very short time and he did not practice the Cherokee indian beliefs.  His religion was Babtist in the beginning and then after awhile,  he didn't say he had any religious beliefs at all.  I nor my brother and younger sister whom had Cherokee indian roots, never learned how to write or speak Cherokee even though by all accounts,  we should have been able to.   Given the fact both great grandmothers were full blooded Cherokee indian,  neither my mother or father ever spoke about these wonderful people until I was an adult individual.  Not to me,  anyway.   I never knew about their rich history and how great the Cherokee indian nation was until I became an adult and wanted to know more about my ancestors of whom I was  part of and whom I was spiritually connected with.

According to many articles over the internet,  the Cherokee  go through a series of rituals, magic as well as use many herbs before an individual is laid into the ground for burial.  Burial is suppose to be the day after death so that it allows time for the soul to depart.  Also a special "shroud" is suppose to cover the body to protect it from evil spirits.  The shroud is twined with apocynum cord.  The Cherokee believe an individual is to lay inside of a coffin and the coffin is covered with a black cloth. Usually the shroud, according to the Cherokee articles that I've read,  is made ahead of time.   According to Cherokee practice,  there is no monetary involvement.  This is a spiritual death ceremony.  If times have changed,  then that is possible. 

Just as I explained early above in this blog,  it is the Cherokee belief that there are multiple stages for the soul to transition through after death.  The Cherokee indian believes that after the soul immediately departs from its body,  the soul will remain nearby for a short while.  In my brother's case, he only remained close by until he was cremated.  My k-2 meter confirmed that he was with me from the time he departed his body (off and on) at 11:06am on 12/1/2012 until the day he was cremated on 12/3/2012 and that was it.  My k-2 meter has not yet flickered as I've tried to reach out for him or call out to him and try to make contact with him.   The Cherokee indian believe that the soul resides in the frontal area of the head and that according to some articles that I've read,  it is "scalped" from that frontal area as it is pulled away from the body upon death.  The Cherokee indian believes that the soul retains memory and a consciousness for all of eternity.  That the soul is pulled away by a calling of its mother...father...or a loved one and goes to its "trail of Kanati".

Basically...the soul is traveling onward toward its journey and going forward with its various stages that the soul must transition through as it makes its journey through the wide cosmic universe to meet up with its other ancestors whom await him or her.  

There has been the most conflict between individuals as ever before,  when it comes to religious beliefs and whether to cremate or bury the dead.  When it comes to the Cherokee indian,  most believe the individual should be buried and the individual be allowed to have the Cherokee ceremony that goes along with their ancestral, native roots.  This preserves their history as well as prevents the evil incarnation that may attack the individual's soul.  It allows the individual to have a spiritual death experience and it allows the individual's soul to continue onward toward the cosmic universe to meet up with their spiritual guide as they should.  As I said before,  within this blog, belief systems have changed over time with many Cherokee because of the fact that many have been raised either by or among the "white" man  (including myself ) and along with  "white" traditions that go along with it.  Much of the rich heritage of the Cherokee has been lost and to me, personally,  it's a great tragedy.

Another belief of the Cherokee is what a black raven stands for.  The black raven is an ancient symbol.   The black raven is the  "guise of a witch".   The black raven is the "killer" of eagles and the "killer" of one being able to "take flight".   It also is believed that when a black crow or black bird flies to the left of an individual,   the enemy of that individual is to their right side (if they are sitting next to them in person )  and/or that their enemy is the very person that they are speaking with (if they are communicating with that person by telephone ).   

Here is a link about Cherokee mythology:

Cherokee links:

About Cherokee Gods:


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